What games did you find easy to platinum?

For me it has to be Bloodborne.

I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.

Pic related....

pity reply

well done big man

To be honest, I have only platinumed 2 games. They were both easy, The Wolf Among Us and Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus. I've tried to platinum other games but i just don't feel like it or don't have enough time

No need for the congratulations, it was easy. That's the whole point.

You can literally run past every enemy and just summon 2x people to do anything remotely difficult for you, not that I needed to because of the other blatantly simple game mechanics.

Shame really, I was led to believe it was meant to be a good challenge.

Millennials for you.....

Bloodborne's platinum is easy because almost every trophy is obtained through just playing the game regularly, the only one that really sucks is the one where you need to do all of the Chalice Dungeons to kill Queen Yharnam.

Fallout 4 was pretty easy


I want to platinum some games, but i hate to replay them to just get one or two trophies because of Hard or Very Hard difficulty. What tips can you guys give me to become a better trophie hunter?

You’ve said multiple times you used a guide though user

Until I get banned.....

Got circa 20 bans in a 4 month period so gave up.

No I didn't and no I didn't.

If you lie it just shows to me you find what I did impressive.

You shouldn't though, it was easy. The game is inherently simple.

Yes you did. You found some trophies difficult and used a guide.

>Tfw i enjoyed the chalice dungeons.

Although i didnt rush through them. I took my time and only went through 1-2 layers per day

No one ever claimed this game was hard though.

Tekken 7 has the easiest Platinum I've ever gotten.
You just need to play the game regularly for like a dozen hours, run through the short story mode, then up your offline rank to a certain level

Nah he never did. These are my favorite threads. I would know. The only thing that ever happened was someone summoned him in the middle of a boss fight then didn't do shit to help and thought that was evidence he was bad or something.

This, Bloodborne is an easy Platinum because it's actually a good game and playing it is not a chore.

Not having bullshit tacked-on multiplayer also helps, since that leads to things like

> Play a game with the developers
> Play 999,999,999,999 matches of some shitty multiplayer gamemode that has been dead since a week after launch
> Be ranked as the #1 player worldwide (Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter...)
> Be a part of the #1 TEAM worldwide
> Perform 100 victories and accumulate 24 hours of playing time.. for each of the 28 characters in a fighting game

Hey look it's my favorite thread again

It wasn't a boss fight, it was the suspicious beggar so it was impossible for the guy to help

>No one ever claimed this game was hard


This is why I love /10 days poster/. Because people say stupid shit like this.

Worse than that even.

It was a raging user off here joined on me coop (after I made an open invite to anyone for pvp) and ran me into swarms upon swarms of enemies for around 45 minutes, in a completely unexplored around for me yet. He tried blowing me up with the cannon ball and left me with very few items....then he took me to a boss battle, deliberately stood in my way for the majority of the fight and I got killed.

In a game renowned for being about repeatedly fighting bosses to learn strategy, this was apparently evidence I was bad.

Regardless, it was an ambush almost no one would have survived.

You're a dirty little liar.

I platinumed the hardest game you've ever played in 10 days. Nothing can change that.

Fucking mortal kombat

Agreed, this is my absolutely favourite part about these threads.

Originally they were all screaming GIT GUD NUB, BB ISNT FOR CASUALS XD XD XD

Then after I platinumed it in 10 days, they're desperate to tell me how easy the game is.

Did you ever play Ghost Recon Future Soldier?

If so, what platform?

>do a playthrough to get the last ending to plat the game
>accidentally choose the wrong option at Gehrman

I still don't have the play.

What threads do you find easy to make?

Essentially a boss fight then

These ones.

2 days


>Trophy has been obtained by 7% of players
Come back when you're sub 0.03% on an actual good game kiddo

That's my whole point. The game is inherently simple, the platinum was easy.

I don't know why you people all said how hard it's meant to be?

>you people
So you argued with a random person on the internet and decided to platinum the easiest soulsborne game to show this random person how good you are?

Nobody here said its a hard game lad, you seem pretty proud of your really easy platinum though.

However you want to justify it in your own head

Ys:MoC is easy to plat

Why would you put yourself through this and post the same thread on this shitty board?

Soulsbourne games are not really hard to plat just time consuming, fucking 2 was the worst by locking items and miracles behind NG+ and NG++.

You've posted to 2 separate people there user.

I'm OP, not needing to justify to anyone, just stating fact.

I don't need to justify myself to anyone over this game; I platinumed it in 10 days, having gone in blind and never playing a souls game before.

It's been a couple of months since my last thread relating to this
I did another thread discussing having got Excalibur 2 on PAL using no glitches and it reminded me how easy this was in comparison. Hence the thread.


It must be he's only achievement in life no pun intended

To silence an entire screaming crowd screeching generic quotes like



I silenced you all and it was beautiful.

why is 10 days poster so bad at video games?
Didn't he summon for everything and spend his first day farming echoes so he could steamroll the game?


I did the chalice dungeons early because it was the only entertaining part of the game.

>ywn be so asshurt people called you bad at a game you level to 170 before NG+ in order to beat the game while also claiming its not hard
How do you even grind that much?
Farming echos like a mad cunt. Not even sure how he did it.

Doesn't looks like he's in the way, at all.

You can't do all of the Chalice Dungeons until you kill Ebrietas who is a late game boss though.

>having the time to platinum all your games to show off to other people youve never met

dont even have 1 platinum trophy, i wish i did but where the fuck do you get the time when you go to uni and work on weekends

This is my greatest gaming achievement, shits on Bloodborne. None of you people would get close to this.

Disgaea 5. Had like 3 or 4 times the content of bloodborne aswell.

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands was probably the easiest platinum trophy I ever earned. I think I was able to do it in two days.

> for the majority

Obviously he didn't put that in his video, he edited it so it only had the last few seconds where I died.

But what caused you to come back and spam this?

So what?

I didn't say I completed them all at the beginning of the game.

Chalice dungeons and I beat Vicar Amelia about 50x

He's eternally butthurt this board told him he sucked at games when he originally claimed Bloodborne wasn't hard but unfair. He proceeded to grind to level 178 before NG+ in a rush to get all the trophies to prove its not a hard game I guess. What gets me is it still took him 10 fucking days to get all the trophies while actively trying and grinding to insane levels.

aren't those games a massive grind?

It's the only game I got platinum

It's hardly spamming if I've posted this thread once in 2 months.

As I already said, I posted a thread about my E2 achievement and it reminded me of how easy this was, so thought it worth discussing.

It is of course a discussion about video games, on a dedicated video game forum.

Yeah obviously he is lying. Sure he provided documented evidence and you for your own part have none to verify your claims, but obviously he was the one who is lying and it's all a big conspiracy.

you guys do realize this guy's an underage BR right? someone found his PSN and invaded his ass on Bloodborne, and he was a complete dumbass

He's better at dodging facts than dodging in the game.

That's a bit of an oxymoron if you don't mind me saying.

Given that I apparently grinded to "insane levels", clearly that would increase the amount of time I had to play the game.


Grinding relentlessly to get all the trophies and it still took you ten days. Lmaoing @ your life. You suck unbelievably hard at games.

Back from the ban?


If you were around at the time of the original threads, and not having been picked up from the class of Summer 2017, you'd know this stuff already....

>played hundreds of games
>not a single plat/1000 gamerscore
Just can't bring myself to care about this shit.

Its an action RPG. More stats basically just mean more opportunities to fuck up or different weapons/armor. Seeing how you needed to grind to over twice the normal level for NG, you must be a massive fuck up.

The only platinums I have are both the Jojo games on PS3 and 4, Eyes of Heaven and All Star Battle. I just played them a bit normally then I found out I had all but three trophies for each so I spent an afternoon getting those, and wa la.

I'm probably older than every single person in this thread.


Why do people recognize you, and why did you get banned?

Say what you want, the fact remains that I platinuned the hardest game you've ever played in 10 days, going in blind and never having played a souls game before.

I then subsequently destroyed its legacy, as you're all now obliged to say how easy the game is, in direct contrast to its original reputation.

Oh, it's THIS guy.
Yeah, I completely believe he did it in 10 days, why not? The game is simple, it's fun to play but it's very solvable, nothing to worry about. I don't know why people go apeshit over this very normal platinum trophy, though it is true that OP gets a kick out of trolling people who don't believe it.

It's more enjoyable than Dark Souls' with it's bullshit "obtain every weapon in the game, but hey, some become unavailable if you fuck up a very obscure step of a very obscure quest line, so good luck next playthrough" bullshit

>i-i-i-i-i got a platinum hahah that's hard amirite?

get 100000% on binding of isaac and see if you can boast that


>see me rushing through a JRPG while playing on a flatscreen with 16:9 stretching
Is this considered an achievement to you? Fucking lol dude, you're pathetic on so many levels.

Anyone that ever played a souls game knows BB is easy as fuck, congrats, you had to grind for hours to finish the easiest game in the series.

>the hardest game you've ever played
That's a pretty bold statement. Not surprising since having evidence to support your claims is apparently something you don't have experience with.

For the record, most people beat Bloodborne in less than 240 hours.

I had a harder time getting 100% for Super Mario Galaxy 2 than Bloodborne, the last level in that game is literally the Dark Souls of 3D platformers.

Didn't need to, doing chalice dungeons and building up my character was the only satisfaction I got from the game - I didn't realise I was meant to play an RPG in a predefined manner?

Given that:

> you can run past every single enemy without being touched
> a core game mechanic is being able to summon 2x people to do anything remotely difficult for you (not that I had to)
> you're gifted numerous cheese items to beat bosses
> locking on auto aims for you, rendering accuracy a useless commodity
> you can have 24 vials giving you nearly 12 extra lives at any point and for any battle
> collision detection is hilariously flawed, gifting you the git irrespective of how unclean or bad a connection your hit is
> dodging makes you almost invisible
> spectres and notes tell you and show you how to do everything along the way

Levelling up didn't make the game easy. The developers made the game easy under the guise of being hard, to appeal to all of you millennials who like to boast about doing something difficult without actuallly ever having to work at it.

Bloodborne isn't hard but you obviously get off insisting everyone thinks it is, even when they're telling you to your face that it isn't.

They all report me because it irritates them at how easy it was for me to platinum the hardest game they've ever played.....

i got platinum for all yakuza games in PS3 and PS4, including spin-offs

and those are less than 1% to 0.2 % global while bloodborne is 7%. then again, the fact that you think getting a platinum is a major achievement in your life speaks volumes about you

>The developers made the game easy under the guise of being hard, to appeal to all of you millennials who like to boast about doing something difficult without actuallly ever having to work at it.
That's some extreme projecting seeing how that's exactly what you did.

You don't need to believe me, go to my profile and see for yourself:


>this guy again
Reminder, you don't need to 100% Bloodborne to get the platinum, you don't even need to fight every boss. Unlike the other souls games you don't have to farm any rare drops or do multiple playthroughs or anything.

If you were really gunning for it like this guy obviously was, you could get the plat in a weekend without too much trouble. 10 days is an enormous amount of time.

>It's hardly spamming
You would spam this everytime the old one got archived for like days, please refrain from being that autistic this time.


>7% platinum

Out of all those people somebody legitimately blind played it and got the platinum so, you know, you're no better than any of us

I didn't play it non stop for 10 days obviously, dummy.

>other kids out there getting degrees, girlfriends, and even a family
>this guy's only achievement is completing a game in 10 days

What is it with insanely autistic people and redirection posting? Too retarded to make a new post?

They never used to, they do now :^)