ITT buyer's remorse

ITT buyer's remorse

Okay describes all the problems and I'll tell you what you can do to fix them all


for me its 5 minute because the port is a piece of shit

Don't worry you're beat Asylum Demon one day.

If it was that bad why didn’t you refund it fuckmo

>because the port is a piece of shit
In what way? I found it ran better on my PC than my PS3.

i feel your pain, demon's souls was so much better


>78 mins
You haven't even got started yet.

It was shit port but who forbid you using DSfix?

then refund it ya dingus

I bought BF1 and the season pass for $30.

i don't buy games i don't like because i pirate them first if i have any questions

Is the online not working for this anymore?

I'm doing a SL1 run, currently up to Blighttown and I haven't seen a single phantom, blood pool, or message.

the controls are weird (still says the console buttons) and for some reason my graphics looked weird.

Worked last I played ~3 months ago.


Took me 20 hours and 5 restarts over an entire year before it stuck with me, then I spent another 120 hours on it within a week.

>120 hours on it within a week.

The game isn't that good calm down.

More like ITT shit taste

OP gave up, he's gone fully hollow.

I bought a Switch, and BotW. Haven't played Odyssey yet and I intend to get it soon. But right now i am feeling insane buyer's remorse. BotW is way, way more boring than I've been led to believe.



I don't think I'll be able to buy a GTA game ever again. The humor doesn't do anything for me any more and the game play is so dull.