Something might happen. Something should happen.
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Other urls found in this thread:
Team/gang when?
but will something actually happen
it wins
Hopefully something will, even though at this rate it doesn't feel like it.
Hoodie skeleton, conquerer of furries
who /in/?
Skeleton butler.
so hows the pokedex coming along
anyone wanna give this monstrosity stats/abilities?
who /in/ five times?
While very unlikely, it'd be fun if our guys get to fight. They're on opposite sides of the bracket so if they do meet it'd be the final battle.
>tfw wc host ruined your vermin's chance of ever being in a tournament again
fourth vermin becomes a pretty girl
I hope he doesn't job.
Skeleton Scorpion from Shin Megami Tensei
Fight 1
Smugplug vs Skeleton Dog Walker
the ultimate "nah i'm not really dead" fight
post fanart of your Sup Forumsermin
In RPG and VB.
All I want to see is my TV not jobbing in round 1.
Incoming succ
in whether bootyblasted user likes it or not :^)
WC is the finals actually just a wedding if it's a skeleton vs a waifu
I went OH SHIT YES! upon seeing this post.
/our/: part 1
it begins
too bad her ability will probably be shit
>Thompson has to waifu his own ice cream monster
My sides.
I wonder how ace will nerf this one
How would you feel if it lost to your shitpost scorpion?
This one's for you, jojo.
this is one of the most visually offensive Sup Forumsermin in existence
the shit drawing
the shit coloring with white pixels
the 6 different brush types
the clipart blasts
the adhd font choices
To be honest, Rick ins't one of my best vermin but I'm hoping he will redeem himself in a tourney
>was making an envelope vermin because i didnt see one before
>Just finished drawing it and was getting ready for abilities
>See this fucking thing
Scrapped. Back to the drawing board
bat loli is still loli
no nickels from me
I designed Neetv-EX specifically to break the stat system, she was designed around WC tho.
High guard and lives to last longer and reflect critical damage.
Show me it
i would honestly just laugh
it would be a funny way to go
I'll be rooting for him as well as the other reptile vermin
make more robots
Since people were posting collages last thread, I was working on this to post to the thread.
This isn't even all of them.
you are more unlikeable than pepe and mariel combined
Did you make the original Kingo?
oops meant for
can you upload that pottery vermin to the booru
Sorry you feel that way. There are other people who do like it.
Such a creature exists, but it is not that user.
>already deleted the picture
It was basically the same thing. Though its ability was gonna be "Going postal! This vermin attacks always crit but if it doesnt win in 10 turns the cops come and it loses the fight"
that user was Jojo
Did we figure out which artist is currently at a furry convention instead of drawing vermin?
Its free of charge my nigga, i know you cant afford it lmao.
Coontwah line when?
dik sucky
I think it's Thompson
why does he look like a baby on stilts
me :^)
I will mock you if it manages to win it all. No hard feelings.
I reiterate. Such a creature exists, but it isn't Jojo user. And they have only ever been in these threads once.
i forgot he was a furry somehow
what were its names
>Having to look for muscle references to use in the waifu Edgy Ninja
god i don't even know what am i going to do with the ice cream monster
It's Mr. thomps
Which artist are furries
everyone knows omega host was just TH host's excuse to drop the kaiju tournament
it wasn't even a logical excuse
It literally cannot be JJ
I didn't. I just decided on making a 'revenge vermin' version of him to enter into a tourney, like tointelligent's 2intelligent.
Will do.
As soon as I actually do the Witching Hour epilogue.
Give the ice cream muscles too.
Post your Sup Forumsermin, user
Kaiju tournament was a mistake.
We could have gotten many other tournaments during that 4-month span
Nigga i ain't a furry
It's me.
Also not a single guess to my identity has been correct.
>trying to make a metal gear reference
>My form 3 snake is kind of fucked up and i feel like its lower half needs to be redrawn
what is he looking at, Sup Forums?
External factors made TH unable to finish it, man.
Yes, but you fuck plants. They share a board with Furfaggots.
no keep it its hilarious
this might be the worst drawn non-ironic Sup Forumsermin yet
if you primarily draw nonhuman things with animal features I consider you furry
Welp, yeah, is pretty bad but who cares, the actual skill of the user behind it is far higher.
That's cause anyone who isn't retarded doen't care
can't wait to infect you all
Mail man
Post man
I didnt get to the stats. I do those after the abilities. I have a fucked process
Lolified and Waifu'd Ronin
The Highway Ronin Waifu Pinup Thompson is doing.
can't infect it if it's already dead
for 4 months? and he has time to shitpost and play neopets? he's just a lazy nigger
The photo of Highway Ronin (female)