this game is pretty fucking comfy
This game is pretty fucking comfy
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Top 2 Zelda game easily
>tfw it has best Zelda grill
I'm a sonybro, but I love this game
Link's Awakening (DX) is shit t b h. Oracle of Seasons was way better.
>tfw it's not even real and to win you have to erase her
First game I ever played was the Original non dx version of Link's Awakening on my neighbours gameboy :). Was it a good first game to have played bros?
>get good ending
>she becomes a seagull
>you're still stranded in the middle of an ocean
But she get to go in the real world, just like Linkebeek. She become real.
well I'm in for a treat then. I'm gonna emulate the shit out of 2d zelda, maximum comfy vidya desu
Top three.
1. LttP
2. OoT
3. LA
I say that with Awakening being not only my first zelda game but first overall videogame ever
>Was it a good first game to have played bros?
Well, it kind of ruin your experience for any other game you play afterward. Set the bar quite high.
>Awakening being not only my first zelda game but first overall videogame ever
Me too bro.
I was surprised how good the game was and I only played it last year for the first time. My first Zleda was LttP years ago as a kid, then OoT 2 years ago.
Awakening was not only super comfy, I actually liked the little town and its inhabitants too. I got really attached to them. Which is weird considering its simple 2-d graphics. Easily my favourite Zelda game.
I is not weird, is because of its 2d graphic you cared mor.
Top two actually.
1. MM
2. LA
3. LttP
I really liked Minish Cap
Great list. OOT number 4?
Me too. It was really comfy.
Lufia is comfier tbqh
It was.
Also, so many secrets in the game, was really nice.
Can't stand it. You have to progress through the game in such a specific way and it pisses me off.
The game was well written with the characters sharing little snippets that evolved as you discovered more shit.
"Beyond the island? I never thought of that. The idea blows my mind"
And characters like Marin or the old man or mr write all had payoffa and story arcs
Dreams are kind of known for being comfy.
Daily reminder that this was coded as an out-of-hours fuck-around by a few Nintendo staffers and it makes an absolute mockery of most 16-Bit games.
It's pretty great.
But it's only regarded as one of the best right now because it's not very well known compared to the other games.
How were 90s Nintendo workers so good?
I actually really liked this. It makes the islamd seem bigger than it is making you revisit areas later when you have better itema to unlock shit. It also helpa with pacing so by the end of the game you discover the whole island
I've seen other fantasy games like Dragon Age Origins, and Dark Souls. TOP Graphics, looks amazing. But at a certain point I just thought "Eh, why can't this enemy just head butt me" or something.
But I don't see how 2d graphics makes someone care more.
I think it was the simplicity which made it. I genuinely preferred Awakening over Majora's Mask too, both story and gameplay. I thought the time travel would be a cool feature but christ I grew to hate it fast.
Oracle games are my favorites
2d Zelda > 3d
Oot can suck my cock
Fite me
Man I could never finish majoras mask. The three day time limit exponentially raised my anxiety. The 100 second timer in mario freaked kid me out enough the looming moon was even worse
There was time during the early to mid 90's when pretty much everything coming out of Nintendo's Kyoto HQ was pure GOLD.
Yeah definitely my number 4 followed by Wind Waker. Haven't played BoTW yet though.
Played them recently and I'm really surprised how closely related LA and OoT feel. OoT has more in common with Link's Awakening than Lttp
Next CAPCOM developed Zelda game when?
Anyone else download the complete playlist of the remixed soundtrack made by sperglords and cult fans?
Half of the songs were dog shit but the other half is definitely nostalgia trip worthy. Forgot wgat it was called
Capcom doesn't make 2D games anymore.
l played this with a borrowed german cart for the first time.
Got stuck at the final maze because lol can't read german.
A classic, 11/10, thanks for reading my blog.
Pic related is pretty fucking comfy too
I just wanted more games like these, I don't think the Oracles ones captured the same feeling
This game had the best implied romance, too bad the ending JUST'd it
Completely agree, I'm honestly pleasantly surprised and shocked how good it is since I usually fucking hate (2d?) Zeldas, but Link's Awakening has a soft spot in my heart. It hurts that Link's Awakening kind of occupies the same spot as Majora's Mask, being that it's a Zelda Game vaguely using another Zelda Game's system but in an incredibly different, wacky, and way more personal direction. I also really appreciated how it didn't take itself 'as' seriously and was therefor allowed to experiment a little: there was platforming, cute npcs, crazy music, etc.
I'd love to see it get a 3d remake or homage or whatever you want to call a Link Between Worlds. I mean, fuck, I get excited any time Nintendo even throws any sort of light or references towards the game. I SHAT when I heard the Hyrule Castle's theme in BOTW was remixed with the Wind Fishes theme.
Ocarina definitely borrowed a lot from both
> hookshot
> kakarico village/theme
> 3 pendents and master sword
> hammer
> magic meter
> bottle collection
> ganon theme
> magic deflecting battle
> fairy fountain theme
> trade sequence
> lens of truth
> fishing mini game
> the ocarina itself
The Oracle games were so good though :( and so was minish cap.
The signpost maze is hard enough in English I imagine it would be suicide enducing in a foreign language
I finished this game first and felt proper heart broken after that melancholy ending. Then I found out, minutes later that you can save Marin.
I replayed the whole thing immediately and it was even more fun.
>The owl
>how the dungeon item help you in the progression of it and serve as a key
>The Boss key
All introduced in awakening.
I would love a remake or revision of this game, but only if they kept the charm of the original artstyle. I have some ideas on how to improve it.
I replayed the game as soon as a friend told me you could save her. Awakening was one hell of a ride.
Shame I am finding Oracle of Ages such a damn chore to get through in comparison.
Are 2D Zelda's better than 3D?
Can't believe Link fucking died.
The color version IS the remake already. it doens't need more.
I played your pic related years ago because everyone kept praising it as the game that inspired LA. Huge mistake, it's garbage and nothing like LA.
Have you tried Seasons? I found Seasons a lot more fun than Ages.
I don't think Awakening and the Oracle games were made by the same team
Best 2D for sure, probably best Zelda period. Just tiny annoying flaws such as not getting the sword upgrades if you don't turn in the shells at EXACTLY the right amount. Having too many makes it literally impossible.
Maybe replace the 3 photos, the one with Talon, the one at the Castle door and the one with the ghost.
You can clearly see it wasn't done by the same artist.
Seasons is a tad better than ages but both are BTFO by Awakening so maybe you shouldn't bother
Something was definitely lost in the translation. 3D tends to be more heavy on story and whatnot, but they rarely feel as much of an adventure as the 2D ones do. Wind Waker probably came closest to the feeling of 2D Zelda with the open sea and how you could go where ever you wanted.
I mean actual QoL improvements, like not getting stuck in a 5 second cutscene every time you walk into a rock after you already have the item needed to get through them.
Ages and Seasons are both made by Nintendo fanboys rather than Nintendo itself.
I mean, Nintendo poached the devs basically immediately, but either way the game suffer from emulating the Zelda style more than just being Zelda. Some poor bosses and overall too much padding for my tastes. Seasons is a fair bit better than Ages also.
2D vs 3D is a meme. All of the games up to the Oracles are gold, after that it became hit and miss.
>if you don't turn in the shells at EXACTLY the right amount.
Uh? no, even when you have more than 20, you still get the sword. what happens is that you get to have 2 additional seashells if you come at the house with the precise right amount (5 and 10, I think), meaning you have to keep looking for them longer.
Anyone know of any good fanfics/comics where Link and Marin get together after the end, other than that one where Marin stays a seagull? I need some catharsis.
I think there's 26 total shells in the game and you only need 20 for the sword. The two you can get just mean you can get the Seashell Sword a little earlier.
Huh, weird.
I played this a lot of time ago and didn't like it that much, maybe because I decide to use a guide for some reason.
What's wrong with that, user?
Your plebeian tastes
>hit and miss
That's really true. Even today each 3D Zelda game is criticized, moreso than the 2D ones. OoT and MM are overrated nowadays, WW is still criticized for sailing and art style, TP is about it being a soulless copy of OoT (which is now overrated), SS is Fi and handholding, BotW is it stands too far apart from what Zelda is complaints.
What would they do to satisfy and make a widely appreciated 3D Zelda game that doesn't split fans?
>even having to ask that question
Well user, what do you recommend? I just want to see Link get Marin after all of that, especially since her confession was cut off.
Honest to god, the best Zelda manga adaptation is the Wind waker one. take a few liberties and introduce a few OCs, but it's really fun and nice to read. Also, Link is fucking OP in it.
This is the one game I want remade in actual 3D.
Can you imagine the gameworld map expanded on, slightly larger BOTW style, but you can just see that gigantic egg at all times? Majora's Mask style, where the goal is ever present.
I want it so bad.
Easily the most consistently good dungeon design in the whole series, with Eagle Tower holding the number 1 spot in the series (maybe contesting with Forest Temple)
Looking back TP was probably the best 3d since oot.
Midnas design was cool and it had cool items like the mace and spinny top. The techno art style of the darkworld was weird but looking back kinda works.
WW had a great story but the dungeon designs and playstyle was lame. With 3 dungeons all being "the baren grass dungeon"
>all these plebs who have never enjoyed a good fanfiction in their lives
>"""enjoys""" fanfiction
>calls other people plebs
>words 'good' and 'fanfiction' in the same sentence
Good one user
> yfw you collapse the dungeon onto itseld permanently altering tge layout and merging the 4th and 3rd floor into one level.
That shit was groundbreaking for Its time
Also I swear LA had a perfect difficulty curve with every dungeon being harder than the one before It
Ya but I am borderline retarded and got stuck at the volcano near the start. No idea where to go.
That makes a lot of sense.
WW-SS get a lot of hate. Out of the three I prefer WW, mainly because of the characters and style.
It seems the 3D Zelda games get pulled in so many different directions, each one many detractors.
>discounting an entire body of work because the vast majority is trash
90% of games and films are also garbage. That doesn't mean the rare good fic isn't worth it.
>good fic
All Zelda games ever made have been criticised to death, that's what happens when a game series hits mainstream from day 1. I'm talking about raw quality. Most people have favorites, but anything up to MM had something special going for it. Oracles is where "generic-creep" started to set in, and by TWW we had the birth of the "formula". And it isn't just the full 3D games either, that was my point. PH and ST are as top-down as any of the other handheld games, yet few people will dare to sing their praises, let alone remember most of them.
>"Link , some day you will leave this island... I just know it in my heart... ...Don't ever forget me... If you do, I'll never forgive you!"
Is SS objectively the worst 3D Zelda?
Stop making me feel
Not when 90% of your dialogue and soundtrack consists of pic related and this
Probably. Though I would maybe cal MM worst for a failed game mechanic and lack luster story and non memorablw bosses.
All that anyone remembers is the scary ass moon
God dammit user
What is your favorite Zelda then?
nigga what?
>LA featured the single most powerful NPC in the entire Zeldaverse
How did this make you feel? I never stole from the shop.
Koizumi was involved in shit back then, he turns everything to gold.
Don't lie to us, THIEF
LttP followed closely by Oot
Wew lad, so you're one of those shitters who constantly stays in the starting village because she doesn't wanna fight monsters.
Easily. MM is my no. 1. This is my second. I sank SO much time into it as a kid.