I'm about to fucking kill myself

I'm about to fucking kill myself
Can someone tell me a good coop game to play with my sister?

she fucking sucks, we can't play games like csgo, or OW (im diamond shes silver).

I just need a game to keep us busy, I'm about to shoot myself, and don't tell me to rape her.

Resident Evil 5

Rape her

Rape her



Here's what you do, buy 2 Wiis , softmod them and play Harvest Moon: Magical Melody on both of them. Race your sister to see who can get all the notes first.
Then rape her

Heres a list of what we played and got bored of :

Left 4 Dead 2
7 days to Die
Portal 2
Don't Starve Together
Viscera (she liked it but I dont lul, housecleaning aint for me)
Killing Floor

Post pictures

We've only got 2 PCs, but I'll get a Wii in the future, thats a great advice user

Torchlight 2

those kinds of games.

Or emulate them via Dolphin. I just prefer accuracy over all.

Pixeljunk Shooter 2 is bretty good

Set a screenshot of the desktop as the wallpaper and stop the explorer.exe process on her computer. Seems to keep people pretty busy.

Tried PoE, got bored pretty fast same with Diablo 3

Turtles in Time/Hyperstoje Heist are always a good time with coop.

can I watch?

Sorry user, we only have 2 pcs

Emulate it. You PC can run Genesis/SNES right user?

Have consensual sex with her

Russian Roullete
It's a win-win.

Probably, but she'll find it boring, it's a girl don't forget, they get bored easily. A Wii seems like a perfect idea thought, going to order one off amazon.

OP you should play osu with her and everytime she loses you rape her
everytime you lose she kicks you in the balls

Tropical Freeze

Memes aside tho isn't there a multiplayer mod on osu? I think it might entertain her.

I'd say multiplayer mod for New Vegas, but that one's down or something, I think.
Multiplayer mod for Skyrim? I hear it's pretty stable now.


Terraria or minecraft women love those games

Holy shit I completely forgot about Minecraft, thanks a lot user.

Thought I have a question, I never played games like this, will I be ok?

Gang Beasts

Cortex Command
BattleBlock Theater

I am playing lego games with my sister.

attention whore faggot. KYS just in case you're serious

If you're not creative then probably not but both are afkable and you can typically do something else while playing them