xbox > ps2
Xbox > ps2
Other urls found in this thread:
better games
better controller
better online
same reason why 360 > ps3
If it's so much better why can't people make a stable emulator? checkmate atheists
Xbox had no worthwhile games.
okay. i respect your opinion.
I prefer GameCube over Xbox and ps2 though
>r why can't people make a stable emulator
We could of had one but reddit ruined it as they do everything else.
Fags too busy modding the console also issues getting emulation to work as well as a reddit pc master race fag gutting an alpha dev kit and wiping the hdd
PS2 has a library hard to dismiss, but yeah, Xbox was a much better machine overall
>he doesn't know about Cxbx-Reloaded
we're getting close man, give it time
xbox was the original nogaems machine
thats not the saturn
Nah sorry man. PS2 had better games and controller. (the XBox controller did get better but doesnt beat dualshock 2). Xbox did have better online and graphics.
It's close but PS2 severely pulls away from this one. But it was real good for Microsoft's first outing in the console game.
>xbox and nintendo have always been the best combo
Crazy that it's been this way since late 2001
lol no gaems
Yes, it's pretty sad that Xbox and Nintendo fans have had to get two systems just to have enough games to play, while Sony fans just needed a Playstation to play everything.
too bad ninja gaiden black is twice as good as any game on gc and ps2
Not when DMC3 and God Hand exist, friendo.
Only niggers and spics think this
>what is gamecube
kys ps2 was the console for non whites
Uh halo?
Uh morrowind?
what did ps2 have that was on par with halo 2?
>more powerful
>has good online games
>has better games in general
>god tier controller only to be bested by it's own successors
>not a glorified DVD player
Only kids who grew up with the movie station 2 will disagree. Even the GC is better.
A bag of dicks was on par with halo 2
As a kid the only thing i missed not having PS2 was DBZ games
>another thread of contrarians shitting on based ps2
Even after all the set backs im glad the wait is almost over.
....also on xbox
c'mon bro
finally someone with some common sense here
>also on xbox
try again
The PS2 is a cheap as fuck console, there's no point arguing this. I still love it's library because of all it's niche titles and some exclusives that happened not to get ports like, say, MGS3, but after all these years it's a pain having to go back to it to enjoy said games. Memory cards, costant disc reading errors, inferior (imo) controller, awful video quality (even bought a component cable and that shit is barely useful)... the thing is a piece of shit, it's worth a damn only because it naturally rode on the PS1's success
no yakuza
no gran turismo
none of the other exclusives
stupid gay ass clunky controller. no thanks.
i thought ps2 had so many great amazing exclusives and yet the only one you can name is a multiplat? interesting....
Acting like a retard doesn't make you right.
>awful video quality (even bought a component cable and that shit is barely useful)
this is my biggest gripe with the console. take a dreamcast, hook it up to a monitor via vga cables and it looks beautiful. but the ps2 somehow looks like shit on modern screens.
keep dodging the question bro
Ps2 is the best console in history
And will remain so, seeing as how the age of consoles is over
Oh and forgot, only 2 fucking controller slots. I have three controllers but i'm still forced to waste more money on an extra accessory to be able to use them together
also no tokyo xtreme racer zero, 3 or drift/drift2
no enthusia
no dragonball
theres a lot of others i cant remember but these titles alone make all the difference
Keep being retarded. Timesplitters wasn't on xbox.
you sure are persistent
Because I am right.
whatever helps you sleep at night
Haven't played most of these but i keep this for reference
Getting passive aggressive much. You know I am right, which is why you are afraid to look it up yourself.
Fucking idiot
it was on xbox, i played it on xbox. next.
>wiki says it was ps2 only
>i played it on xbox
stay mad i guess?
says the retard who cant properly reply to someone kek
ps2 lel enjoy those corrupt saves and shit graphics
>playing multiplats on the PS2 instead of Xbox
It's like you want an objectively inferior experience.
Not much of an accomplishment even the GameCube was a better console hardware wise than the PS2, only the Dreamcast was weaker, but you can't argue with the PS2 library.
>better controller
>inferior (imo) controller,
Its not even an opinion, the dualshock line is fucking terrible.
It's the main reason I wanted an Xbox when it came out. Plus the controllers and online were so good and easy to use. Counter Strike during a winter storm was max comfy.
Never held a duke so can't comment on that, because in fact a lot of people only ever experienced the S revision, which is great
I hear it's going to make a comeback. I'd like to see what they do.
Yeah but there are so many people defending it to death that i feel compelled to point out different opinions are a thing. I can't believe it took the PS4 for Sony to start mixing things up with the controller. Actually no, what am i saying, they were going to make that boomerang thing for PS3, sheesh
Growing up only patrician families had an Xbox. The single mother households and other plebs had PS2s
>better controller
>Sony Master System
Yeah no. 3 console before the Xbox came out.
>no gran turismo
While 3 was great, every other GT game after that has been shit and you fucking know that.
Because you don't have the original component cable made for ps2 and are instead using some cheap chinkshit cable you got for 5 dollars, it's not like hdmi these days where you can use a dollar hdmi and it'd be exactly the same as those snake oil gold plated hdmi's wiith 8x antialiasing, the quality of the cable in analog signal does matter.
I have the one that Sony put out and it looks like shit on 1080p screens.
what are you talking about? the original cables still output a shit image
And happy good households jave gamecubes!
This is actually legit as far as multiplats are concerned. XBOX had no real exclusive lineup but it was the fucking master of multiplats (a trait which carried over to the 360) and offered the best console experience of said multiplats. For example Simpsons Hit and Run ran at 60fps and the cars had reflections, both things exclusive to the XBOX.
True to an extent. The happy families usually had both xbox and GameCube. A lot of the GameCube families had eternal virgin sons though.
Who even cared about Xbox online? The best console online experience back then was Socom 2 on PS2.
>he missed out on Xbox live
You're right, but i have an original RGB cable, and against Xbox (always RGB) there's no comparison. I'm so fucking tired of having to look out for so many items and accessories to get the PS2 experience to feel "right"
>Got two PS2s, a fat and a slim
>Fat never reads discs for some reason, slim does although often only after multiple tries
>Got an original dualshock at flea market, it works...
>...except on a lot of games that require a DS2 because le pressure sensitivity buttons
>Go out of my way to buy two more DS2 controllers
>Can finally play games
>But visuals are shit and some games like Rule of Rose look like a mud puddle on screen
>After some research i find out it's supposedly the composite cable's fault because it's shit and i should buy a component one
>I do
>It's slightly better but apparently most games don't even support it and PS1 games just give a black screen
>Luckily i find an RGB in my uncle's attic, seems the best compromise
>But hey, speaking of PS1 games, i have to fucking buy PS1 memory cards because otherwise i can't save shit
>Found two on eBay (the store specializes in retro merch and bundled with them an old Pokemon magazine for free which is fucking cool, highlight of the story right here)
>Realize i have three controllers so i could supposedly play games like CTR with my two brothers, but fuck that, wasted enough money as it is
>Actually scratch that, CTR freezes every time i try load a race anyways
Obviously this us just my anecdote, with better knowledge i could've avoided some of these problems, but holy shit, in comparison with my Xbox all i had to do was plug it in and play shit once i took it out of the closet
What happened?
Because the xbox was a 480p DX8 machine while the ps2 was some gameboy-tier shit and even with component cables and gran turismo 4 set to 1080i it looks like dogshit compared to say, halo 2.
>huur lemme go play some xbox tennis
i liked gt4 because it has australian cars in the game
>you share a board with people who've never played mech assault
No wonder you guys on here cry for emulation so much. You missed the golden years of gaming. I can't blame you. It was truly memorable.
I really wish we have the duke controller for xbox one. Why do we not have one for the xbox one yet?
Enjoy higher failure rates on xbox and a console that can even survive a small fall
>original xbox
>having any worthwhile exclusives
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>better controller
It's coming back for Christmas according to Polygon article a couple months ago. It's already passed final testing.
Goddamn i wish they never shutdown the xbox live for that machine... can someone post some screenshots of what the online on the original xbox looked like?
Both of these are wrong.
Some fuckface on reddit gutted a dev kit for the original Xbox for a shitty pc build. While we dont know the contents of said dev kit many believe it could of had what we needed to get a proper xbox emulator working.
Oh shit you serious!? You better not be fucking with me because I would literally spend a hundred fucking dollars just to get the duke controller for my xbox one S because fuck xbox one X.
Looks like the best way to play those old games at their best is the new Xbox. And boy do they look and run good.
Seamus Blackley is heading the redesign and it's real.
>original xbox died
>dont feel like getting another one because thats probably gonna die on me to
>seriously contemplating on getting a xbone s or x just to play games that came out almost 20 years ago
Shit that is some news man! Did they say which exact date the duke 2.0 will be released to the market and am i able to pre-order?
Did they show what it looks like?
Someone was wise enough to make a guided tour video before they shut it down.
Google it and I'm sure you can find some more info.
both are shit compared to ninja gaiden, buddy