At somepoint we all played this when we were back in 2001 for the first time so to those that have...

At somepoint we all played this when we were back in 2001 for the first time so to those that have, what was your first experience and reaction to this game? How has it effected your life ever since and most importantly what was your initial reaction when you first incountered the flood in this game?

The flood scared the shit out of me as a young kid and I had nightmares for weeks because of them...

I miss halo when it was still good...

I didn;t play it until a few years ago. It wasn't available in my country

Like electricity

CE was literally my first FPS. The Elites used to scare me when fighting upclose.

Halo 2 is one of my favorite games of all time.


I've played it on PC in 2002 and I didn't liked it.
While everyone had consoles during late 90's early 00's I played exclusively on PC so I've already played better fps games.

I was spending the day with my grandfather when it released. He drove me to the store to buy it but I couldn't play it until the next day as my computer was at my house and my parents were away somewhere. I remember sitting at the table reading the booklet and telling my gramps about the game. It was a proper booklet too, lots of info on the enemies and weapons, world and all in colour. Fuck man I was so excited I had so much trouble sleeping that night, I thought time had never gone that slow before.

I loved Halo from the first moment I played it, I found it by reading about it in a gaming magazine (remember those?). Little did I know I would have some of the greatest gaming memories from playing Halo 3 on the 360 with my buds in high school. Played through the entire campaign on legendary with them, just dicking around and trying to break the game. It makes me sad knowing that games aren't designed for this anymore and even if they were, being older gaming gets less fun and doing this kind of shit would probably get boring quickly. Dunno, I could just spend hours fucking around in Forge with my buddies back then.

>At somepoint we all played this when we were back in 2001

user, some kids born in 2000 are 18 now

I didn't get into FPS until I was older
In 2001 I was playing Pokemon and Spyro

When I first encountered the flood I freaked out and made my sister come in and help me do the missions

I'd give myself a save point by going to Save and Quit,and then replay those parts in the 2nd mission where you're trying to save the marines that have crash landed over and over until I could save as many of them as possible.
I came up with different strategies for the different areas, most of them involved parking the warthog somewhere, and holding off another angle with the sniper rifle.


It wasn’t my first FPS but it was the first console FPS to implement vehicles into combat so fluidly. Shit, it was the first console FPS to not feel like total dogshit IMO; goldeneye has a place in my heart but it’s really clunky if you play it now. Halo 1 still feels good to play, if a little slow

I did this too. Being a kid was fucking great, just doing dumb pointless shit like this.

Damn I thought I was done fapping today.

Ditto this. I hated when my marines would die on me


Car physics. They blew my fucking mind and it handled so well.

Also, lobbing grenades and stomping on grunts felt amazing. And the internet play was amazing because everyone was so horrible at the game.

10/10 at the time.

playing it now is pretty boring. they do a piss poor job of telling the story.

I didn't like it. I thought the enemies were stupid. Like I'm this badass fighting little goofy cartoon characters. I didn't see the big deal about this game at the time and I still don't.

>They blew my fucking mind and it handled so well.
Every vehicle in CE felt like you were driving on ice.

>what is math

can you even count you dumb faggot

but user, Halo CE didn't have online!

In was initially unimpressed besides the "technology" aspect. But one night I borrowed it from a friend (after dicking around in the game for a couple weeks with my friend who wouldnt shut up about it) and started a campaign on LEGENDARY

after a few levels, barely scratching my way thru epic battles with whatever limited skill I had as a 13 year old, remembering layouts and enemy waves and somehow nailing golden elites with plasma grenades and one shotting grunts with my pistol and melee to conserve ammo and sneaking behind jackals with shields and somehow coming out on top in a fight against 4 elites and 2 of the big scary tanky motherfuckers, I realized THIS GAME IS AMAZING.

And yes the flood levels were very atmospheric and I loved it. I remember those levels and the album I listened to while playing at 3 in the morning binging. Playing halo at anything lower than heroic is a waste, same goes for left 4 dead.

>At somepoint we all played this when we were back in 2001 for the first time so to those that have, what was your first experience and reaction to this game?
I absolutely loved it.
>How has it effected your life ever since and most importantly what was your initial reaction when you first incountered the flood in this game?
It became one of my favorite video game franchises next to Metroid and the Flood scared the shit out of me when I first saw and fought them.

It was something awesome, i remember people only liked to play football or cs 1.5 and i was the black sheep on the lan house playing it, i used to think it was the best game ever

me too dude, i remember there had some mini tentacle jumping thing that glued to your screen and started to take off your shield and life if you didn't get rid of it, i was all like
>omg omg omg i don't like this part,shit
i'm pretty sure there were no other games like this back then.

I played it for the first time with the PC demo, and I was excited by the straightforward and robust combat. After Half-Life and Counter-Strike, PC FPS games started veering hard into realism with intricate systems that slowed down gameplay (inventories, leaning, crawling, ADS, etc.) and enemies that were mostly just boring guys with guns. Halo represented that classic run-n-gun mentality, with streamlined grenades and melee, the latter of which was immensely satisfying and powerful, varied enemies with different behaviours and tactics, and beautiful open levels with seamlessly integrated yet optional vehicles. Simply put, it was an injection of kickass fun.
I didn't play the whole game until years later and I was kind of spoiled to the Flood so no grand reaction there. I still like it and continue to like the series as a whole up to and including Reach.

>Sup Forums loves halo now

Goddamn the flood made me want to shit and piss myself when i first encountered them because I thought this game was just about being a badass super soldier killing aliens for no reason but boy was i wrong.

The true scariest part in the game is when you first encounter the flood on legendary difficulty. That was fucking unbelievably difficult and terrifying.

Flood levels with legendary was the most brutalistic scariest shit I ever dealt with.

>trying to fight through the flood while trying to avoid the oversize popcorn floods since one being latched onto you will fucking destroy your health and shields really fast.

bumping for more flood stories

Played it early 2002, and thought it was incredible. Replayed the whole campaign like 15 times minimum that year.

I thought it was great. Every element of the game was married together in such a harmonious way. The HUD was explained via your suit, and demonstrated to you by the beginning tutorial. The enemy AI and NPCs were charismatic and animated, reacting to each other constantly, bringing the whole game to life. Vehicle physics were pretty fun. Soundtrack was on a grand scale and elevated everything else in the game to a higher level. Story was just right for creating an adventurous space opera atmosphere. The Flood was a really cool reveal, and added to the space opera aspect, though the following few stages with them became repetitive and less interesting. Still, it was incredible.

singleplayer and car handling were fucking garbage but flood scared me good
on the other hand multiplayer was great

Sup Forums has always been divided about it.

I liked the flood because at that point I was getting tired of fighting covenant. At the time I thought the game was decent but nothing to rave about. Years later I played the game on Legendary and actually fucking loved it then. Halo games are awesome for me when I play legendary or even heroic mode.

I played it at my uncle's and it was pretty meh. I played a lot of UT99 and hates how slow it was and how you could only hold 2 weapons and you constantly had to hide and recharge your shields rather than avoid rockets and get healthpacks.

Replayed it recently and it was OK. The 2 weapon limit is still really retarded since every weapon has its use and nothing is more annoying than having to toss a weapon just to get a rocket launcher for that one vehicle. The maps are endlessly padded with repeats (I liked that when I first played it since I played with someone else and it just meant more aliens to shoot) and the AR has far too many bullets. Dropping it to 30 shots with double damage wouldve made it feel less like a peashooter. I really liked the graphics though. It uses this trick where if you turn on your flashlight you see shadows fall in the grooves of the map. Even though those are flat textures.

7.5/10 at release for shield mechanics, graphics, some cool weapons and neat AI.
Now 6.5/10. Its functional but the slow recharge on the shield and endless map repeats are just too mediocre.

Heroic is honestly the perfect difficulty level storywise.
>You're strong, but weak enough to be killed by enemies that are tough lorewise, rather than turning them into meat sandwiches
>Marines die easily, representing how weak, yet expendable humans were to the covenant
>Elites are literally mass-produced Spartan IIIs, as displayed in their AI and combat ability
>Grunts are weak, but still a force to be reckoned with
>Hunters are the nightmarish juggernauts them Covenant make them out to be.
Legendary makes everything more exhilarating and fun, but drags down the story imo. Bungie really did a topnotch job with the game.


Halo CE has an exemplary difficulty setting curve. It scales perfectly from Easy to Very Hard, with each setting offering vastly different experiences of the same game.
Bungie kind of lost the thread after Halo 3 though, and made every difficulty too close to Heroic.

I liked how above normal diff you would skip the tutorial

I was in high school. I was way too distracted with the Gamecube launching that I blew off Halo as a generic sci fi shooter. The week that both consoles launched, my friend had gotten an Xbox with Halo and asked me to come check it out. After being balls deep in Luigi's Mansion and Rogue Squadron for a week, I decided I needed the break.

Boy was I wrong about Halo. Going from playing Perfect Dark on 64 to playing this shit was mind blowing. The visuals at the time were unmatched on consoles, and the whole flow of the campaign levels were next level. Local multiplayer became the new "Goldeneye." Eventually, we used Gamespy Tunnel service to play matches online before Xbox Live and Halo 2 were out. Take me back, man. I want to go back.

you arent fooling anyone

My post was genuine as fuck. I'm 31. Too specific maybe?

I remember being extremely impressed with the grass to be honest. I know it sounds stupid but in 2001 that was a damn fine grass texture.

I was a Nintendo guy who just thought Halo was another generic franchise that was popular because it was the next big thing and then I got an Xbox and played it, from then on I was a Halo fan and I plan to be a Halo fan for life.

>If we were to pull out, today, and they would come take OUR base, then they would have TWO bases... in the middle of a boxed canyon.


Same.God damn reading these stories make me wish I had got an Xbox when I was younger. Im a huge Halo fan now and it bums me out that I missed it during its peak.