>Void Elves
Fucking why? Who asked for this shit?
Their females don't even have tits.
>Void Elves
Fucking why? Who asked for this shit?
Their females don't even have tits.
Only humans have tits while not pregnant. What a disgusting species.
>alliance asks for more elves
>alliance got more elves
Sounds like they got exactly what they wanted.
Moo cows.
>alliance asks for more elves
When, aside from some people very specifically asking for high elves?
They are high elves.
As much as blood elves. Which is kind of, but not quite.
1. They are exiled blood elves
2. High elves mean specifically blue eyed blood elves who still love the alliance. Not grey purple eye edgy trash.
just play horde my dude
I just want my Vrykul /fit/fu.
The only difference between Blood Elves and High Elves is that one group was present to be involved with Kael'thas, and the other wasn't and so dealt with their mana addiction in a different manner. You're looking at the darkspear tribe and saying that they're not jungle trolls.
>petite elves
Can't wait for BfA
>Void Elves
Blizzard doesn't want high elves. When blood elves were established in WC III it was done to change up the generic elf archtype that elves had become. This was in part because blizzard wanted to shake up classic fantasy tropes (Orcs being noble savages, "holy demons" with Draenei).
So high elves went from classic fantasy elves to demon eating magic vampires who no longer gave a fuck. This was what made them "hordey" up until the end of BC where blizzard fucked up and restored the sun well, which made them less edgy.
Despite this, normie faggots wanted their classic lawful good trinity to be complete on the alliance (night elves were too different to suffice) and kept asking blizzard about the rare high elf who rejected their people for human dick.
This is blizzard finally ending it, by giving you elves that have been infused with the void. They even stated most are blood elves, to cement the fact that in the canon high elves are basically gone.
I've seen people in these threads claim they're not Jungle trolls for some reason. If it's blue and lanky, it's a jungle troll.
That's because we have bred them for that.
They had to make them Blood elves because they introduced Night Elves, who were taller than the "High" Elves.
I thank god and america everyday that horde gets such beautiful and KANG-like races like the zandalari trolls. Alliance is truly the shittier faction
At least the draenei have some nice hairstyles.
>literally reskinned draenei
Night elves were basically purple wood elves with a few other elements such as savagery that made them distinct from typical elves.
Blood elves done to take the boring high elf and make them cool.
>all the sfm porn that will ensue
Maybe the reason why the Void Elves got kicked out of the silvermoon is because they weren't fans of DCT.
>void elves
>not high elves
>draenai reskin
Fuck you Ion, I don't care about your shitty bullshit lore reason and fuck you for putting in literally no effort on the alliance side.
We asked for High Elves.
I would've been fine with Void Elves if Blizzard said they were High Elves being taught by Alleria, but no, they're fucking Blood Elves who got kicked out of Silvermoon.
Because high elves are dead, the stormwind population is non-canon. There are probably less than a few thousand left.
I don't know why anyone would want blood elf style models with their complete lack of anything appealing. They look like god damn stick insects
The allianz iz becoming more protoz and shietz though. How can hordies compare?
Except there's an entire faction of them in Dalaran, who serve the Alliance, and have fought in wars as recent as Mists of Pandaria. Saying they're extinct is completely ignoring what's happened in the game. High Elves were one of the most prominent Alliance races in MoP.
Also, with Demon Hunters, the amount of any one race has become moot.
I genuinely feel bad for the Alliance. All 3 races are completely phoned in. Horde has 2 solid races and only Highmountain Tauren are 0-effort. Let’s hope when they add more allied races you might actually get something cool like Arakkoka. No doubt you’ll get a 4th races that’s just a no-effort reskin like Wildhammer Dwarves.
dark iron dorfs look alright, but still pretty shitty in comparison to the new models horde is getting
Yes, there is a population in a city that's still majority human.
They’re High Elves you mong. They’re the High Elves that went with Alleria and Turalyon to Outland and ended up fighting on Argus.
There's enough to have an entire standing army.
And again, Demon Hunters make population numbers moot.
Nightborne share most of their animations with night elves, Zandalari are some hybrid model that also has night elf animations.
>Their females don't even have tits.
That's because they store the void in there.
I'd be fine with that if they were, but no, people who've played the demo have said they're Blood Elves who got kicked out of Silvermoon.
>take the white draenei skin color that already exists
>that's it
>call it a subrace
They call down lazers and power armor from orbit
>Demon hunters make it moot.
No it doesn't, class population isn't justification to try and establish a dying race as a race just because there are way too many players as the class.
Despite blood elves being the majority of the horde player wise, they're still supposed to be a minority.
They’re described as her kin. Wouldn’t that make them High-Elves?
If it doesn't sit well with you then it doesn't sit well with you, but that's the lore and on an RP realm you can just hand wave your character's background story to what ever you want anyways.
Correction; They made them blood elves for copyright reasons.
They're all reskins cept for Zandalar Trolls and Nightborne
They should get energy wings like Diablo angels.
Like I said, there are enough High Elves to have an army. There's no reason for them to not be playable.
Red Shirt Guy, the guy who knows lore more than Blizzard, played the demo and said they're Blood Elves.
Literally, I'd be fine with it if they just changed the premise, but so far they haven't.
Is there a reason to roll a regular Draenei now? Aren't these fuckers basically just the same thing, but better?
Im just glad Turalyon and Alleria are Alliance.
Hopefully Khadgar gets his head out of his ass and realizes the Horde deserves extermination.
What are the major differences between Nightborne and the Night Elf model?
>Summon the Power of the Void to use the Power of Fel to Summon Demons
>Summon the Power of the Void to use the Power of the Arcane to cast spells
>Summon the Power of the Void to swing a sword
>Summon the Power of the Void to summon the power of the Lotus
Watching nu Blizzard story writing is like watching my 5 year old write his Marvel hero fanfictions
Because the difference between a blood elf and high elf are the difference between a Mag'har brown orc and a green orc. The fel fire didn't mutate them enough to be considered different races.
Blood and High elf a more of a philosophical title. Do you stand with your people and feed your addiction or are you a human cock-sleeve who'd denounce your people to live as alliance citizens while you grow weak from magical withdrawal? That's the primary difference between them.
High elves technically wouldn't get any difference in racials.
The males look pretty scrawny and beta compared to the Nelf males
Nah, Dalaran was only ever in the alliance for the sake of saving the world, Khadgar will probably try to keep it a neutral party, specifically since their city is only accessible by air.
>Enough to have an army
The silver covenant is a sub-sat of the Dalaran military, don't pretend that its ranks somehow justify a playable population size.
High elves are fucking Highborne night elves who served Azshara but then got kicked out of kalimdor and got smaller in size and their skin got pale.
Nigger, were you around when MoP was going on? Patch 5.1 and 5.2. It was all High Elves fighting. They purged Dalaran, and they fought on the Isle of Thunder.
I want my Stromgarde bros back.
Bring Danath Trollbane out of retirement in Outland and kick the voodoo shits out of Arathi
Weren't the original High/Blood Elf models as tall as the Night Elves?
Demon Hunters are a small sub set of elves which are the survivors of another small sub set of elves who didn’t die during the demon hunter training. Canon wise there can’t really be much more than a hundred of them.
Different racials, access at lvl 1, monks and DKs
kinda odd for them to stay on the side that killed xe'ra
I'm still mad they swapped it around so that Stormwind was no longer the capital of a kingdom called Azeroth but instead the name of the kingdom itself on a planet called Azeroth. Fuckin' unnecessary as shit.
Trollbane is in the Alliance side of Legion Dalaran, he'll probably be involved in the Stromgarde Warfront
They're all undead.
>entire reason Draenei exists is for Alliance shamans
>Lightforged can't even be that class
A void elf priest would have access to all shadow talents and abilities by default in a proper RPG. Or if they went shadow they would be Void^2. Or they would be the only ones capable of speccing into shadow.
But nothing like that will happen. They will not even notice or care.
Not big enough m8, that was unironically 80% of their race right there in that army, especially after other scattered settlements had succumb to wretchedom.
>b-but why would their entire race be in the military? They risk extinction!
No, because blood elves are still a part of their race and high elves already fuck humans.
He was fighting for the alliance in Legion (barely). I'm more interested to know if his Uncle Thoras will join the fight for Stromgarde.
How can alliance compete with these fucking semen demons riding you like there's no tomorrow. All you have to do is let that have a little blood and you get to breed with them anytime you want.
Again, with Demon Hunters existing population numbers mean fuck all. Look here. There's way more High Elves than Demon Hunters, and now a racial leader shows up to take command, and instead, the result are Alliance Blood Elves? It doesn't fucking make sense.
The Silver Covenant has a sizeable amount of High Elves to the point that they've been fighting in major campaigns ever since Wrath of the Lich King and somehow they seem to get larger with every expansion.
Ahh, I quit in Cataclysm, so I'm behind on my lore.
If WoW Classic requires an active BfA sub, I might check it out.
Alliance get morbidly obese Ameriburger humans and midget furries instead
>Alliance gets access to ppl who mastered the void
>Horde get people obsessed with arcane, more druids
Alliance confirmed master of the entire cosmos.
Why do people make discussion threads for awful games made by evil companies?
What are these?
>can be warrior
>can somehow be priest
>can't be pally
fucking why. at least make it consistent.
Those are blood trolls they aren't part of the horde. They're actually the enemies of the zandalar. Blood trolls are what you're killing for the whole continent basically.
the darkspear are island trolls you fucking retard
the jungle trolls are the buff and green ones, like zuljin in hots
this, I'm going to laugh at and bully any nerd who plays a male nightborne
Forsaken can be priests but not Pallies as well.
Yeah but I would still let them mount me and bounce on my cock
In lore they can only be "shadow priests," like Forsaken
You're trolling.
Can't wait to roll a female Void Elf Warrior.
Priest is one of those classes you have to kind of throw out the window when it comes to race/class lore combinations. Shadow spec is basically void: the spec so it fits perfectly for void elves, and it makes a lot of sense for undead priests. The light aspect of priest on the other hand makes no sense for either race at all. Paladins are pure light so they're different.
Sure, can't say i blame you or disagree at all. I just meant that 'how can alliance compete' doesn't make much sense because that implies blood trolls are in the horde which they are not.
Hakkar’s harem.
Pallies are pure light magic. Priests are apparently a mix of both now. Velen the space pope seems pretty chill about void magic himself.
play warcraft 3 you fucking child
the entire darkspear tribe lived in a shitty isle that sunk already, thrall rescues them and thats why they join the horde
Meant that for you. Fuck.
There will be boars in the starting zones stronger than this guy in BfA
You don't get it, there are different lore qualifications for "playable race" than class lore.
For a playable race to exist, it has to be established and have a reasonable population that exists outside of the players, general citizens and such.
High elves don't have that in the lore, they're fucked.
They're still probably 70%-80% of what remains of high elves
It sounds to me like you're just talking out of your ass. If Blizzard wanted players to believe High Elves don't exist anymore, then they shouldn't fucking make them so prominent. Again, they show up in pretty much every expansion, and do shit.
They do more shit than some of the current playable characters.
anyone can be a warrior though
There existed undead evil pallies in the lore AKA That Varimarthas brother red pallies army in Strathholme. Blizz just forgot that this actually existed, but yeah Undead pallies could pretty much be a thing.
Paladins can channel the light as long as they believe they are in the right. It’s when a Paladin has doubt that he loses his powers. The Scarlet Crusade think they are doing what’s best, they don’t realise they’ve been manipulated.
However Sir Zeliek is an example of an undead Paladin still able to use his powers.
Blizzard are going to do a crossover and nerve SC power levels to shit in an attempt to make it fair.
Imagine they didn't and Zeratul just keep sneaking around one shotting players.
I thought he was just tricking people into thinking he was a paladin.
>No tits
Mods will fix that in weeks.
>you can't have high elves as a race because there are too few of them in the lore!
>void elves are a race based off an NPC on a spaceship