Which should Nintendo release as their inevitable alternate model?

Which should Nintendo release as their inevitable alternate model?

Doubt they would release any new models at least anytime soon. They cold always do the same as the other consoles and release a 4k version

They'll probably release a "New" Switch XL 3 years from now.

Switch Pocket.

Switch Pocket. The reason why I haven't bought one is because it's so fucking big. PSP size would be perfect.

Any changes will be cosmetic so they can use most of the same internals, use the same dock, etc.

Unless it's the "sequel" to the device already. in that case I would want Switch XL. iPad size.

The design on the Switch pro wouldn't be unchanged. The 3ds received some physical improvements along with its software upgrades.

Having a new switch with any other size would be a pain in the ass for joycon manufacturing and any other peripherals. So I'd say a pro version.

not Xl that's for sure. games will look like shit on it. But I am waiting for the inevitable smaller version or direct upgrade

Fuck your thread, just bought a switch. What do I buy to hold me over until Xenoblade, Mario Kart 8 or Odyssey?

Then drop the retarded joycon shit.

They could just sell new docks that have built in gpu/cpu to boost power

The 3DS received hardware improvements throughout its lifetime, it'd be retarded to not think that the Switch wouldn't improve its specs like so

Odyssey is a lot more enjoyable

Neither XL or pocket will happen
Switch depends on being portable, so a huge screen is a great annoyance, not to mention one that drains batteries fast.

It also has little benefit, since switches are designed to connect to TVs, a bigger portable screen would never beat a TV.

Pocket would also not happen, because switch games are designed to utilize a large screen space, shrinking it that small will severely harm the game experience.

Pro on the other hand will certainly happen, better processors means better framerates but even more importantly, better battery lifes (due to higher efficiency).

The 3DS had a slight boost to the processor and nothing else.

And that refutes my point how?

This. It's a shame to see that the docks only use up maybe 10% of the empty space of their shell.

Make one that is Vita sized which doesn't have detachable joycon, just one solidly built unit. Not hard.

they're not going to change the size which would cause incompatibility with major accessories, and they're not going to change the form factor since most people use both handheld and docked modes

a switch revision won't be major, expect some kickstand changes and nothing else because that's about the only weak point of the design

Brainlets, the 3DS is not comparable, this generation was so overdue and underpowered, that a mid-generation upgrade is almost certain.
Its like saying since xbox 360 didn't get a upgrade, Xbox one X wouldn't exist.
Also, have you people never seen people upgrading phones? Its pretty easy to upgrade the specs with minimal disruption to compatibility.

It was fucking pointless and if they're going to make a hardware revision that's supposed to have better specs than they should make it meaningful, and clearly that's not what they give a shit about so wanting one from the Switch is a lost cause.

The Switch is already huge anyway, so having an XL would be absolutely retarded, and you're delusional if you expect them to jam better specs into a smaller form factor.

Skyrim nigga.

I rather have a standard console

well they made a new 3ds so they'll probably brand it as a new switch with updated specs

It'll be at least 4 or more years before you saw anything like the switch pocket. I just don't really see how they can lower power consumption without shrinking the die size of the tegra X1.

switch pro

playing shit on the pocket would be miserable since games arent meant to be played at such a tiny resolution

It's going to be the same size with a Tegra X2.

The Switch isn't supposed to "replace" the handheld console, so there won't be a pocket version.

I could see a Switch Pro with better specs, and games would get patches to boost performance.

the one where they go third party

I will wait for a new iteration of this piece of shit for sure. Hopefully the next will make use of Pascal.

SMTV is pretty much the only game I really want for it and that isn't coming out for years, so I have time.

Switch Pro should also have a lower battery life and the Switch Pocket and XL should have a boost to their batter life.

>muh pazkel
That's a fucking meme not worth branding a whole hardware revision for, a truly worthy upgrade would be one with 1080p screen and pic related.

Also it would be fucking retarded to just increase the size of the thing while leaving the internals and screen resolution unchanged. The console is already big enough as it is, just make the bezels smaller for a revision

Much earlier. I think mobile scheme is possible for Switch. New revision every two years that are compatible with the old one, but new apps will perform worse on old models and eventually won't support them at all.

i don't give a shit about smaller bezels or a meme 1080p res on such a small screen, pascal would actually improve the performance all while lowering tdp, something the switch has an issue with

fuck off with your shitty meme upgrades, i bet you have a 4k monitor too you dumb shitter

clamshell switch
call it the "Switch Portable" or the "Pocket Switch"

I don't really see it.

>better specs
not worth it you will barely get more than 5% or 10%

that kills the handheld

that kills the entire point of the console

what do you need TWO video processors for?

But volta is even more power-efficient than pascal. What's your excuse?

Besides, Nvidia isn't producing X1 chips anymore and they are just using the Switch as a fast way to finally get rid of the unused stock, the moment they run out they'll just start using TX2 and there's that. But the industrial design won't be changed and Nintendo won't say a word either.