remember when the series had shitty graphics and was bashed for it
remember when the series had shitty graphics and was bashed for it
no automatic health regen is pretty ballsy
Wow, so one whole area in CoD now looks as good as a game did 4 years ago. Great progress for a game that comes out every year.
That looks like shit
But that's no better or different looking than any previous COD since they are all still on the same exact engine.
Crysis still looks better and it is 10 years old now.
Too bad there's not much to really make the graphics pop. Advanced Warfare and Infinite Warfare both looked better thanks to more varied locales and more imaginative designs.
Is that supposed to look good?
no i don't because i can't think of a better looking game released in 2003
crysis really doesn't look that good anymore
show me
show you what, a picture of cod1? its one of the best looking shooters from that time
Watch it, you might piss off the folks who'll try to prove you wrong with Crysis screenshots involving modded assets and 4K textures.
But the game only become fun from Mission 7: Death Factory
>crysis doesn't look good
dumb consolefags
>3D garbage, nothing has graphics as good as my animu
Consoles could never look this good
But that looks like shit. Flat and low res ground textures and vegetation that looks like it's borrowed from minecraft.
t. mad console fag
the game is way too hard on easy mode
auto-aim npc bunker bots
getting stabbed 100 times for some shitty quicktime event
Activision shills are the fucking worst, not only they make it obvious but they also do Blizzard stuff. Just fucking die already you dumb Barney fag
Crysis vegetation actually uses subsurface light scattering tech modern games don't even bother including due to the performance drop.
singleplayer fucking sucked, i played through, unremarkable uninventive and uninspired, there was no theme or plot be yond "kill dem nazisss"
>there was no theme or plot be yond "kill dem nazisss"
welcome to fucking world war 2 nigger
>the game is way too hard on easy mod
that's becsue can into fps.
I play this game om hardened and had a blast, really fun.
>auto-aim npc bunker bots
yeah they got auto aim after a few secends when you are exposed, so you take cover before.
DICE still leads in graphics and gameplay.
I really wonder why developers don't want to sacrifice performance to achieve crazy results like that more realistic white glow on a single coloured leaf with about 5 polygons.
Jokes on you my therapist says I'm not. Surprised me too.
Man, even Saving Private Ryan focuses on killing nazis, I have absolutely no idea why that user is expecting more substance from a game based on one of the worst events in history.
between this and wolf2 which is the better nazi killing game?
No. I remember it being bashed for being an incredibly shallow and boring shooting game.
Battlefront 2 gameplay is pretty shit. Meanwhile CoD is a classic for a reason.
Crysis looked old and busted years ago, anyone who thinks otherwise is a poorfag with shit PC who can't play modern games
God I thought this was one of those HUD parody images at first.
If you want an arcade shooter that pretends to be realistic - CoD WWII
If you want an arcade shooter that pretends to have a story - Wolf 2
red circle me the area that's impressive to you because that looks like shit
unironically cod ww2 seeing as how wolf2 is a 60 dollar 5 hour cinematic game with no replay value or multiplayer
Looks pretty bad by 2017 standards. It looks even bad by 2015 standards.
Best graphics on PC are not the standard, user. Triple A multiplatform game graphics are.
Fuck, I wish I could travel to a dimension where nu-Battlefront was good. The aesthetics were perfect.
Does anyone actually still care about graphics? Everything just looks good enough now and until we take some leap towards photorealism, there's really not much to compare or be impressed about
looks good for a pc game i guess
That dude's got some nuts on him if he can haul around a loaded 1919 holding it like that.
>4k textures and parallax mapped grounds.
The only difference between that and 10yo Crysis.
how's that single player story treating you?
>caring about singleplayer
Has any game had a forest floor that didn't look like chocolate cake? Not jabbing at this game in particular, i've just never seen convincing rough earth in any game.
DX9 vs DX11 is a pretty big fucking difference between Crysis and modern games.
these graphics are insane bro
how did they do it
>arguing about graphics
Past a certain point graphics don't matter. Real life looks infinitely better, so if I wanted to see pretty trees and lakes I would go outside.
Enjoy your walk
>actually getting up and walking outside
>holding W
you're on Sup Forums
I will. Thanks. Real life also has better audio, taste, touch, and smell than any videogame, even Crysis on a $10k computer.
>Real life looks infinitely better
Not necessarily true.
>holding w
>not toggling auto-walk with tab
Personally I actually hope for games with flat graphics. Playing TF2 with the flat texture mod and removed map clutter was the smoothest shit ever, and the visual clarity is just amazing.
Compare to Overwatch that manages to be an esport despite being a visual mess of overblown particles and bouncy animations.
Hey Sup Forums!
It's time to play, Shilling or False Flagging Faggots!
tell us what you think!
what if i live in a shithole of a country?
How did we go from CoD to Battlefront 2 and no one said a word
I'm just saying that it looks like shit compared to real life. It's top of the line for video games, but all video games have pretty much the same graphics when compared to real life, so they're all shit.
To put this in your perspective, this is like watching 2 kids arguing about which Gameboy game has better graphics. Both of them are so shit compared to Crysis that you find it funny, especially when they themselves own $10k computers and a copy of fully modded Crysis. So you can never look at a Gameboy game and think- "wow, this has great graphics in terms of it looking so realistic!"
>muh mario with hats
Ea battlefront
c) a guy who thinks it looks good and knows how to make a successful clickbait thread on Sup Forums
blur filter*
I don't think anyone here is arguing videogames look like real life you fucking moron