This is a Japanese interpretation of the Chinese monk Xuanzang.
This is a Japanese interpretation of the Chinese monk Xuanzang
I want to tickle her chub.
That's a huge bitch!
Martha !
Rude! She is a monk!
This is a Japanese Arabian concubine.
I'd xuanherzangs.
She's a good girl. All she wants is to help you reach enlightenment.
How would she do that?
how do you pronounce Xuanzang
Through training.
I want to be enlightened.
Do not lewd the saints.
Will we ever get a fate game that plays like black survival ?
(Visual Novel multiplayer pvp)
Jack the Ripper's anus is killing my dick
I want to feed the monk!
Lewd the saints.
that's a pretty good interpretation
I agree
Why are all the newer Nasuverse girls so deliciously THICC
The Saints are proper girls.
kinda pissed that theres no lewd American civil war figures turned into hot girls by japan products. I know no one outside the states cares about the war of northern aggression but, I would've liked to see Onee-sama Robert E. Lee and feisty tsundere Tecumseh Sherman
This is a Japanese interpretation of King Arthur and this doujin has yet to be translated after three months
Any news regarding extella 2 or that other action type game which looked like dissidia?
well, you got furry edison, loli bunyan and the crossdressing FBI guy. that's as far as japan will care about amerilard """history"""
Not the first time Sanzo was depicted as female. One of the most famous depictions of her in television show had Sanzo as a woman and is arguably the 2nd most famous depiction of the character aside from the original.
What the ever loving fuck happened to hiding her gender? This shit is just too stupid now.
This monk makes my penis extremely hard. Is that normal?
This is a Japanese Egyptian ghost. Please don't be too spooked.
it's not a civil war figure, but there's that one dude on pixiv who made a female anime version of patton. I don't have the link though so you'll have to look it up yourself.
At the point where Arturia picked up the lance and ignored Excalibur, her power became so fucking massive that people didn't care if she was a man or not
This kind of stuff is ALWAYS an improvement.
The dick is a holy catalyst
>That sameface
man, mogudan doesn't know how to draw and keeps making the same NTR, ugly guy shit
Definitely not the first.
This is how she looks in the story
>the more phallic the object, the higher a woman's power becomes
Sasuga Nips.
Are there any fate asmr videos ?
>people saying they feel offended over the character designs and gender swaps last thread
How pathetic
That's every Fate thread ever
You can look up Shuten Douji's voicelines
Some Chong
Shuten Douji's voice is literal sex.
Awesome thank you user
It's 2:55 pm and i can't sleep
It's quite nice.
>Shuten Douji is literal sex*
I fixed that for you
Yeah, you're right.
I stand corrected.
Go home pedofaggots, I want my healthy large breasted women with thick thighs!
i am glad you adree
So do I but Shuten is still sex
Fortunatly for you, Fate is a serie with top tier semen demons
gender swaps were retarded from day 0, ther are so many women out there and they decided to go
>dude it was a girl all along lmao
>Most lancer Artoria doujins are fucking terrible
>best one is only a handjob and an armpit job
no lewding
>long hair
Aw yes.
>Raita did both Raiko and Shuten Douji
I love that guy.
Why does she spill the water?
It's just water after all.
She wants you to drink it off of her body.
why do games keep working on wrinkles and rock textures and shit instead of big titties and big titty physics
(and butt/flab jiggle desu)
FUCKING SHIT! You gotta SPOILER shit like that, you could have given me a goddamn heart attack...
>Dissing the Miyamoto Issa one
Fuck off nigger, what shit taste
Why do people who like their games aesthetically pleasing get memed out of Sup Forums?
>muh go watch porn
>muh no relation to story
>muh you should be ashamed/think of the children
Its almost like its sexist to like how women look.
The guy who drew valkirye chronicles ?
Would you shower with this monk?
Wait what, there is a character named after my favorite ero artist? The fuck? She is new right.
>he doesn't know about RAITA
do yourself a favor and go search for him on e-hentai
just be ready to chafe the shit out of your dick
He is a miracle
>that fucking doujin
>ywn have 3 momwives
why even fucking breath? fuck
Raita made the best Servants for this game. Literally all of them are great.
Himself. He also did Kintoki and Moriarty. You can easily recognize his style here
Rolling for all of them, but Shuten and Kintoki are top priority. Already got Kintoki though.
Thank you, reverse image search.
>just be ready to chafe the shit out of your dick
He might not be into skeletons, you know.
>Heavenly Kings' weapons in the background
That reminds me, when the fuck are we getting the other three?
yeah artist was kind enough to upload a clean verison to pixiv, it used to be doujin exclusive
It's frightening how easy it is to trick people out of their money using anime tiddies. I can see why so many companies do it.
They've already said in Chaldea Ace what classes they're eligible for, and we've seen their weapons in Raikou's NP, so it's only a matter of time really.
Yeah, just found his pixiv.
Hot damn he has some good shit on there.
>titty monk will never accept responsibility for giving you a boner
Feels bad man.
>provide a product people want
>other people realize that it makes money, and then call it a trick
Sure she will.
So are there like
actual games and stories to follow with fate or is it just sluts to beat off to
i dont even play this game but i jerk off to the oni bitch constantly