What is the Hindu Mythology of video games?
What is the Hindu Mythology of video games?
Other urls found in this thread:
Asura's Wrath
Digital Devil Saga
>Not the first but one of the best and most important games of our time
>Asks for Hinduism
>Gets devil's wrath, devils and doom
Pretty ironic
god damn that's some anime shit going on in that pic
Morrowind is Hinduism in video game form.
SMT IV Apoclaypse.
But true
The serpent is everywhere in ancient civilizations and mythologies, why?
Planescape Torment
>>Not the first but one of the best and most important games of our time
Hinduism is chuuni.
They didn't have high rise buildings and concrete civilizations to the extent that we do, thus, they were exposed to nature.
The snake was one of the deadliest animals, thus it was revered.
>not kundolini energy
>Hindu gods are all pretty OP and use multiple forms.
>a game that is always good even in the 2nd and 3rd installment
Baldurs Gate
Why does Shiva look like a JoJo reference?
The sleeping god
The stars being light from other worlds showing through holes between the two.
Reality being made from the body of someone who came out of the void in an effort to keep IS from becoming IS NOT again.
TES metaphysics is pretty much a straight rip of Hindu mysticism.
>t. meme mythologist
This tbqhfam
>t. Closed minded fool
Why does Hinduism (and a few other Eastern religions) share this concept with Jewish mysticism?
Because its true