Finally got around to playing this, why do people like this game? The 3 day mechanic is shit, stifles exploration and forces you to do everything in the most unfun way possible
Finally got around to playing this, why do people like this game? The 3 day mechanic is shit...
>people who never even played any Zelda ever
b-b-but muh atmoshpheres!
you have about 3 real hours for each 3 day cycle. you really suck if you cant beat a dungeon in that time. n fact, you can beat the entire game in a 3-day cycle
(not counting the initial one before you get ocarina)
go play a casual zelda like twilight princess if you cant handle it
It's got possibly the best atmosphere out of any nintendo game, for whatever that's worth.
There's a song to greatly slow down time for retards like you. There is far more exploration to be had due to the cycle of all content varying depending on the specific time. Sorry you're such a faggot you need to come bitch here about it rather than just not playing it if it doesn't suit your style of play.
Then play the 3DS version. The time mechanic is literally useless in that remake. Also its still the best Zelda, along with OOT and WW.
>be me
>play through the entire game with a walkthrough doing all the side content
>it's now one of my favourite games of all time
But in order to get those 3 hours you have to reset and lose all your items and progress for current side quests. It doesn't pose any sort of challenge, it's just a time limit for the sake of padding
I know about the inverted time - now instead of losing 2 hours worth of items and quest progress I can lose 3, yay! And I'm trying to complete all the console Zeldas in order of release to see how the series evolved over time, I probably will skip it for WW for now
You just don't understand the game's mature themes and symbolism
Make sure to complete the side quests and store rupees in the bank. It's not hard.
It takes two seconds to refill a bag of bombs or arrows and you can store your rupees in a bank. You're just a shitter.
fedora's mask cucks are autistic
>Side quests
AKA minigames
>people shit on games to get discussion about them
stop falseflagging
>T. Hasn't played the game
>lose all your items
no you dont. you only lose bombs, arrows which can be filled up by goron rolling around termina for 10 seconds
Even the side quests that are mini games at least have some story behind them.
>do i fit in yet?
You keep masks and core items. What you lose is the level progression for beating the boss like
Draining the poisonous swamp. Yes its still annoying
This. MM is very much the hipster's Zelda. Everyone liked OoT back in the day for a reason: it had an actual story with twists and adventure
How does MM not have an actual story? Even the side quests are part of it.
But everyone also liked Majora's Mask when it was released, it just didn't get nearly as much recognition because it was released on a system that was nearly dead on the same day as the PS2's launch.
>can't appreciate muh atmospheres
Must be fucking miserable senpai
Here's a big problem with a game everyone seems to ignore; sure the problems the 3 day system causes are minor for the most part, but why do I need to put up with them in the first place when it has no purpose? Here's an example from my own gameplay experience that made me go from liking it to hating it:
>try to take on wood fall temple with a day and a half left
>manage to beat the boss and return the deku princess with an hour left to spare
>reset to get the deku Butler's treasure, lose all the stray fairies in the process
>find out the game acts as if I never rescued the princess
>essentially have to go through the whole dungeon again to find the fairies and save the princess again
>Get the deku Butler's treasure after about a day in game
>go to the tourist shop to do the target minigame
>But now the old lady is gone and I have to go through the woods again to get the opportunity
>Do so, do the minigame, get the piece of heart
>try to do the gold skulltula sidequest, it's about the third day by now
>Couldn't use a walkthrough cuz internet was fucking up
>Found half of them, have to reset
>Now I have to find the ones I found again in order to progress
I had to repeat 5-6 tasks just to continue exploring at my own pace. Roughly a third of my time was spent doing stuff I already did and another third of it was spent doing stuff that didn't even matter cuz I couldn't finish it in time. What did I gain from repeating these tasks and having the last one cut short and having to repeat it the next cycle? Nothing.
It wasn't fun.
It wasn't difficult.
It wasn't immersive.
It was just tedious and pointless.
and before you point out what I could've done to make what I had lost easier, I have to ask: why do I as a player have to work against the systems rules just to get to the things I want to do? Why do I have to rush through a quest with a walkthrough or reset and lose my items and sidequest progress when I didn't have to do that in OoT or in any game after? The only reason one would do it is if there were some payoff, and I imagined there would be in the world gradually changing with each reset to reflect my actions but no - after completing the first dungeon all I have to show for it is a bunch of heart pieces and masks. The monkeys still gonna fucking die, the swamp is still poisonous, the old bitch is still lost in the woods. If I can't even see the world progress and if I can't even progress by myself without being forced to start over every few hours, what the hells the point in playing?
tl;dr: 3 day system is ultimately pointless cuz it literally just exists to make you do shit over again you shouldn't have to and prevents you from actually seeing the world change, killing any other motivation to continue playing
>stifles exploration
After playing the boring shitfest that was BotW with its big empty world I'm no longer convinced this is a bad thing. Exploration and big open environments is a fucking meme. Clock Town alone has more depth than the entirety of BotW.
>playing games for the story
>playing Nintendo games for the story
I guarantee I've played it more recently than you
v A > v A >
>has good gameplay and great atmosphere
>has the same gameplay and even better atmosphere
It's not even a competition. People who prefer OoT over MM have something seriously wrong with them.
>I probably will skip it for WW for now
That's fine. This is the Sonic CD of Zelda games. It might not stick the first time around but you'll come to realize its the best in the series upon giving it another chance.
>beat boss
>have to reset, fug
>go back to temple
>find out there's a portal to the boss
>clear boss before Noon of Day 1
Not seeing the issue desu
It's annoying but you can plan ahead to avoid this stuff pretty easily once you learn that's how the game works.
I don't think zelda has any symbolism
>the mechanic that gives every NPC their own unique timeline while enhancing the oppressive atmosphere is shit and stifles exploration
Go back to BotW where you can turn over rocks for koroks as long as you like.
This game IS side quests, it's the most interesting part of the game.
You probably hate Dead Rising because you can't complete every mission on your first playthrough. The point is to play multiple times to get better and appreciate the things you can do on subsequent runs.
the game is about existing in a oppressive cycle of death where you're supposed to feel hopeless to stop it, I'm sorry you're a fucking casual and think anything that inconveniences you is a bad mechanic
also its your own fault for not immediately resetting the clock after getting the song, you're not penalized for doing so
>why do people like this game? The 3 day mechanic is shit, stifles exploration and forces you to do everything in the most unfun way possible
People like beacuse every game have rules. Rules make a game more dificult because you have to follow it and add a sense of danger.Modern videogames lack of rules and sense of danger. Majora Mask is a game tailored by rules
Also, is The Groundhog Day, Zelda edition. Imposible to not like it.
>stifles exploration
Because exploration in a Zelda game is a meme
This is the only good thing the system has to offer but the cost of having to reset so much counters it too hard. They could've just made it so you don't lose your items and sidequest progress when you reset and I would like the game
>majora's mask
nigga you're suppose talk to townsfolk and learn they're 3-day schedule
For me the problem is just that you have to beat the boss again so soon after beating it the first time just to open up sidequests. You simply can't defend this
>the screen gets smaller with every bell ring
that's the WHOLE point of the bomber's notebook
If it's too hard then put it on the back burner until you get more hearts?
Inverted Song of Time, mang. I like to take my time with games and even I don't feel pressured by the 3 day system. It's not that hard to deal with and it even makes the sidequesting a bit more fleshed out.
The time limit was an issue the first few cycles and then I just learned to manage my time and do one or two things per cycle.
MM is a game that teaches you time management and to be focused. Side Quests are considered complete once you get the mask or fill out the thing in the bomber's notebook you get.
Try to 100% the game in as few cycles as possible. In other words, challenge yourself, casual shit.
because to do otherwise would make the 3 day cycle meaningless
the mechanics of the 3 day cycle is a giant part of what makes the game amazing
Are you trying to complete every sidequest in every cycle? What the fuck?
I have all the heart pieces I can get at this point in the game and I beat the boss without getting hit, difficulty isn't the problem. The tedium of it is (which is probably why I hate the 3 days so much - I personally can't stand repeating or backtracking in games)
>If I can't even see the world progress and if I can't even progress by myself without being forced to start over every few hours, what the hells the point in playing?
Fighting against that sense of pointlessness is kind of the point of playing. You're caught in a vicious cycle of impending doom and you're the only one who has any power to actually change it.
Not if you think the only side quests are mini games
You must have some severe ADHD if an easy 2 minute boss fight is so painful then. Enjoy Snowfall.
Following a walkthrough that tells me what sidequests are available at what time and trying to get them all done as soon as possible since I don't like resetting. If I pick the game back up I'll take a different approach since this is my first playthrough
MM is the only zelda game to make you actually care about NPCs and their stories.
the only bad thing about it is the 15 fairy shit
>no time management skills: the post
Again, plan better.
>First playthrough
>Following a walkthrough
Found your problem, faggot.
There's an owl statue right in front of every single dungeon. Just use Song of Time before a dungeon you retard
I like the 15 fairy thing though Snowfall's a bit bullshit about it. That fucking last fairy.
This, the game gives you "checkpoints" in a way. Spend a cycle getting to the dungeon, reset, spend a cycle to complete the dungeon and it's related quests, repeat until you beat the game.
Is that the one hidden in the wall? That took me forever to find my first time
Yeah, that one.