Imperial Perspective

>Imperial Perspective

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wowwww fucking gay. She could have been a great Sup Forums waifu who kills rebel scum but I guess not.


>literally everyone predicted/assumed it would happen and yet they went forward with it anyway

what did you expect?

Where are all the shills who kept going
>S-s-sh-she w-wont t-t-turncoat s-stupid Sup Forumstards!!!
I mean it was a fucking given because how can you have a colored woman loyal to the white supremacist (human) organization like the Galactic Empire?

Is this for real? I was hoping for a full imperial campaign.

s-she's just undercover
that must be it

Oh look, another redemption story.
How incredibly original and inspiring.


Battlefront 2 is the smartest Star Wars video game to date.


Goddamnit. I feared as much when I saw that demo and the the imperial moth went over the top evil.

>original stories
>Star Wars

I am so disappointed.

>perfect skin
>that plain looking vehicle
Lul, western devs don't even try

wtf i hate star wars now!

>Kyle Katarn storyarch
>Vong storyarch
>Grievous storyarch
Yeah fuck it anything outside the movies doesn't exist and isn't original. Just turn your brain off to enjoy Star Wars now goy.

>not canon
>not canon
>not canon

>megacorp tells sheep to ignore the existence of things
>he actually does

Yeah, if you really thought that they would honestly have a pro-Imperial campaign in a big budget post-Disney Star Wars game then I don't know what to tell you.

mary sue
lmao I love how people are suddenly claiming to like this when it was one of the most hated bits of the EU right until TFA released
Not even that good of a story by EU standards

also what said. Thhe only real loss from the EU being retconned is Plagueis and Thrawn, and Thrawn is being reused anyways.


Not him but I've ignored the shitty EU since before Disney took over and turned Star Wars to shit. The EU is what brought the virgin jobber known as Boba Fett back from the grave when he didn't deserve it and made a bunch of people believe he's a badass when he was clearly an incompetent loser in the movies.

I'll never accept Disney's nu-trilogy as canon.


Did I ever tell you the tale of Darth Plagueis the wise?

>caring about Star Wars in 2017

Kyle is the OG mary sue self-insert of Star Wars and the vong are edgy shit that never belonged in the universe anyway

I like how you call Katarn a Mary Sue and then praise Thrawn

Katarn is just a Han Solo knockoff.

I don't think you know what mary sue means my dudes.

It was obvious, and I'm still saddened. They want 'strong independent women' and all that jargon, but every single one follows the same exact lines. I couldn't think of anything less independent than doing exactly what's expected. I might've respected the story if she stayed empire and had a Halo:Reach-esqe last stand or something at the end.

Painful to watch.


>Finally get sequel to Republic Commando, something along the lines of Imperial Commando or some shit like that
>Has Delta Squad return (minus Sev of course)
>You finally find Sev
>He defected to the Rebels
How fucking mad would you be

this is the best part of rogue one tho

Not even close. Thrawn was a tactical genius and bewildered the New Republic after they had let their guard down, but his hubris lead to his downfall.

Plus its not like the books are 10/10, the first one introduces Luuke.

>Iden killed hundreds of Rebel during her time in Inferno Squad
>let her join the Rebellion
Fuck that bitch; she killed my friend

All the better to show how AWFUL and OPPRESSIVE the Empire is by having her get woke and ditch them, I guess. Same shit they did with Flynn in TFA. Redemption stories are part and parcel for SW that's nothing new but the current writers all seem to want to have their cake and eat it too by introducing "moral conflict" by having the protagonist initially affiliated with the bad guys but also never having them really do anything wrong.

At this rate the only way we'll be seeing good Imperials again is if they reintroduce the Vong or something but even then they'll probably fuck it up by making them bend over backwards for the Rebels or make the Vong literal Nazis or something.


Finn never wanted to be in the First Order.

This is too stupid for words

Wasn't he supossed to be born in it and trained from birth for it tho? Like that's why he didn't have a name

>former stormtrooper who was such a rebel he switched sides
>super spy who stole the death star plans
>then he became a jedi because he was just so badass
>then he mastered both sides of the Force because morality is for pussies
>he became the biggest badassest duelist in Luke's new academy (oh and he didn't wear the uniform either because he was too cool)

the reason why you hate Rey and defend Kyle is because Rey is a girl. I'm not saying Rey can't be criticized for being too perfect, but there's unarguably a double standard in play here

>Tactical genius
Which is code for "I read the script". Every action he took was made with obnoxious out of universe foreknowledge since he was the author's self-insert

Would have actually been interesting if they had her try to defect, and then get rejected so that she doubles down.

He was taken from his family and forced to be a Stormtrooper iirc.

I guess everything Imperial made is made out of paper while Rebel ships are made out of fucking Nintendium?

>Old Empire
True Sith. Followed their religion and cultural values of strength by all means, and passion about all thing
Actual from a Republic that ignored the needs of its planets. Used a Droid army. (as compared the morally black clone army of the republic). Not directly evil, but existed under the rulership of a sith lord, and was portrayed as evil for such.
Palpatine's wet dream. Evil, yet official. Worked well for humans, not so much anyone else (unless you were worthy).
>First Order

that really pissed me off, but the scene when darth vade fucks up the rebels made me smile again

>virgins not knowing about Newton's first law
technically possible as long as the hammerhead keeps accelerating

she really joins the rebellion? what a bunch of lazy shits

actual rebellion from the republic*

my bad.

>it's ramming then! WOOOOOOOOSHHH

People defend Kyle because it's a fucking video game and we had to play to unlock and master all the mechanics.
Rey didn't have to put any hours in to do that.


Of course not, "He was only following orders". This is why SW writing has sucked for the last 15 years, there is no more grey. There are "good guys" and "bad guys" and they have their own teams and if you find yourself on the wrong one don't worry, you'll get switched over soon enough without having to worry about any sort of complicated moral delimmas. We aren't ever going to see another Pellaeon or Fey'lya again; characters with actual depth to them willing to play against type. Too much thinking, not enough morality play for the children.

I knew that the game will be fucking shit, so nothing lost here.

>start to move up the ladder in imperials
>father dies in rebel raid
>hate republic
>learn imperials staged the whole thing
it's a much better rebellion motive than Finn

Don't you remember this scene?

Wait is this real? She actually defects to the rebels?


>They said they weren't going to do this
>Still do it.
>They said the loot boxes were going to be just cosmetics.
>They still do pay 2 win shit anyway.
You gotta give them credit, EA are pretty serviceable, you expect a shit game and they deliver.

We're never getting another Star Wars IP with a male protagonist again are we?

No, the Han Solo film doesn't fucking count. that's already an established character

What the fuck

>all these redditors trying desperately hard to fit in

Respawn's game.

None of that is Nazi-like. They’re just an extremist group that wants total power. Nazi's preached racial superiority and performed genocide.

the story was literally written by somebody with no experience that only got the job because she was a woman that praised anita
gaming is dead. sjws and liberals killed it

nope. There will never be a new star trek or star wars or stargate with a male protagonist ever again.


>inb4 black female captain america

They changed the lootboxes so they’re not pay to win anymore. You used to be able to get pretty good stuff in there but now it just gives you crafting materials

>destroy five(5) planets (because being original is hard when you can just make a bigger badder death star again)
>not genocide

JJ Abrams himself said they were nazis

And Hux actually is more like Goebbels than Hitler.


What about Kylo?

oh yeah but he's EMO and he was made by da joowz so he sucks xD

The literally said in interviews and shit it'd be an imperial telling of the story. What a sham

Why is /pol-v/ so obsessed with being the bad guys?

>he doesnt know

Can't you still pay to get weapons anyway? If they changed that, good changes are always welcome.

I knew they would fucking do it. God damn it. They just couldn't help themselves. YOU MANIACS. YOU BLEW IT UP. GOD DAMN YOU.

Why can't a black woman be Captain America?

He would be fine if they had picked another actor. Driver just gives the role a bit too much edge.

The Empire has always been cooler than the Rebels. People have been wanting a game where you get to play as the Empire for about as long as Star Wars games have been coming out.

Kyle Katarn worked up the ranks of the Empire my dude. He learned how to fly and do Imperial manuevers, the reason why he defected after many years of loyal service is because the Empire staged a false flag attack killing his family using flight maneuvors only learned from the academy.

>most hated bits of the EU right until TFA released

Only by autists that didn't love through the Moff of the Week period in the 1990s and got assmad when they found out that Chewie got BTFO.

Can a white man be Captain Niger?

As in Yuuzhan Vong? They were terrible.

she's supposed to be like a spy or some shit maybe it's just a disguise


>Swedish Cuck developers

I guess none of those kiddos ever heard of Tie Fighter

They were bought for 450 million and the deal included the Star Wars game they were working on and Titanfall 3. Now that they are completely owned by EA though, we'll see how much that affects the games' quality.

you haven't heard?

>Kylo Ren
>Grey character
Are you talking about the books or something that I am not aware of? Because going by the movies he has never done anything that could be considered heroic, selfless, or in any way justifiable. Feeling kinda bad that you stabbed your father and threw him off a pit doesn't constitute moral ambiguity

>bad guy's

pick one you rebel scum.

Niger is a country in Africa made up primarily of black people. It wouldn't really make sense.

Oh I see, you're implying America is a white nation. How edgy.

SP was made by Motive Studios in Canada

why good reason is there for a black woman be captain america?


She's not a traitor. She's tasked by the Emperor's final order to kill a number of Imperial traitors. Working as a "rebel" is the best way to come face to face with these Imperials.