Why does ATTP universally get praised, but Minish cap gets underrated...

Why does ATTP universally get praised, but Minish cap gets underrated, even though it is the Zelda resembling ATTP the most of all?

>far more and more charming NPCs
>more secrets and stuff to collect than ATTP
>better humor
>more sidequests
>more monsters
>more creative gameplay mechanics

Is it because Ganondorf is amiss and Sup Forumstards don't consider it a true Zelda? Does shrinking or the less grim and dark artstyle hurt your ego neckbeards?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Super cramped world
>Horrible soundfont
>Reused graphics and sounds
>Lackluster items

It's probably the least good Zelda game out of them all. It's kinda comfy but everything else is garbage.

Minish Cap was great. But too much of it relied on kinstone trading, which got really tedious after about the 7th time

t. plebs with bad taste
I thought kinstones were fantastic. You didn't just get a secret on a silver platter. You had to find the right stone, find the right person, not forget to ask them to do the fusion, and then walk to the secret. I thought it was a nice idea and you got to find out the names of the NPCs, which added depth to the world. Collecting the figures was nice too.

>Reused graphics
Of all things you really want to shit on the gorgeous graphics? Compare how the NPCs looked in ATTP or LA and how in Minish Cap. In ATTP the 7 maidens even all looked like fucking twins.
>reused sounds
Ok, I give you that.
>lackluster items
Some of the most creative mechanics in the entire franchise like that staff which lets you turn things around, the shrinking, the "windbox" I could go on and on.
>Super cramped world
Super comfy world desu
Fuck Ocarinas empty overworld, and ATTP was kind of empty too. LA was cramped too and it was amazing.

>more secrets and stuff to collect than ATTP
>more sidequests
Kinstone collecting and using them is just boring padding, not only that but the overworld feels empty because you have to unlock the places to explore.
>more monsters
Objectively untrue

Minish Cap is actually better than the Oracle games and Links Awakening but the best 2D Zelda is still Alttp. the overworld and dungeons are far more non-linear and overall the pacing is better.

This was one of the greatest Zelda games I ever played and Ive played them all yes even the CDi ones

I cry everytime I see this


>a to the past

I love Minish Cap, it's my favorite next to Link's Awakening. As someone who prefers 2D Zelda, I'm terrified that Nintendo will try to push the BOTW formula into the 2D games and they become absolute crap like the first game on NES

Also unlike OOT, the game actually does have a second ending where Link fails.
>tfw we will never get a sequel following on from this ending, creating a new branch this early in the timeline

Well I fucked up that link

by that logic every zelda game has a bad timeline where he fails

ALTTP is just massively overrated, even more so than OoT. Unlike OoT, it didn't even try to change the Zelda formula. It's literally just TLoZ with better graphics and more items.

WTF is "ATTP"?

Anyway, Minish Cap is fucking terrible on nearly every level possible.
It has what? 5/6 dungeons if you count the castle.
Kinstones? Yes, that was a terrible fetch quest that was retarded on every level.
The midget forest people sequences are insanely tedious. I get they tried to do the "hey look, a new world!", but Subrosia was better. Hell, even fucking the Dark World was better in LttP.

Not to mention most of the gameplay was: hey wait for this tedious fucking thing, if you mess up once, you get to be in a tedious part of the game again.

I like Minish Cap, it's the most recent Zelda game I've played but there's just way too much in-between time doing boring shit. The sidequests aren't really "sidequests" and it just relies on the Kinstone gimmick, one that just isn't fun in the least, WAY too much.

Fuck it, let's simply get used to saying Zelda 3. I never understood why some series like Zelda never put numerals in their fucking games like Final Fantasy. This is some special snowflake tier faggotry.

ALTTP is Zelda 3
LA is Zelda 4
Ocarina of time is Zelda 5
Minish Cap is Zelda 10

Minish cap is one of the few Zeldas I like but apparently I played the gimped European version.


How was the european version gimped? I played it and its my favourite Zelda.


I don't know, that's just what I heard.

I like it but it's generally too easy, too short, and the kinstones are a tedious gimmick. I prefer the Oracle games (also done by the same team/director).

It's a shame that the minish got cut from BotW though, that would added some nice variety compared to the other races.

way too handholding.
link should never have sidekicks. navi was tolerable though at least.

that would be SS.

Can I say it?


In a 2d zelda game. That' s pretty weak.

I really like Minish Cap but it's basically incomparable to ALTTP. Kinstones weren't that great and the items, while creative, were one trick ponies. Not as good as LA or the Oracles either but it's just a nice game. I don't really think it was trying very hard to be "amazing"

it's still better than PH and ST

The kinstones aren't too bad, but the shells/figurines thing should have been implemented a different way than collecting 469,643,643,236,751,286 shells

I didn't like it because the fucking hat never shut the fuck up and wasn't funny at all. In fact, I hated him. Who wants to have such an annoying, abrasive partner? It's just a dumb bird thing that sits on link's head and pecks him all the time. What a shitty partner.

No, efficiency.

I much rather know where a game stands in the release order than some irrelevant fucking fact like it being about a twilight princess or involving a minish cap.

If it were up to me, ALL games would be numerated, this would also motivate creators to not create shit games. FF15 would then probably be like FF 54 or something.

>this would also motivate creators to not create shit games
not really sure how that follows

>No, efficiency.

I much rather know where a game stands in the release order than some irrelevant fucking fact like it being about a twilight princess or involving a minish cap.

If it were up to me, ALL games would be numerated, this would also motivate creators to not create shit games. FF15 would then probably be like FF 54 or something.

you know how I know you just started playing Zelda?

a u t i s m

Only thing I regret about this game is I never 100% the kinstone trading and this is coming from someone who grinded for hour's to get shell's to 100% the figurine collection.

Because it's Capcom who made it. Not Nintendo

The two games aren't remotely comparable. "Better humor" is especially egregious--Link to the Past wasn't written to be a comedy, though I will give Minish Cap credit for being a reasonably comedic Zelda game before Treehouse started sniffing glue and thinking that old memes are comedy gold.