Fresh strawberries came up today

>fresh strawberries came up today
>decide to share one with this cute girl Abigail
>look around for her everywhere, cant find her
>she isn't home either
>wait all night and she doesn't show up
>go home and sleep after doing nothing all day
>first thing in the morning I run off to her house to meet her
>she's there
>give her a delicious strawberry
>"what am I supposed to do with this"
Women were a mistake.

>he fell for the gamergirl manchild with no goals in life
you deserve it faggot

Abigail doesn't like fruit. Get her some Amethyst or Quartz.

>wasting your time with used-up cows


I wish I could marry an elementary school student.

could the dev really not be arsed to add the final 2 heart levels for the romanceable npcs? like i gotta bouquet them all just to get the full extent of the dialogue and thats not fair to my perfect wife, Leah.

Whats even the point? It's not like in harvest moon where the characters can actually get married to other npcs aka something interesting


>expecting a fattie-in-the-making to like fruit

Is there a mod yet that replaces all the shit pixel art so it doesn't look like it was done by one inexperienced artist?

>Le meme bisexual game

The entire game was done by one guy. Fuck you.

Best choice.

>Not going for Vincent

Faggot. Mod updated when?

>attention whore tripfag
>not providing original art or comics or anything of value, just stupid attention whore posts
filtered, why don't you attention whore on /soc/ or something instead?

>The entire game was done by one guy.
exactly, it looks like fucking garbage
a game that has made this much money should have had professional art patched in by now
fucking eyesore of a game

Haley is for alpha males who want a housewife and a sex slave.

Penny is for cucks.

Abidail is for gay manchildren who wish they were girls.

Haley's sister is just that, Haley's sister.

Leah is the basic liberal arts bitch, not a virgin and way into anal.


This, haley is best girl.
She only acts bitchy at first but she warms up to you after a few gifts.

so leah is the best

Kiddo spotted, go back to The Witcher 3 or whatever the fuck those MUH FANCY GRAPHICS are nowadays

Yak just like Minecraft, it's just place holder art

What about Emily??

are there any mods to make animals sentient so i can marry and fuck them?
or any loli mods?

Anyone here played World's Dawn? I played Stardew Valley into the ground, and was looking for something else that follows the Harvest Moon formula.

I am moderately confident that Stardew Valley has been completely deconstructed on all levels. Ive seen modded houses, replaced ground textures for ALL seasons, completely redrawn sprites for people, animals, food, added encounters, added marriage candidates, everything really.

If you take the time to look, you can mod SDV into a completely different game

>dating the girls

just try it? Why even ask when you can just play it?

Why even interact on Sup Forums with other people who share your interests? Fuck yourself

>why google an answer when I can ask someone here?

learn to help yourself or make your damn thread you lazy shitter

I did google it, and I am also watching a few gameplay videos trying to get a feel if it has some charm to it. Seriously with all the shitposting and off topic posting on Sup Forums, you have to autistically be against asking people their opinion on a game? Fuck yourself