Gravity Rush thread

u're still playing and collecting dust coins right?

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I wanted to get into the top 1000 on the leaderboard so I have about 22000 dusty tokens.

Already got all the ones I needed, so mostly just launching the game once a month to chill and check out what people have posted.

Shame that it won't be a thing anymore.

Sony always wins.

now that's a smart kat


I've waiting patiently to buy both GR 1 & 2 on the Black Friday
I'm pretty excited lads, I've seen some videos and it looks like a fun game


good to know

This is why I haven't bought it yet and doubt I will unless it gets ported to other systems.
Which one of you did this?

Someone from here did that yesterday.
I see it's been ignored even though I'm pretty certain the gravrushcentral guy posts here.

I'm not collecting dusty tokens for myself, but I am helping others get them as much as I can (treasure hunts, liking photos, etc) so others can get the rewards before it's over. It's the least I can do!

I platinum'd GR1 just two days ago.
Is GR2 really about 4 times as long, content wise?

what are dusty tokens for?

I'd say so, yes. Also the platinum for GR2 is fun to do as well. Good luck!

It's a lot longer, yeah.
The story is way longer and there's loads of sidequests.

What the fuck mates

I started playing gravity rush 2 a while back but dropped it to focus on other shit, what's this?

unlocking these things

So GR1 reveals that the whole world is sinking into a fucking black hole.

Why does Kat never do anything about it?

That's the complete list?
Because this black fridau I'm going to get a ps4 an GR2

That gets solved in the second game

If you're going for platinum, yeah.
The main story is a bit longer, but there's a tons of side mission with little cutscenes and challenges to complete.
Basically just don't rush it or do all the side missions if you aren't feeling them at the time, because you can complete them after the main story as well.

Why is Kat dressed like a cheap whore?

only 500 to go until i get the last costume off of the tokens

Enjoy that last costume, user

it's really good

Do token unlocks carry over into a new game?

i know its just her costume but 1 but i may as well get it since you can only get it through tokens

Tokens are linked to your PSN account, so yeah.
I doubt you'll be able to do it after the server closure though.

How do I farm the dust coins best, famalams?

Do unlocks carry over between saves?

treasure hunts and challenges

After just a fucking year? Christ.

I really hate this tendency to tether content to short-lived servers even when the thing is essentially single player.

In theory yes, but I've never made a new save file so I can't verify.

So, I enjoyed the first one a lot on Vita, but I don't have a ps4. Problem is, this is the only game I kinda would wanna get a PS4 for. there are maybe some other titles I MIGHT get but nothing I am hyped for. Its probably not worth it is it? How does this game fare compared to the original?

Hey Sup Forums, why are you playing this MARXIST TRASH?


It's a lot bigger and more polished, it doesn't really add a whole lot that's new.
It's a great game but I'd not buy a PS4 just to play it.

>for the lols
Do people still say this?

It's better in every way and has like 4x the content

-story actually ties up all those loose ands from 1
-game has sidequests proper and not just a handful of costume packs
-you can change Kat's weight which adds variety to the movement and gives you new attacks
-you can play as Raven via free dlc

It's an improvement in almost every aspect, I'd say.
There are few trash side missions, but they also added a lot of longevity to the game, which the original desperately needed.
Overall package was just bigger and better.

Fuck, I was hoping you guys would say it was worse. Now I want the game even more

So how much did the game sell in total? It's not exactly AAA so I'm hoping it at least sold enough that Toyama could swing GR3 in a few years

Also a major shift in the combat where Gravity Kick is not the only move you use, instead you use Gravity Toss.

The performance can get pretty bad at times.
You might want to wait for the inevitable PS5 remaster, they might keep the fucking servers open for that one.

gr3 will never ever happen

>that satisfying glass smash whenever you kill a Nevi

Tbh this alone held the combat up. Its just so satisfying

Any remaster won't happen for quite a bit.


Not for four more years at the minimum.

Just get a cheap used ps4

Assuming the Dusty Tokens chart is roughly accurate to copies sold, it's at about 300k.
So I wouldn't hold my breath for a sequel any time soon, unfortunately.

You should probably pace them out. I went right into the second one after finishing the first one and got burnt out quick.

I don't think anyone was expecting GR to get a sequel.

Second one doesn't really become different from the first until you get the Lunar style, which I honestly think took way too long.

I'm really glad it did, because I can see myself returning to GR2 every once in a while just to float around the place.

Just a shame that I won't be able to share and find photos after January though.

You could just post screenshots on Sup Forums.

What was her problem?

Because she is

Kat is soooo pretty

name one good thing about spikekat
protip: you can't

Isn't that the whole point?

It combines two series I care for dearly?

When does Kat's VR game come out

>tfw Spikat wouldn't have happened, if Sony treated both series better

The ONLY good part of this terrible game is nipples.

make Kat sell her body

If Kat met Spike, she would have bullied him