>TFW you're in despair
Fucking really? What is this, Sup Forums?
TFW you're in despair
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to break Shuichi's fingers!
>another Danganronpa thread
Were there more? I just finished case 6 and want to talk about it :/
"tfw" isn't a Sup Forums thing, it's an internet thing. Every single forum and facebook post uses it now.
Kaede didn't deserve to die :(
Junko fucking sucks
get fucked junkoposter
>i love junko
>i love her stinky sister
>seesaw posting
>kyoko reaction pics
>hope man
>no chiaki gf
Kyoko is my waifu!
i love kaede
Fuck off to /drg/
You gotta like how SC specifically bases their character designs on plot twists and assumptions.
>Miu is vulgar large chested, grey eyes and peach hair, so shes obviously junko in disguise
>Keebo looks and acts and sounds like hajime with an inner voice telling him to hold onto hope
>Rantaro acts like Nagito and hints at being in previous games
>Kokichi constantly being hinted at RoD early on
>Tsumugi is a cosplayer so she can be junko too
>Literally none of this is true
What? why? I want an actual thread on a game I just finished. That violates no rules on Sup Forums. As video game discussion is welcome here. If you want anyone to go away tell
Kind of posters. I don't condone them, but they're bound to happen.
I love them
>maki posting takes on another form
idol fags everytime....
Fuck waifu/husbando faggots, Kokichi is the newest best character. About time we had an actual prankster/liar to stir shit up.
>not getting the reference
I don't normally associate with fandoms, so no. Explain.
So the events of Hopes peak actually happened, and Tsumugi just based the reality show on them right? Wasn't jabberwock isle an isolated, classified event in virtual space? Why would they know anything about it?
whats the octagon meme again? was it the Fun House one?
you mean Kaedead
why does it matter?
in the context of v3, the first 2 games were fiction (probably) but the first two games still share the same continuity outside of v3.
damn right
Pay attention.
Shuichi said mugi was a copycat.
The cast at the start of the game knew nothing of danganronpa.
Kaede kinda knew but was scared, Amami knew and asked why they were doing all this.
If they wanted to be in the game why would they act like this?
Danganronpa was game that was popular and had many sequeals. It wasn't something the real world wanted. Tsumugi captured student to recreate the game as ultimate real fiction.
nothing's solid yet but I've got a pretty good hunch
Also in case you wanna as, the audition tapes were fake.
There's a studio where tsumugi could've dreased as them.
Smallpox was likely fake. Kaede mentions turning arouns when tsumugi put on her clothes, enough time to apply body paint.
events of DR2 weren't shown publicly, but they were recorded and televised to a select few
I mean how else Naegi would know what is going on?
something like this i think?
irl stuff will eventually get declassified as the years pass, we have no idea how far into the future is DRV3 set in
Thought you were the /drg/ guy. my bad. I missed the 12 Y/o comment though, that was funny.
Yeah thats my point. Tsumugi said it was a copy, so the real games with junko obviously happened. Shes just a junko fanfiction writter.
>Body paint
Now thats reaching. You have any idea how long it takes to apply paint and let it dry? Turning around for 4-5 minutes is nowhere near enough time for that.
How much I liked the characters
Kokichi > Shuichi > Keebo > Rantaro > Ryoma > Gonta > Kaito > Korekiyo > Kirumi > Kaede > Miu > Angie > Maki > Himiko > Tsumugi > Tenko
Oh no! A video game discussion in a video game board! What do we do?!
Good man. Kokichi made the game for me.
body paint exists like that already some cosplayers use it and its non sticky and doesn't leave marks on clothes.
Plus she's a cosplayer too.
>body paint exists like that already some cosplayers use it
Yes, and it takes 30+ minutes to dry out. I'm very much aware how acryllic based body paints work. Even the "ultimate" cosplayer can't make time speed up.
The fact that Kodaka himself urged players to replay the prologue pretty much confirms that the audition tapes were fake.
Kokichi > Shuichi > Keebo > Gonta > Kaede > Miu > Maki > Rantaro > Kaito > Kirumi > Angie > Ryoma > Himiko > Tsumugi > Tenko >>>> Korekiyo
>hating based seesaw man
Danganronpa fightan when?
The hair was a bitch to make, ans I just gave up on trying to make the slippers work
Well it is an advanced world, it could also just be powder or make up like that's just for skin tone and not really paint or something like it.
Keep in mind the dialogue says Tsumugi took a while and Kaede turned around with her eyes closed. Its seems a bit strange to include that in.
That said it wasn't really my idea to begin with. Some people on/drg/ suggested it.
I didnt like him. He was like a bad Naruto Fan character
>above anyone
Okay fine.
Kokichi > Shuichi > Keebo > Gonta > Kaede > Miu > Maki > Rantaro > Kaito > Kirumi > Atua >>>>>>>>>>> Angie > Ryoma > Himiko > Tsumugi > Tenko >>>> Korekiyo
Atua forgives you.
Why is she so perfect?
What if:
Angie was actually the manager of Team Danganronpa, and Atua was actually the voice of the outside world?
What if:
Angie didn't suck shit?
More or less the same for me.
I would probably put Kaito in the last 5 though. I really hate when they try really hard to make you like a character, it feels really forced. I just wanted to say "fuck off Kaito" the whole game, but nope.
Kokichi tier: Kokichi
High tier: Miu, Angie, Shuichi, Kaede
Mid tier: Kaito, Gonta, Keebo
Low tier: Tenko, Rantaro, Kirumi, Himiko
Shit tier: Maki, Korekiyo, Ryoma, all the Monokubs
Boring tier: Tsumugi
Why do none of the dudes even try to fuck Miu? She wouldn't refuse.
That's a nice sprite.
No but she would. Miu puts up a big tough act, but if you actually try courting her shes shy and stays away from people. She expects them to treat her like shit.
She does wring Shuichi's balls out till they're completely empty in bed
Ah, the classic,"Act like a bitch, so they'll have a reason to hate me." routine.
>tfw Keebo kept talking about his inner voice early on
>immediately think it's something worth discussing because that obviously means somebody is on the outside telling him what to do
>everyone disregards this
>then the ending happens.
Man I thought there was going to be some crazy big reveal like Naegi legit made a hopebot.
>Post Dangan Ronpa 3 threads
Discussion died a few days after the new game came out. It's just circle jerking now. Literally Katawa Shoujo tier.
I want to fuck fake Junko!
Thats the point. SC makes characters that follow obvious archetypes so you THINK you'll have them all figured out, only to throw a super illogical curveball at you to make you feel bad for not getting it.
Not everyone buys games at launch guy. Hell I rented it cause I had nothing better to play this week.
Fucking /cgl/ thots is not a good idea. Even fucking the real Junko is a better idea.
I love Junko!
I love real Junko!
Junkoposter fuck off. You did literally shit in VM5 and everyone hates you for it.
I feel indifferent towards Junko!
kill junko
Not who you’re talking about but what’s VM5?
Sup Forumsmusical
Top tier : Kokichi
Great tier : Suichi, Rantaro, Miu
Good tier : Maki, Kaito, Keebo, Kaede
Ok tier : Korekiyo, Gonta, Ryoma, Himiko, Kirumi
Just tier : Tsumugi, Tenko
Ruined my game tier : Angie
Maki ntr
Words can't describe how much I want to bully and humiliate this cum bucket
>The intro talks about fictional characters, the other games don't
>There's a "Team Danganronpa" which is never mentioned until now
>That's a TV Studio not a School
>When you first enter the first menu it sounds like a TV turning on
>The title flickers with static
Basically we've been rused from the very beginning
Kokichi turns Kaito gay and makes Maki watch
But it's fine cause it's JUST A PRANK BRO
Goddess Tier: Miu
Great bro tier: Kaito, Ryoma, Rantaro, Korekiyo, Tsumugi
Okay Tier: Shuichi, Keebo, Angie, Maki, Himiko
Meh tier: Kaede, Kirumi
Shit tier: Gonta
Annoying little shitter tier: Kokichi
kaede > everyone else
Junkofag is our mascot please be nice to him
Horrible taste
I hate mascots.
>Mahiru in between two crazies
The only person in the entire series I feel bad for is Chiaki. She didn't deserve that.
>Kurokuma higher than any UDG characters
KEK. Good. Ultra was an awful game.
Because she's the best
I can't do it anymore, I literally opened V3, struggled to go through the first retarded (as always) 10 mins of the game hoping to get through all the cringe stuff and get to the actual cases then I got bored as it didn't happen and quit.
Dunno the source of these, but for me its
1. Kokichi
2. Nagito
3. Shuichi
She didn't deserve anything. Real Chiaki didn't do anything at all except play video games with people? I guess?
>God why is there so much exposition in a visual novel?
You new or something?
Kuma dating mode when?
>you'll never get to be in a threesome with Monophanie and Usami
>You'll never fuck Monophanie right in front of Monodam's stoic face.
Autohating kuma's isn't nice. Kuro was hilarious.
>All those gay jabs at Nagito
Kokichi was just a shitty Komeda, except Komeda had a genuine motive and wasn't doing it because he was an insecure little shit.
Also they kill of 13 characters and out of all of that fucking Himiko is a survivor? Plus they imply that everyone still enjoys a show where Junko has been the mastermind 53 fucking times?
>Now thats reaching. You have any idea how long it takes to apply paint and let it dry? Turning around for 4-5 minutes is nowhere near enough time for that.
Doesn't seem like a problem considering she changes her entire appearance in 1 second during trial.
>Plus they imply that everyone still enjoys a show where Junko has been the mastermind 53 fucking times?
We live in a world where people still enjoy Peter griffin flashback moments and butt jokes after 17 seasons, What do you think?
A garbage-tier overarching "story" filled with cringe moments isn't a good exposition my friend.
I remember Sup Forums having a lot of lewd Mikans. Did you all delete them?
Hey guess what. We all have opinions, and yours is incorrect. Also I won't be responding to you after this explanation, as you clearly by your own words, are looking to cause trouble. So no more food for you.