I just don't get it, what's so great about it?
Whats the appeal of this series?
Other urls found in this thread:
At first it was just Disney and that's only the reason normies would give it a try, but the series is autism. The only above average part of it is the music.
Oh i get it
What'S up with people (lol) making threads to shit on KH?
Can't wait for Comrades?
it's a shit series
It's fun
the story seemed whimsical and dreamlike to me as a kid, shit's fucking retarded now that I look back though
Gameplay is good, the story is incoherent but has epic moments that you can enjoy regardless of how well you understand the plot, the musical composition is stellar, and you're fighting alongside mickey fucking mouse.
KHfag here. This is spot on. The games are alright for what they are, but 90% of the appeal is that the story is completely and totally retarded. Like pants on head retarded.
It's the "I played it years ago when it was just Disney and Final Fantasy mixed into a game", and now it's the "Naruto wasn't crazy enough, watch this" game.
I like keyblades.
Fun gameplay and fantastic music mostly. The community died down into this ok-ish lurker community with speedrunning on the side, but the community has a whole shares the same crowd that likes Overwatch/LoL/Homestuck/FOTM Shonen animes/DeviantArt, only reason they're off the fandom is because KH3 is not out yet. Once KH3 actually comes out the ball will roll like it was the mid-2000s and KH fandom will be cancer again, I'll gladly await this.
It's the RWBY of video games.
ffxv fanboys are upset for some reason
Sup Forums, do you truly dislike Kingdom Hearts?
The Final Mix version of KH2 is pretty much the best Action RPG ever made and one of the best Action games ever, KH1 is also pretty good despite its age and had some neat ideas. Rest of the series is trash.
Yes, the story is bad
KH1 had a cool commercial that appealed to me as a 13 year old.
KH2 is one of the best games ever made from a purely gameplay standpoint. KH1's story is pretty good too.
All game stories are bad.
It's not fanboys, it's only Bazzteck (aka XV-kun)
he's so bad that even FFXV fans distance themselves from him
I hate the fanbase rather.
kh is go--
>once again KH fucktards have to deflect to completely different things in order to try and defend KH
This is why KH fanbase is complete fucking cancer.
>dad walks in
first one's gameplay is very dull from my experience. I even prefer com over it. haven't tried recom though
that doesn't count
It's worse than Sonic
But KH is the worst
>kh2 is goo-
>But KH is the worst
Nah, they're pretty much all equally trash save a few Black Isle games.
Man I can't believe KH fandom actually defend this.
hi barry
they're storyfags, they're dumb by nature
>KH fags accusing everyone of being their boogeyman again just because a webm used before was reposted, despite having different filename.
It had fun gameplay, but I could not fucking tell you what the story was even about. Has disney characters in it and I guess that was a big appeal to many.
It's fun.
> was
This is why KH3 is going to sell worse than KH2
>barry figured out how to change filenames
guess you can teach a retarded dog new tricks
>I changed the filename so it isn't me
only autistic people like KH
Then why doesn't Sup Forums like it?
Because KH somehow is 3 times more autistic than Sup Forums
>harder-than-average gameplay
>pretty art direction
>Disney + Final Fantasy universes
what's not to like?
Keyblades will never NOT look stupid to me, even fanmade ones.
the story
that's the last thing that matters in a video game.
suffers from nostalgia syndrome in which we all played this as kids and as adults we feel like we owe it to them to play the next installments.
Oh, yeah Kingdom Hearts, fun game with a fanbase full of creepy-as-fuck manchildren that are obsesed with the series.
So one day in the high school this guy with no-friends talked to me about KH
>Hey user!
> So, do you like Kingdom Hearts?
> Well, yeah..it's a fun series
> I'm a fanatic of the series! i love it!
> Oh, cool
> user, it's the first time i meet someone who likes KH, do you want a salt ice cream?
> Uh, ok...
> So whats your favourite part of the series?
> I think it's just a fun game, cool gameplay
> Do you know who the fortunetellers are?
> Me, huh no...i havent follow up the new games
> *Starts to explain me the whole BBS story*
> Dude, i really don't care
> What?? but KH story is my life, user
> Ok, whatever
> I can help you to get into the series
> Im not interested, sorry
> Oh, cmon you'll love it!
> No, sorry
> Oh, ok
1 week later
> Hi, user
> What the fuck?
He's cosplayed as Terra
No it's my favorite game, I've played them all multiple times over.
It has by far the best gameplay and combat in any jrpg.
Brace yourself for xv-kun, the FF just died
>KH fags so mad that they still have to bring XV out of the blue when it has nothing to do with the thread
Who do you think made this thread? He's just having another one of his bitchfits, ignore him.
Someone asking what the appeal of KH is made this thread. Why would anyone you are claiming to have made it actually make it? Do you have some deflection to do again?
it was just a quirky mix of disney and ff. But then Square got very jewish with the series and those left have stockholm syndrome
HOLY, JUST STOP SAYING THE GAMEPLAY IS GOOD, it doesn't matter, the story is bad
>mattering in video games
go fuck your waifu pillow shonen shitter
Gameplay is the most important part of a game you cock munching fucktard
And the gameplay isn't that good either. There is a reason why KH tards have to keep making concessions for it by saying
>KH2FM is good on level 1*
>KH2FM is good on level 1 only at Critical**
>KH2FM is good on level 1 only at Critical only if you don't stat boost***
>KH2FM is good on level 1 only at Critical only if you don't stat boost and only against Terra****
>KH2FM is good on level 1 only at Critical only if you don't stat boost and only against Terra and the Data Battles*****
>KH2FM is good on level 1 only at Critical only if you don't stat boost and only against Terra and the Data Battles and never use drive forms******
>KH2FM is good on level 1 only at Critical only if you don't stat boost and only against Terra and the Data Battles and never use drive forms or magic******
Nomura is a hack
butchered 7r
butchered KH
couldn't get XV done and Tabata saved it
butchered FF7 movie and forced his autism in the compilation
hes talking about a poster, not the game, idiot.
He was right though
And yet he's still bringing that out of the blue trying to attack a person for liking another game that they attributed a nickname to that person, and they still try to deflect any criticms towards KH by accusing everyone of being that.
shut the fuck up you disgusting faggot
hes "attacking" him for being a shitposter, not liking a game, idiot.
>deviantart autism font
it kinda fits.
Are you fucking kidding me right now?
KH fandom everyone, no arguments, just shitposting.
It actually gives a damn about gameplay and fuses it with the presentation instead of just focusing on presentation.
It does help that the combat system in KH1 and 2 were amazing for their times. I tried Birth by Sleep but it just felt wrong compared to those 2.
Wow I knew KH fans were autistic about their series, but the level of autism I saw in the comments here is mindblowing.
FTR the list is about the Top 10 worst Video Game Prologues, a fucking Watch mojo video. And yet the KH fans treat it like someone just offended their entire religion.
>roxas was an amazing character go fuck yourself (They never said Roxas was a bad character)
>Wowowowo hang on kh2 really kh2 prologue was good we got to know more about roxas and he plays a huge role in the kh series
>time to unscribe and dislike every video.....nobody says kingdom hearts is bad......fuck you watch mojo
>no no leave KH2 out of this fuckers
KH fandom can't accept any criticism to their beloved Nomura's genius game.
generic upper tier action rpg with crazy story where you explore the worlds of other forms of media and disney characters.. hit or miss gameplay but i enjoy it, lasting appeal and sits fondly in a lot of people's hearts
i've only played one KH game, it was okay, maybe you should present an actual argument first, idiot.
What did he do right then for him to have so much fucking power over shit happening.
why would you actually come on the internet, get on an anime imageboard, and a make up a whole story like this, just for the fucking attention you 4th dimension autismo
>y-you didn't play on the autism difficulty that makes the game so much better! you have to never get hit or you die! it's good design!
KYS yourself KH kiddos
His name was slapped on FF7 and since that was so popular ever since then internally Nomura went from a lowly worker to the most well known person at the company besides Sakaguchi. It's at the point where more people know Nomura than know Kitase despite Kitase directing 7, but his name wasn't used in the marketting at all while Nomura's was, same with on 8, 10 and other square games. It had the "Character design by Tetsuya Nomura" thing there always.
>be 12
>be a complete fucking loser
>have no friends
>play Kingdom Hearts
>suddenly feel like I have friends
>suddenly feel like there's something in this world worth living on for
It's a sappy feel-good game that hit me, and likely other Anons, at just the right time. Simple and Clean always gives me a fuzzy feeling.
I stuck around for the prologue, and it got better after that. But for a regular person this is what 1 to 2 hours of fucking around before you get to the main game. And even then it's still sort of prologue-ish? KH2 prologue is just horrible.
One of the absolute worst decisions they ever made was to split the series over 5 consoles. I bought KH1, and then KH2 and then someone told me I needed some handheld stuff and the psp to follow the story line. I'm not made of fucking money.
Because Kingdom Hearts at its core feels like it was designed by somebody with severe autism. I'm not even having a go at people with autism, KH legit reads like an autistic person wrote it. A jumbled mess of a story that tries to fit as many Disney IPs as possible with a convoluted story broken up onto like ten different consoles that you NEED TO READ/PLAY to understand everything.
So company politics? FF is dead to me and it used to be the one single series I'd await with fascination. It was my youth and the thing that was gaming to me.
The last enjoyable FF I played was FF10, and now everything tastes and feels like shit gamewise. FF15 is the final nail, and it will take a ridiculous miracle for me to even look at 16 whenever it comes out.
Adding to your point. Nomura created this Batman design before he even started KH1.
Well XV was great and that was because Nomura was taken off the game. But the only reason Nomura is directing 7R is because Nomura is Kitase's little bitch.
Not a single person outside of the autism spectrum understands KH's story, or gives a shit about it. This is fact.
Pic related is one iteration of the seven holy autisms of video games. This chart gets disputed often. But no one ever thinks to take off Kingdom Hearts. It makes too much sense.
It is a fun mix of two different genres and is just in general a fun adventure. If you take it super seriously and can't stand lighthearted things then you will hate it. If you can just enjoy things then it is a entertaining series.
>XV was great because Nomura was taken off the game
The exact opposite is true, user.
This is what KH fags actually believe. My fucking sides.
>Gameplay quality is measured in terms of difficulty
GTFO and come back when you have developed at least a shred of taste.
Changing the combat from KH style to literal shit was what killed the game to me this will become even more obvious even to the biggest defenders and idiots after KH3... in actuallity it should already be obvious looking just at KH2.
A dark FF with a big world and KH combat is what fans wanted since the beginning and it is what square promised in the beginning this was literally the only reason versus got the attention it got and then they wrecked everything EVERYTHING the people that made crystal tools and squareenix management should be dragged through the streets for wasting everyones time since the release of the fucking PS3.
>91 replies of funposting
>with 12 unique IPs
OP sure is sad
it sucks
>khfag literally can't read
It was never KH style just because it had a command menu, Nomura literally said it wasn't like KH, only that the devs making it who have ARPG knowhow from making KH are making it but that it's an FF so it's an FF with ARPG combat.
The menu we saw in 2011 worked nothing like KHs does because there was no Attack on the menu like KH which already changes everything, and anytime Noctis used magic it was never done through the menu like it was in KH either. Not only that but KH does not have weapon switching nor does it have chara swithcing either. XV as it is now carries the same base combat Noctis had since then while making improvements and additions since.
Nomura had no fucking clue what he was doing and changed the game every time he spoke about it or showed it. And by 2013 when it was still by Nomura it even no longer had the command menu and also didn't showcase any chara switching either so even that was changed under his direction still.
The same animations and attacks he did in the 2011 Versus build for the sword and lance attacks are still retained identically in the final XV game, alongside better abilities like warpstrike, airsteps, impervious and so on.
It's a terrible series
XV is absolute shit and the only way I'l ever buy the game is if I get it from the bargain bin.
>havn't played it
>waaah it's absolute shit
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