Why does this game feel so soulless compared to Galaxy/Sunshine/64?
Why does this game feel so soulless compared to Galaxy/Sunshine/64?
because you weren't 8 years old when you first played it
I was 18 when I played Galaxy and 13 when I played Sunshine.
because you're a jaded asshole
t. havent played odyssey
then he's not wrong, is he?
because you feel soulless in general
He is wrong.
>I-it has a soul!
Shit argument.
The people who worked on 64, Sunshine and Galaxy aren't working on the new Nintendo games, which is why the Wii-U was such a failure and why every first party Nintendo game since Galaxy 2 has been shit.
I'm not jaded and I don't feel soulless in general. The problem lies with the game itself, but I'm not sure what it is.
explain what you mean by this without using other buzzwords
>18 in 2007
unless that guy is benjamin button, there is no way he was 8 years old when he played odyssey
because you're a grown adult who should've stopped playing video games a while sgo
I haven't played it, but I agree, it looks bland and generic.
>I'm not jaded
Yes you are.
You've become a cynical asshole
youre telling me 64 doesnt feel soulless?
Genuinely explain what you mean by this or you're another contrarian who might as well post a crying wojak.
Hey man! do you have a vaguer argument by any chance? I can almost relate to this one.
Because video games are objects, therefore they have no soul
>become cynical from years of trying to fit in on Sup Forums by hating games
>first game you dislike something in, you are completely incapable of describing properly so you throw out one of the buzzwords Sup Forums taught you
surprised you didn't say "odyssey is not comfy" or "odyssey is LITERALLY the [unrelated thing] of video games"
Well, I can't see it. The worlds are rich with detail, the music is great, sometimes outright amazing, gameplay is top notch and rewards highly skilled players while still allowing those who are not as skilled to enjoy it as well. Heck, Mario himself has been the most lively and animated than he has been in any other game. Not sure where you are getting this feeling, but hopefully you can find out why soon.
If you have an opinion that's barely substantiated by anything why even bother bringing it up, much less make a thread about it?
>Why does this game feel so soulless compared to Galaxy/Sunshine/64?
>false premise
Good thread OP
I got cucked
The game is pure joy from start to end. Unless you're a cunt.
Cascade feels like it would fit literally any unity game, it's definitely one of the weaker kingdoms. Sand is a lot better and comes immediately after.
Maybe I misunderstood his point. I thought he was implying that I only enjoyed past Mario games because of childhood nostalgia, but I still enjoyed them when I was teenager, and I still do as an adult. Odyssey just feels soulless somehow.
>It doesn't "feel" right
Kill yourself and everyone one of you that makes these stupid threads with no sense of argument or debate.
I don't know what I mean by this. That's why I'm trying to bait Sup Forums into providing an explanation for me.
I want him to bing bing wahoo me
probably because it has not consistent theme
the world doesn't seem like its in one universe
Remove your nostalgia eye glasses faggot
Because Nintendo doesn't want to make Mario anymore. The series peaked at SMB3, after that they just didn't care.
You’re not a kid anymore, you’ve lost your innocence
it really is because youre an adult
It really doesn't. Especially compared to Sunshine.
Did someone say "Soul"?
I wouldn't say that, but the aesthetics of this game were very poor compared to previous mario titles. The dinosaur, the spiderman city, the luncheon kingdom, it all feels like a patchwork of several different games with no consistent design direction. And the logo looks like it was put together by an intern at the last minute.
You forgot barren and empty in your falseflagging shitpost.
how in the fuck can anyone think Mario odyssey is "soulless"
It literally has joy and happiness pouring out of it with the music, art style and everything.
Either you're shitposting or you're way too cynical.
because it looks like a fucking Unity game
never too late for a game of BINGO BONGO WAHOO
when you played those older games you had a soul
Because it has no soul and was rushed b/c no games.
>I have no reasoning I can articulate for not liking this game
Sound like a jaded fuck to me. Stop going out of your way to hate things.
This obsession the world has with Mario 64 has got to be one of the most rose tinted nostalgia perspectives I've seen for just about any game ever. It just has not aged as well as everyone likes to believe. The worlds are empty, the game is hideous, there really isn't much for exploration because the game actually subtly leads you towards the star you chose for the stage so you're not actually finding them so much as following a breadcrumb trail, there's nothing to really interact with in the world... Pretty much the only thing it really has going for it is the music. It was good for the time when 3D platformers were a new thing but it was surpassed very quickly, during the same generation it came out in even, and really doesn't offer anything worth going back to outside of the speedrunning community.
Cascade kingdom is one of the liveliest kingdom with its music and beautiful prehistoric environment. You’re just a jaded faggot.
This is the best level of a video game in a decade
Because you haven't played it.
>Most soulful Mario game yet
OP is a faggot.
too be fair it has what 3 enemy types? For a dinosaur kingdom, there's only 1 dinosaur. That's pretty shitty.
Still a great place, and the music is very nice.
because it hits the uncanny valley. you got semi "real" humans and then mario peach looking humans its all freaking weird. and then there are boundless callbacks that are simply thrown into the game without any thought. lets throw in the jump man gorilla for no reason other than its associated with pauline. they could have taken five seconds and have pauline capture by the moneky who was hired by bowser to disupt the city while he used the giant centipede thing to steal power or whatever but no its just there and added half assed to the celebration. its also stupid easy with very few instances that require skill and no, swimming through a tunnel or thowing your hat on something shouldnt give you a moon. if the game took players a little more seriously instead of just being a wank off to the mario series maybe it would have been a decent game. but what can you expect from nintenbabbies. seriously anything more than a single input breaks the difficulty of the game. but the idiots who play this arent capable of pressing anything more than the jump button anyways
It's fossil falls. Not a dinosaur kingdom, a fossil kingdom. A remnant of the past.
You don't know what uncanny valley is, do you?
why does it feel so soulless compared to Mario World and SMB3?
Because 3D games are inherently shit
what's nintendo bonus/mario bonus?
It is Sup Forums damage control. Retards shit on nintendo, so people shit back with Mario review scores. Since they can't actually shit on Mario without making up bullshit, they made up some bullshit about how every nintendo game ever gets a bonus to the score.
How is playing it on an emulator denial? It's probably the best game released by Nintendo in a decade, and I can't wait to play it on my PC with an Xbox controller.
>he doesn't know
I don't know what it is, but something about the aesthetic and presentation of Mario games since Double Dash has annoyed me for the longest time. It's a mixture of a general feeling of stagnation and childishness, like Nintendo wants the games to have this weird, shiny plastic Fisher-Price feel and clowncar music. Even in the games that are meant to have a grander feel like Galaxy or 3D World you still get 'wah wah' music for a lot of levels, and bosses that overact like Hanna-Barbera goons. Odyssey just seems like it's keeping the art direction from 3D World and Galaxy, like the creative team reached a point where they felt comfortable coasting along for the next 10 years.
Welcome to adulthood. Everything great about everything you ever loved was because you played it as a child.
>Fisher price feel
Nice bait.
If SMO is considered "soulless" then what does that make 3D World and every NSMB? There have been so many Mario games recently where nintendo were clearly phoning it in. This isn't one of them.
welp thanks for telling me that I shouldn't buy this game
Cause you weren’t a kid when you played it
It's the phrase that comes to mind when I think of 'giant chunky plastic toys with patronising sounds for preschoolers' and that's the exact vibe I get from these games, that is when they're not adding orchestral music and striving for pathos.
Nice concern bait.
I wouldn't say it feels soulless but they certainly went for a different style than 64/Sunshine
In 64 the levels had a sense of verticality, and there was always a landmark you could approach from just about any angle (Bob-omb Battlefield's mountain, the tall structure in Wet-Dry World, Tall Tall Mountain itself etc)
Odyssey's smaller kingdoms are much more linear in their design, usually with only one set path to follow to the top (Top Hat Tower, the mountain in Fossil Falls, the mountain in Forgotten Isle, etc). The only level I can think of in Odyssey that stays closest to 64's design is New Donk City, which also feels like the kingdom they put the most effort in since the start of the game's development
Name one single unplayable Mario platform game, besides Odyssey, that is unplayable on PC.
>Nice concern bait.
I don't think that's a real thing you're saying, unless you're also having trouble articulating your reasons, but Ok
>concern bait
Had more soul for me than Galaxy. Galaxy was just a bunch of floating objects in space. The Penguin/water area in particular was super depressing when you think about a living environment such as that.
>These retards don't know what concern trolling is
You need to be 18+ to post on this board. And I'm not going to respond seriously to someone who associates color with fisher price. You have mental problems.
"You need to be 18+" says the person who gets really defensive about associating preschool things with Mario games unless you're Moviebob, then everything makes sense I guess
>besides Odyssey
>The problem lies with the game itself, but I'm not sure what it is.
Well, you're an adult now. If you have a point, you should be able to explain yourself. Falling back on some term you admit you can't explain isn't very meaningful, since nobody really cares about helping you to write your personal internal critique of a game you don't have particularly strong feelings about.
What does that have anything to do with the quality of the game? You're excited to play it because it looks good. How is going out of your way to play it not an endorsement of the game?
I mean, obviously you like the game and plan to enjoy it, because it really is good. I'm just saying it's not a reason to blame or diss it, especially since that's not even what you're trying to do.
Some people provided explanations, so it all worked out okay
Digibro is a faggot.
That's a decent point. Yeah Mario does have this tonka-truck aesthetic, for sure, it looks like a toy. It's still subjective whether or not this is a bad thing, but you're right and if that turns you off to the game then that makes sense.
>in the year 2017
I'm glad.
>nu blizzard SJW shooter
>it looks like a toy.
It is a toy.
Yep. Some people don't like a game to admit that.
>I'm not jaded and I don't feel soulless in general. The problem lies with the game itself, but I'm not sure what it is.
If you can't actually come up with a compelling reason that puts Galaxy/Sunshine/64 over Odyssey without invoking an extremely ambiguous trait then you have no real argument.
Same reason I feel soulless OP, it's all over the place. Has no identity.
64 is the soulless one
No story
music isn't particularly memorable our amazing outside of Peachs Castle and Bowsers level, compared to Sunshine and galaxy at least
Art is cute for the n64 but now it just looks sad
I think the main reason why it feels so soulless is lack of a theme though.
I think all of the Mario 3D games are abominations. Revisiting the same levels for stars, moons, gay shit is annoying.
When I beat a level, it's won. Don't make me go back to look under a waterfall for a collectable.
>music isn't particularly memorable our amazing outside of Peachs Castle and Bowsers level
Show us your game and switch user :)I dont think you have played it :) (if bait kys)
>Do you want to participate in the festival?
>say no and run back to start of level
>scan Classic Mario amiibo for the costume
>go back
Had to be ready for that shit.
>SJW shooter
apply yourself