What went so horribly wrong?

What went so horribly wrong?


What were they thinking?

Horny nerds

slut shaming isn't encouraged

*horny stream girls
If there were no stream girls violating the rules, there would be no horny nerds. The horny mods refuse to ban the stream girls but will ban the stream men over anything even remotely suggestive in any capacity at all...

The site is filled racists who spam racist shit in chat in every big stream and misogynistic virgins who can't stand the sight of female streamers.

They don't enforce a no-prostitution rule.

Cam girls.

Beta orbiter mods

Lack of competitors. Twitch has become complacent as fuck with features, and people who could be carrying 10k on a different platform but are only getting 3k on twitch have nothing else to turn to and are instead turning away from streaming entirely.


nerds getting angry that their gaming world akin to the real world, isn't fair.

honestly cringe

Double standards and mods/admins playing favorites

They tried to put video games on a cam site

Women treating it like myfreecams light.

Amazon buying them and Curse, then merging them together into an unholy frankenstein's monster.


Letting this fat, scummy, toxic piece of shit on their website.

Oh boy... this is really going to be the next big drama thing every faggot youtuber is going to be bitching about?

Jesus christ gamers are so fucking embarrassing.

twitch is only as good as gaming

and gaming is worse than ever

It's funny because he talked mad shit about twitch for years because they asked him to lower his bitrate. then went scurrying back when youtube money fell off.

everything, streaming is one of the worst things to ever happen to video games.

Twitch isn't that bad, like every other medium that's ever existed you just have to avoid the top people. Smaller streams that aren't constant shoutouts and BING BING "thanks for the 7 dollars, whiteknight 764" can be great. The best part of Twitch is how much traffic it's taken from SJW """journo""" sites as it's still the best way to get long, unadulterated looks at new releases.

I know right? He constantly breaks Twitch TOS too by directly asking for money, yet he's allowed to stay on. The fuck.

I loved how for YEARS he pointed a camcorder at his TV or monitor and uploaded the worst quality audio and video known to man, but Twitch not letting him stream at 10,000 bitrate was the final straw. Fucking kek.

Seriously, this. From the camgirls to the autistic Ice retards to the high-school Twitch drama.

>YouTubers shitting bricks about new algorithms and demonetized videos
I'm loving this shit, let it burn, baby.

also Sup Forums

fucking this it looks like there is not a single manly mod there just beta cucks numales

WEW LAD there's some chick painting her tits on twitch IRL right now.

This is honestly a substantial improvement over the Twitch I remember, not sure what OP is butthurt about

Guys can't stream topless and social eating

>twitch drama is the way of poltards to make shitty threads in Sup Forums

adding politics to Sup Forums was a mistake

t.14 year old

Amazon buyout. Twitch was better before Amazon.

fuck off underage B& normalfag

i bet you watch lirik

t. someone who would rather watch a dude play a video game

>the whole point of twitch.tv was to seperate the video games from justin.tv
>make it justin.tv after a few years anyway
life was a mistake.

gib link

Well I don't watch guys playing games I watch the game that they are playing.

>having to put 18+ on your title
I think if you have to put this in your title, that isn't the place for you. May as well just go full camwhore site.

Twitch IRL right now

She probably makes more money on twitch than she could on any other camwhore site, which is why she's sticking around.
What happened to the state of men to give women with no skills this much power? Why are people so damn lonely?

I don't watch people playing video games because I am not an autistic cuckold, I just play video games myself.

Then why do you care about what happens on Twitch

That Zulu tho

because it's ruining the entire video game industry by having games shove in "streamer features" like lootboxes, and games protecting their streamers and banning anyone who beats/kills/etc a protected streamer. Stream culture as a whole needs to fucking die off.

It is absolutely impossible that you have played all of the good games that released during the SEVERAL previous "golden eras" of gaming. You could be playing timeless classics until the end of time without touching a single game released since the tragedy of 2007. Stop bawwing.

>almost 20% of threads are smut
muh board culture, le anime board
>titty girls on twitch are contained to A SINGLE CATEGORY YOU DON'T NEED TO BROWSE
twitch is ded

i hate the sjw's which came crawling with anita but goddamn you guys proof them right

user I'm 36, I beat pic related when it came out. I have played an enormous amount of video games. Stop defending jewish stream culture.

thirsty beta nu-males for mods

>athene at 205 viewers

How the mighty have fallen.

He still doing that weird cult shit for donations?

I'm sick of all the bullshit happening to this community, this used to be a goddamn community of GAMERs, NERDS, kids who got BULLIED, kids who got fucked with, kids that resorted to the GAMING WORLD because the real world was too fuckin hard too hard too shitty too lonely too sad and depressing now it's ran by the fucking goddamn same SLUTS that rejected us! The same SLUTS that chose the goddamn fuckin' cool kids over us! The same SLUTS that come into our community, taking the money, taking the subs! FUCK THAT! I AM THE GODDAMN FUCKIN' REALITY CHECK!

> I beat pic related when it came out.

holy fuck dude

Sup Forums likes to shit on twitch by pointing towards tittystreamers or really obnoxious loud memers but you can just go wild and not watch them

wow he must drink a lot to have the delusion that people would want to look at his face on purpose. that's probably why he's got so much fat.


Funny you say that: he's actually trying to hype up that he'll be drinking for his "Christmas stream" as if that's anything special. BUT YA GOTTA PAY HIM!!!

what sense does that image make?

Ok let me get this straight, the Justin.tv site was made so people could stream random crap, the people behind it discovered gaming was the most popular category, spun it off into its own site (Twitch), shutdown Justin.tv, but then re-added the random category? What was the point

>even the russian loli gymthots have gotten into it

Don't talk like that about Sup Forums's favorite celebritiy

wow. that's incredibly sad.


u mad?

test for super


So bodypaint is the new camwhoring? Jesus, the next step is full on sex cams on twitch. Fuck this shit.

They may as well spin off a whole new sex themed version of the site at this point. Just let it happen.

It's under the Creative category, which Shadbase reigns supreme.

I want to ____ Kefla

Twitch being completely favoritist to certain streamers, and

Still 100x better than youtube.

The only thing that Twitch has really wrong is the setup of the directory and games. The means of sorting means basically the top 10% of twitch is the only thing seen without actively digging for certain people, making hosts and communities the only considerable way to build channels besides niche shit.

Worse yet some places have rebroadcasts and VODcasts (especially in drop games) having priorities over live channels which is just stupid.

Nerds are generally not people who I would call "manly".

Other than the obvious tit cancer taking over and killing the host; there's no reason to venture out of the top streamer of a game, why watch college football or fucking highschool football when there's a pro game on? There's also no reason to start streaming, since if you aren't already popular than everyone else in the community mostly already has their time filled with the top streamer of a category.
Like if I'm bored and have nothing to do, I'll stream some shit like eye or daggerfall, but I'm a nobody so they have to reason to watch. Neither game can really be too exciting for the viewer outside of streamer actions, so they simply don't watch.
They should probably add like a "random host" option so the most popular can auto-random host some nobody, and then there's the chance people go fucking wild when they host another popular streamer. Then the viewer doesn't have to "risk" watching something else, they can just veg out or such.

What is the meaning of this madness?

Take a wild guess, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.

I'd rocket her science if you catch my meaning.

The pathetic virgins who give camwhores money are pure cancer

that stream is actually mad funny right now because she is being sexually harassed over a call right now

I wouldn't. She's so fucking basic and absolutely covered in makeup.

>pro game
Because pro's are usually uptight, not down to earth, not enjoyable to watch because they play/act like a machine devoid of any emotion or devoid of any brain functions and repeat the same words like "Unlucky" "Feelsbadman" and so on.

You're a fucking retard if you only watch the top channels, shit floats to the top friend, you got to go through it to find something actually worth while.

>watching e-girls
Remove yourself.

If it was worthwhile, it wouldn't be on twitch.

Riiiiight. Check this guy out over here, guys. He has such high standards.

If she came up to you and offered herself, there is 0 fucking chance you'd ever say "You're too basic. You have too much makeup"

Hell, if that carton of bologna in your fridge came to life and asked you to fuck it, you'd do it no questions asked. Even if it was wearing lipstick.

>if it was worthwhile it wouldn't be on twitch

How wrong could you possibly be. There is plenty of not so big channels that are worth while it's just you've been feasting on the stock pile of shit that is endless for so long you've decided to give up or better yet, think your opinion is fact even when you've given up looking for actual quality stuff.

I mean, if my bologna was sentient enough to wear lipstick and even talk, yeah I wouldn't ask much questions.

I actually totally would turn her down though.

However I'm also a faggot so take that with a grain of salt. I just think she doesn't look very good at all. There are ways to be pretty without looking like a factory produced whore.

fpbp, only post that matters itt

Your opinion doesn't matter then. That'd be like me saying "I only fuck bicycles" and then trying to say I wouldn't fuck a woman. Unless that woman has two wheels and a handlebar, I'm probably not going to find her very attractive.

bro do you even know Mang0?

Actually, because of my small penis, I've turned down women before to save myself the embarrassment to come. I've accepted that I will die a khv. I'm 32

I don't drink wine either but I'd still say you've got garbage taste if you choose to drink MD20/20 at all.

If youtube gaming fixes the god awful UI and bans brs it will be a very good alternative. There are some pretty cool homies with like 0 viewers just having a grand ol' time playing vidya, and for me thats what its all about


twitch is badly managed. just check glassdoor reviews.

Face cams and IRL.

My penis is gigantic but women are never interested in me

It is really sad to watch others have fun and enjoy their lives while you watch from behind a computer screen. The people behind the camera know it too.