Pic related

Pic related

I'll take your pic and raise you one of these!

>$1300 laptop vs $800 PC
PC wins

>age 4 years
>PC still works
>laptop is functionally dead and virtually useless
PC still wins

what a retarded thread

a gaming laptop has 0 edge against a gaming PC

I bought a powerful laptop because it looks a lot cleaner and fits better in a condo. didn't want the tower and all those wires and shit making the place a mess.

>pc is less expensive
>easier to make upgrades to
>less likely to break
>only advantage laptop has is the ability to take it with you but what kind of autist is playing games on his laptop in public anyway

>all those wires
are you a professional infomercial retard?

Desktop. Gaming anything is bad.

I'm only using a laptop due to circumstances, I knew what I was getting into. "Gaming laptop" is an oxymoron. Just build a PC.
But if you ABSOLUTELY MUST get one, don't fall for the Alienware meme. Asus has fine ones at cheaper prices.

why not get both?

Never get a gaymer laptop just for the mobility... That's why you get a handheld

Gaming laptops are for girls who just wanna play the sims

Gaming laptops are a good choice if value for money is not your primary consideration
If you want bang for the buck get a desktop obviously

For gaming, full-size PC. Here's the thing. Laptops can not bring in the amount of airflow and cooling necessary to run beefy games. Can they run them? Sure. In fact, I'm on a MSI GP72 (laptopt) with SSE open in the background with max settings. But it runs too hot. If you max out your settings on some newer games, your laptop will run smoothly for all of 10 seconds before it starts stuttering and all the auxiliary fans make it impossible to hear. So, sure, it is capable. But it's not realistic. Just like a 3 year old is capable of driving a car. It's not efficient and the car won't last long.

This laptop will die in under 3 years because of constantly running hot. A full size desktop would be okay for 7 or 8 years before components started breaking.

So if you just want to play some games, get a desktop. I love laptops, and they're okay for causal gaming while out of town or such, but they aren't the core gaming machine you want. Consider them an addon or accessory.

Buy a gaming pc and a workstation ultrabook with shit-tone of battery life.

Gaming laptop with an external vidya card if you don't mind the price.

>tell my friend I'm thinking of buying a new gaming pc
>he says I should get a laptop instead
>not even a week later his laptop's hard drive dies out of nowhere

Not to mention a gaming laptop is twice the price of a desktop with the same specs.

No, there are just literally wires to contend with. Doesn't look nice, even with proper cable management. Just how I like to keep my place

What about for just running emulators like Dreamcast/PS2/GameCube and indie shit?

I looked into laptops recently and apparently having soldiered components (ram, hdd, battery, etc) is very common now. Fuck that.

I have a gaming laptop because I am moving to Asia and becoming a lonely always moving expat and I dont have a permanent home to put my desktop and I certainly cant bring it with me places.

laptop if you don't live in a basement tbqh

if it's powerful enough you'll be able to hook it up to a WQHD monitor + a proper mouse & keyboard anyways if that's the way you want to go. most popular titles should run just fine and the biggest pc games aren't really resource hogs to begin with

Their actual performance is nearly the same to desktops. If you removed the cases and put them in a freezer, they would benchmark about the same. The problem is all about cooling. The slow-down and frame-rate drops you see in laptops are heat-related. Computers perform worse when they're hot.

As for your emu, it depends on the emulator, and particularly the game being emulated because some aren't as intense as others. Just consider a laptop will a 1060m will run about 30% slower than a desktop with a 1060.

One of my fans on my laptop went out after 8 months of use. I had to ship the fucking thing back for them to replay the $12 fan I could have done in 10 minutes if it was a desktop.

>if it's powerful enough you'll be able to hook it up to a WQHD monitor

At that point you're spending thousands more than you need to for an inferior machine. Laptops are only worth considering if you're some kind of nomad who's constantly moving and literally cannot take a desktop with them.

Name a good one.

I do not know a SINGLE normie in this day and age with a desktop pc. Not one.

Isn't "Gaming Laptop" a bit of an oxymoron?


Everytime apart from mobility

I've known plenty, all of them well-adjusted people with decent jobs and families. They also own laptops for doing work on the road, but buying a laptop specifically for gaming is like buying an El Camino for doing construction/hauling.
