Did anyone actually play this game for PVE...

Did anyone actually play this game for PVE? The only reason I did pve was so I could get offset pieces of haste gear to use in pvp.

I don't even like Arenas. BGs were fun but mostly I played and geared so I could grief and camp undergeared PVE dragonslayfags. I could like 1v3 fresh 80s in full Wrathful

t. Undead frost mage max engineering with t1 arena wep tracking ur ass with Blackened Worg Steak

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I was bad at PvP so I focused more on PvE


Pve was so boring to me.

I was always too much of a sperg to get into raids and didn't know any of the fights. It wasn't until the tail end of wotlk that I finally tanked naxx but didn't get very far.

I pretty much played all of Wotlk solely for the quest zones.

I think all the countless retards who play WoW for the numbers and the end-game grind are subhuman degenerates.

Every normal person played this for the PvE and the emergent PvE. Then they did some end-game content at level 60, or whatever the cap was at the current expansion, and they either took a break or rolled a new character.

WoW went to trash when immersive gamers were left and Blizzard started pleasing grinder faggots like you. You care about numbers so much, you could be on Wall Street right now, doing the same fucking boring shit. No, you have to permeate gaming culture with your meta bullshit and ruin the industry for the rest of us.

yes pretty much everyone did. the numbers clearly show that the number of pve players far outweigh pvp players. also, pvp players come and go, flit around to the next "hot" pvp game.

*Emergent PvP

>did anyone actually play this game for PVE?
is this one of those epic trol threads? XD

this, sort of.

If you didn't raid Uldusr when it was relevant I'm sorry you missed out
On the orher hand wintergrasp was the only time I bothered with PvP

Sounds like you got shit on in pvp you fucking casual

Thank you for this. This how I've always played the game and it seemed like the most sane way of enjoying WoW.

What's so fun about pve? It's not fun. I play multiplayer games so I can fight other people. If I want to kill bosses I will play a single player game.

Are you guys just scrubs who suck and got owned in pvp?

>I finally tanked naxx
If you don't know the fights you look up raids as a dps/heal, leave tanking to more experienced people
That's what you should have done back in wotlk, I think tanking became even more braindead later on

Endgame has always been a focus in WoW, due to the first dev team being Everquest veterans.

Of course, due to the expansion model, endgame has ascended to the primary focus.

Of course, end game content was the whole point of WoW for the beginning years.

Pvp is just a minigame and a shit one at that

Only degenerates play mmos.

PvP is endgame. I'd say it's endgame at a higher level than meme raids

But they LITERALLY said in an interview that endgame in classic was an after thought

Nope. I spent most of my time in wintergrasp or flying around sholozar basin looking to gank

>PvP is endgame
pretty sure one of the features of the new expansion is almost removing pvp from the game entirely

pvp has always been a minigame and it was only good when it rewarded players who played the actual game.

>you will never again instagib a faggot gnome mage with your fuckhuge dragonslayer sword while he wastes his sub grinding for grand marshal

Would a Paladin make for a fun healer in Vanilla?

PvE is fun until you clear the whole raid, farming it over and over is boring as fuck, that got much worse in wotlk due to hard modes and made me quit it entirely.

i played WoW from WOTLK - WoD and a bunch of Vanilla servers and never once even considered PvP

It looked so disgustingly un-fun

Vanilla Paladin is honestly the most boring and slow shit to level up, better hope you bring a friend to quest grind.

what's fun about PvP? if i want to fight other players i play fighting games.

Are you just a sperg who can't even get into a guild?

>pretty sure one of the features of the new expansion is almost removing pvp from the game entirely
Because the game is full of casual shitters now

Is the end game healing fun though? I only played Horde so I'm not sure how Pallys are used in raids. I don't know if they are just healers or if some guilds use them as some kind of "off tank"

t. 2700+ RMP 3s team named muff divers

I was in a pvp guild

Friendly reminder the requirements to join a high end pvp guild are a lot stricter than the requirements to join a mythic guild.

You should be attached to your character, you should feel the need to show off your skills against other players and dominate them.
Huur duur Im some bad ass dude in the world of warcraft but if another player looks at me sideways Im just gonna go run away instead of being a man and beating that mother fucker down.

When I went back to WoW last year, on a wotlk private server, it was for the pve, so yeah.
Ulduar is pretty good. Naxx has a few okay points but is overall bad. I like ToC and ICC.

And most of all I like how the progression in PvE content. A shame it's spoiled by the catchup meme, which means ICC/Ruby Sanctum patch pretty much invalidates over half of the pve content and makes it a rush for "go to FoS PoS HoR as fast as you can, then go ToC or ICC10n if you have nice guildmates"

I pretty much do all of the quest zones, do all of the dungeons and raids at least once, then do some PVP until I am bored and finally I do some roleplaying.
Then I quit until the next expansion comes out.

Wotlk was the only time I took the game semi seriously, I enjoy the raids but I had no interested in heroics.
Once I beat the Lich King on 25 normal and got my drake I was done.
Wotlk was the only time I did arena too.

right here
>cata comes out
>finally pvp gear thats better for pvp gear than pve gear
>never set foot in pve content again
just spamming bgs tol barad arenas and doing duells infront of og and sw
cata was great for pvp until the last patch brought retarded pveshit again

>finally pvp gear thats better for pvp gear than pve gear

Are you for real, cata pve gear, especially trinkets dominated the scene, I clearly remember that retarded trinket from dragon soul that made rogues into 1 shot machines.

>cata was great until the last patch brought retarded pveshit again
>I clearly remember that retarded trinket from dragon soul that made rouges into 1 shot machines

see my last sentence
>cata was great for pvp until the last patch brought retarded pveshit again
last patch of cata was AIDS INCARNATE with the fucking stupid rogue daggers + oneshot trinket tentacle sword bullshit and firelands being on farm so every caster worth his shit had the staff and a trinket that hit everyone that he dotted

>tentacle sword

I had completely forgot that, the tentacle could almost solo a player even in arena now that I remember it.

>about to lose 2s game with double ret tard comp
>we both have hentaisword
>suddenly we both get 4 tentacles
>8 tentacles constantly slowing the target and ticking for 5-10k
gg ez

>pvp is less casual than pve

Who the fuck actually cares, its hotbar mmo combat. Play an actual competitive game.

I bet most of the people who ever said pvp was harder or less casual than pve are the ones who capped arena points and never even got to a high rating. The amount of friends I had who had shit rating, PvPd because it was the endgame content that didn't require them to commit like actual raiding and then said "lul pve is 4 noobs".

>pvp'ing in a mmo with tab targeting combat
I will never understand you people

pee vee pee is the patrician choice for high IQ individuals only
>have to know only a handful of possible dynamics regarding your current pee vee pee encounter
>have to know when to pop your lol-not-actually-stunned-trinket to get the most effect because you can only use it once per encounter usually
>need near autism levels of intelligence to bind your interrupt in a smart spot and to use it at a smart time

t. people getting farmed

I hate pvp because it's basically whoever can stun or daze you the longest wins

>Play an actual competitive game
like a moba? some people want an rpg element and more than 2 buttons kthnx

>committing to raiding
you mean grinding dailies and shitty events for welfare epics so you can face roll brain dead content for a few hours a week? real commitment there my dude

Ahahaha, shitter

>>have to know only a handful of possible dynamics regarding your current pee vee pee encounter
as opposed to a game mode where a flashing screen means you need to move to other side of the room before continuing beating on a live training dummy?

Anyone who has ever played any "RPG" for pvp is a brain damaged troglodyte.

found the eternal kara puggers

I actually cant believe there were people who spent entire time in wow doing PvP. What a sad little existence

I played almost exclusively for PvE

The funnest part of the game for me was raiding w/ a bunch of people on ventrilo, for some reason it seems like WoW players are generally pretty funny dudes

I only really PvP to grief people

you sat inside sw/org waiting for your heroic queues and waiting for a pug with low enough gs requirement to pop up in /2
i spent my time outside the gates actually playing the game

>hurr i need to grind up to max level and then grind up a pvp gear set before i can actually pvp and god forbid my class gets nerfed and i have to do it all over on another class to stay competative

Or you can just pick from the many pvp based video game genres that fucking set you on an equal footing from the very fucking start and dont have shitty dumbshit brickwalls preventing you from adapting/playing from the getgo

>"xD i played the glorified paper scissors rock mode pvp mode that was completely dependent on current gear/class"

mobas are made for brainlets and adhd chinks
wow pvp actually has some kind of depth to it

It's the best single player RPG game ever imho.

>"oh let me see what gear set im going to spend hours/days farming for before i can actually play real competitive pvp"

meanwhile you arent paying a $15 per month price tag ontop of the cost for the game and expansions or wasting hours on end just to get geared when you play a moba because the game basically took all the retarded grind and threw it out the window and only thing deciding if you are good or bad is if you can actually play

You are right but you're arguing with people who play a game for "competitive PvP" that also has a 40+ hour barrier of entry. PvP in MMOs should only be a fun mode to fuck around with your cool items you got from PvE.

>"oh let me see what gear set im going to spend hours/days farming braindead heroics for before i can actually play real endgame pve content"

At least gearing up through bgs is fun. You could buy a crafted resilience set and not get shit on if you actually know how to play (you don't).

im talking gameplay dude not gear

>meanwhile you arent paying a $15 per month price tag ontop of the cost for the game and expansions or wasting hours on end just to get geared when you play a moba because the game basically took all the retarded grind and threw it out the window and only thing deciding if you are good or bad is if you can actually play
cool. they arent rpgs though and i cant do all the other shit i can do in wow. how are you not understand this? did you literally only play wow for the dungeons and raids?

there are other mmos that dont wall off their pvp that you could be playing but you are just a blizzcuck

>PvP in MMOs should only be a fun mode to fuck around with your cool items you got from PvE.

JUST LMAO AT UR LIFE. How much of a fucking casual can you be? You're the reason gaming is going to shit. Casuals like you don't want to put any effort into anything to actually git gud. Fucking communist reddit participation award tier shit lmfao I can't believe such a casual would be on this board. How do you even function in real life? Are you like 10 years old?

>hurr durr you are bad at pvp
>hurr actually you can just play the not serious pvp mode

so which is it faggot?

I can fucking hop into a tekken ladder match the minute i fucking buy the game and instantly start participating in ladder games. Your retard ass has so many fucking barriers and crutches "pvp exclusive gear" that is fucking hurts to see people actually take the scene seriously

like what? ffxiv pvp is shit. guild wars 2 is shit. return of reckoning is good but may as well be dead

>pvp plebs whine about the dragonslayers one shotting them with gear that took months of dedication and the highest percentiles of play to attain
>resi gets added
>pvp community when
this is why you guys will only ever get .05% of developmental funds, and boy has it shown ever since 2004

>I can fucking hop into a tekken ladder match the minute i fucking buy the game and instantly start participating in ladder games
fighting game compared to an mmorpg. fucking retarded donkey.

except your pvp can be dumbed down to a fucking moba you fucking retard

It's called good players got fukin gud and earned their gear, what's the problem with that?

Can you hop into a 25 man mythic the minute you buy the game and start participating in mythic content? Retard. Talk about barriers and crutches "pve exclusive gear" it fucking hurts to see people actually take the scene seriously

and your pve can be dumbed down to a fucking phone game. You stand in one place and spam a rotation, click raid members with a healbot, or span taunt on a boss. Literal braindead tier shit, lmao. Fucking casual to the core


Player vs player on the otherhand shouldnt be fucking walled off by 40+ hours worth of grind

but thats wow pvp in a nutshell just macro spam im sorry that you wasted hundreds of dollars to play a glorified moba

>click raid members with a healbot
found the guy who never actually raided. do you think it actually heals for you or do you also tell people to search it with "the google"?

>ciggy break :DD
>sry had to get my children to bed. I'm le gaymer mum XD


PvE reminded me of school. As in having to wait for plebs to get the boring shit over with already.

except its pvp and you definition of grinding strengths "pvp gear" is just you projecting that you indeed FUCKING SUCK ASS at pvp games which is why you stick with a game that lets you substitute skill with gear crutches

this is why vanilla was perfect. you didn't join a pvp match fully decked out unless you were a top tier player, or a dragonslayer as you fags like to call them. It started as a literal minigame for people to test out the progressive strength of their character against other players.

pve endgame was always the focus

My dad did endgame content in wrath and he's a fucking kb turning shitter. I healed on his shaman and tanked raids on his pally (icc, HTOC, some other boring shit) before, it's braindead boring shit.

Yet you still got shit on. Hmm almost like people are actually good and you're salty because you suck at the game.

>Player vs player on the otherhand shouldnt be fucking walled off by 40+ hours worth of grind
>walled off
>40 hours
Found the shitter. You can play fine with the gear you get from honor points, and it doesn't take 40 hours for non-shitters to farm. Not that you would know anything about that

>My dad did endgame content in wrath and he's a fucking kb turning shitter
color me shocked..? wrath was when the game turned into a lump of shit.

>my dad did pvp in 3.3 as a paladin and he's a fucking kb turning shitter
still got glad

If it's so easy to get pvp gear why did you not get geared instead of getting shit on and being a salty faggot about it?

O yeah it's cuz you're fucking bad

>still got glad
On a scrub battlegroup maybe

yeah i played for both, pvp and pve was pretty intertwined in vanilla pvp servers. killing some orc while cave diving for some quest item was just part of the experience

>build characters strength
>stat gains are hard written and theres no difference between someone who boosted or someone who hit the level cap outside of who grinded gear longer

>"hurr my dad did wrath end tier raids"
>"wrath raids are universally known as the start of raid casualization in wow"

why the fuck am i going to pay $15 a month to play a macro simulator that i actively have to grind gear for? when i can just play a moba and go through that whole "leveling and character progression" and still get the pvp experience without having to deal with retards who get to play with gear crutches

nice goalpost moving

>"wrath raids are universally known as the start of raid casualization in wow"
nice goalpost moving

>Playing mobas

I've never played a Paladin before, how did I do? I want to maybe main a healer come Classic.
Is it better to do Two hander or Sword and shield?

except there is a difference between "everyone knows wotlk was when blizzard made raids easier" and "hurr durr maybe thats becayse your battlegroup sucked"

One is opinion and one is fact also i play mobas over wow pvp because you dont get to start the match out with a crutch "pvp gear" you can actively change your class accordingly to be competative instead of dealing with wow's retarded paper scissor rock format where you have to spend 40+ hours just to fucking get one of the 3 choices to a viable level.

anyways im sorry that you are so invested into wow that you cant see its flaws and move on

casual raids were introduced in vanilla with 20-mans.

Yeah but 80% of the rewards were blues

wotlk you didnt even need to raid to get a purple set

>WoW classic announced before ANY work has been done on it
>i haven't played WoW, or really any vidya games, since like 2011

>am going to spend the next 15 months reading WoW threads/speculation on Sup Forums waiting for any drops of news

Why did they do this to me Sup Forums

> kill enemy players
> kill enemy AI forces
> fight monsters in the woods
> level up
> improve your skills
> gather gold
> buy items to enhance powers
> strategize your team's movement

what is not RPG about this?

also 2 buttons? maybe try playing dota where all the items are active so you have like 10 spells per hero

>wow pvp has "depth"
I dont think this is true

They are incredibly efficient single target healers.

Loot color mattered less back then because of the retarded itemization.

I always played PvE mostly because I was playing on free servers where classes were broken and could one shot you with any ability.

Then I tried retail for a while by the end of MoP but I didn't really get anything until WoD released but since WoD was pretty shitty I didn't play that at all (maybe for 2-4 months in total).

When Legion launched I was excited to actually do some PvP but we all know how PvP in Legion is so I'm doing PvE once again.

>wow pvp has depth
>oh you arent playing x class and dont have y armor set guess like you enjoy losing

t. 900 rating shitter