Black character

>black character
>"just stay out of my way whiteboi"

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Why are whiteys so triggered when you call them "white boy"? Can't handle the bants?

>female character
>ugly, annoying bitch who swears a lot

Who the fuck pays 70 dollars for this shit?

Why are blackeys so triggered when you call them "nigger"? Can't handle the bants?

"White boy" is different from "nigger". Don't be willfully ignorant.

Why are black people triggered when you call them nigger?

holy shit get the fuck out of here racists

t.Butt-blasted Whiteys
Errytime looooool

Because it's a pathetic attempt by blacks to find a way to say "nigger" to white people. It's not really being triggered, so much as it is an eyeroll.

"White boi" or "cracker" will never have the power that nigger has. Get over it.

It's like when you shame an entire race for slavery but admit that you'd do the same if the tables were turned so why even shame them in the first place?

Is it? First thing you're doing is pointing out race. You just don't have a harmful go-to word to use instead of just white.

Better be careful with that meme, it's an antique.

just proving his point you stupid cucks

Ain't never a black man owned a white man and whipped him while shouting "White boy! White boy!" at him and you damn well know it.

That's why you can't get your dumbass, Trump-voting, Nazi ass saying "nigger" without getting your ass beat today.

Was there a point to all that rambling? You're not even black.

Nothing wrong with Donald Trump.

You can think that there is a subset of "niggers" within the entire black population. Because, believe me, there is. Not every black person is a nigger, but every nigger is black person.

And no black person is going to beat my ass no matter what I say, because I live in a nice place, and not a slum. If you walked into our town, you'd double the black population.

why do we call niggers "black guys" on Sup Forums now? Have the SJWs finally gotten to us?

Oh please forgive me, I didn't realize you were 150 years old.

>darkies call whites "crackers"
>whites respond with "shut up nigger"

nigger faggot

This. Getting so fucking sick of it.

Refer to for the reason why.

>heavily implying niggers didn't sell each other out
>heavily implying the Arabs didn't do 99.9% of trading

>white """""" men"""""""

When will they learn

>I'm gonna vote for the party that kept my cities full of drug and crime, the party that shipped my dad's job to China, the party that keeps in illegal mexicans who at best take all jobs, at worst literally want to genocide all blacks
>but le negro man on CNN said trump be rayciss n shiet

Niggers really deserve all they get

Go on twitter and say you want to rape and murder all white folks, not like they already hate you all as is.

Shut up nigger

Not true actually, whites were slaves long before blacks. But you're "willfully ignorant" to anything that doesnt back your victim complex you've been trained to have. You wanna bitch about slavery like it effects you and you aren't being given the world for free already as compensation? Go to the middle east where they still enslave blacks and start crying and see how much they care about your spoiled baby tears.

You wanna have police and whites stop treating you like shit? Then fucking collectively stop acting like shit. Stop stealing, stop raping, stop roaming in gangs, stop assaulting people, stop murdering eachother and others. MOST OF ALL Accept that when a majority of your race acts a certain way You WILL be profiled as such. That is how humanity works. Your feelings dont matter when you're 10% of the american population and cause over half the PROVABLE crime, im not talkking about dwb either.

>black character is voiced by keith david

We kicked off all the niGGers to cripplechan. What do you think?

Crackers is actually a term made by white people to refer to those too poor to own slaves

niger is a black man in latin, retard

>tfw no niggers and shitskins in your country

MODS DO YOUR JOBS!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck off and kill yourselves already.

Then it's some ex-commie shithole

>muh pol


People who cry about Sup Forums have become far more annoying than Sup Forums itself, and I'm just tired of politics being injected into everything.

I know, we need to ban all these racist anti-white posters.


>Then it's some ex-commie shithole

yes, and ?

>get rekt
>b-b-but Sup Forums!!!

Never been there crybaby, try actually refuting instead of rolling on your back, shaking your rattle and screaming for your binky.

As the great Chris Rock says, everything white people hate about niggers, black people REALLY hate about niggers. And one of those things is needing to justify being racist just for the sake of being racist.

There is literally nothing wrong with being racist

White boy detected.

Do you prefer to be called nog? It's shorter and has a nice primitive ring to it.

You are celebrating your country not being ruined at the moment, when it has already been ruined by the jews already

This. Nature is racist, it's only natural

>I don't want you to call me that -Nigger
>I don't want you to call me that -White boi

Yeah I clearly see the difference

Do you want me to check your closet for Sup Forums before you go to bed? What about under your bed?

It wouldn't be a problem if we didn't have to deal with Sup Forums invasions constantly.

I'm not even that person you're talking to.

Looks like you don't like being here. Why don't you go back to /neogaf/ or /reddit/ or /cuckshed/?

>You are celebrating your country not being ruined at the moment, when it has already been ruined by the jews already

but user, my country is not america

Okay, how about we just call you boy.

>call white person boy
>ey chill out homie
>call black person boy

Well crying "MUH POL" hasn't made them go away and has only added another annoying side to sperg out in threads.

There once was a criminal who stole some shit, and nigger was his name-o
N-I-G-G-E-R, N-I-G-G-E-R, N-I-G-G-E-R,
And nigger was his name-o

>every nigger is a black person
>not knowing about white trailer trash

Nice falseflag, my reddit brother. You deserve all le (You)s!

What? (Teleports behind you) can't handle the B A N T S