Just when you thought MHW couldn't get any more casual


Now there's a HEALTH MANTLE, which gives you an extra bar of health over the top of your normal health.


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looks more like a one-time divine protection type thing, it takes enough damage and the effect stops


Here's the Arekkz coverage of it. Enjoy.

I've played some of Tri and MH4U into the middle G-Rank quests. I really don't understand why this would bother anyone so much. Playing with randoms mostly, I'll be grateful to know that there are ways to make a hunt more sustainable. Also, I carted plenty of times as well so knowing I'll have ways to prevent that sounds good to me.

Wow is just Qol bro, who hype here

does anyone know what the hell healed him here? it looked like he got healed by the other guy fainting, new food skill or something or is that a new mechanic?

I don't want to give this son of a bitch any money

watch it with adblock on?

why does capcom think casualising the game is going to make dudebros care about it?

Yeah. The moment they see cats doing wacky stuff and shit they'll drop it bexcuse it's not mature and serious enough.

that combined with the amount of marketing the game is getting in the west will basically guarantee it huge sales

I haven't been following up on it too much, but is it one of those quest items or something you can buy and bring into a hunt? If it's a quest item, there's a good possibility that higher difficulty missions will not supply you with one.

it's a piece of equipment, you can take 2 mantles with you each mission and switch them out at base camps

That doesn't sound very useful. It's basically two or three little potions on a multi-minute cooldown. I'd much rather use the Rocksteady mantle.

Ah, fuck. I guess I'll see how the community feels about it on release then. Maybe if they design the game balanced around the expectation that you could be wearing it, it'll be less OP.

Thanks, I'll pre-purchase 2 copies PS4, and 3 more on PC

The game actually looks pretty hot, I hope it is challenging enough

All mantles have cooldowns, dumbass

I can't wait to play this game

>watch some rotten vale gameplay from the french demo
>the guy's sns is doing 10-20 damage per hit on mid damage and weak zones
>the monster gets into a fight with another monster and gets hit for 500 damage


I swear, you people will find any little thing to complain about.

I don't think I've seen people get healed by others fainting in previous videos, so it might be a skill that hasn't been shown yet.
Pretty stupid skill in my opinion though. Just like the Fortify one that gives you extra attack and defense depending on how many carts your team has.

After they get a good hit in the fight tends to end.

20 hits with SnS is like four combos
You could do 5x that much in the amount of time it'd take to wander around the map finding another monster, if one happens to wander into you then whatever. And not all monsters will fight each other, some fuck off when something tougher than them shows up

And Dark Souls has shields.
Nobody who ever got gud would be seen dead with one.

they heavily casualized the nintendo handheld ones, so, what's the problem?

So rather than being actually good at the game to prevent carting, you want hand holding mechanics to prevent it for you while you can continue being bad?

Fuck off, you're part of the problem.

Mantles have a set duration and a cooldown, on top of most of them getting deactivated if you take a hit. It's not a permanent extra healthbar

I hate all of you

*joins your hunt*

>Older games on weaker hardware have more content than the newer game on stronger hardware

Sounds pretty blunder-y to me.

>G rank games have more content than vanilla versions


How does he fully heal his health at 9:02? Is this the health mantle?

No, it's probably some food skill or something like that.

it looks like a new food or armor skill that full heals other team members when you cart or something like that

Where's the Khezu mantle?


If weenus peanus isn't in we riot.

It was done based on western journalists feedback btw.
Not even joking.

I think I remember a food skill that does heal teammate when you're dead in XX. Though I don't remember if it heals full hp or not.

>gems for permanent effect
>armor for permanent effect
>these things aren't casual according to Sup Forums

>mantle with a time and hit limit and cooldown before it can be used again
>this is casual according to Sup Forums

wew Sup Forums really is a bunch of cucks


Oh I just realized
Since egg quests are probably in the same category as small monster and gathering quests now you can probably do them on whatever other quest and not have to worry about magical boulders blocking your shit.

>Selling the same game but with a new difficulty and a few recycled maps and monsters as a standalone title at full price instead of DLC
Monster Hunterbros will defend this and act like Capcom is BASED for not adding lootboxes

Not even once.

Fixing hitboxes =/= casualization

All my friends have to comment about it is animal abuse.
Not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

Has Peco been confirmed yet?

Sonic Forces had a lot of marketing user.
Ultimately it doesn't matter because if the game is bad then its not going to sell.


could just be a shitty joke meant to bring them mild chuckles out of its lameness.


>they heavily casualized the nintendo handheld ones
When did World come to Nintendo systems?

They called it Tri back then.

Demo in less than a month.
There's still a couple of things I'm iffy on but hopefully a hands-on impressions will put them to rest.

but monsters aren't real?
It's not even realistic hunting, you don't toss a paint balloon at a deer and then chase it down with a zweihander.

OP here, I actually don't give two fucks, I just wanted to see how many people would get triggered. But it looks like the bullshit surrounding this game is finally dying down a bit.

What's everyone maining for their weapon?

can you list some.
I didn't play any of these game thought I'll pick it when it drops for pc.

why do devs/publishers think people love games 'in spite of' quirks and difficulty? that's WHY we love them!

some retard money-type probably said 'we can't "risk" it with this high budget. isn't the true risk changing what people already like about your product?

I'll decide when I play. I'm partial to faster evasive weapons rather than blocking ones. I like stuff like the dual blades and long sword.

CB probably. Might go back to Lance though.

>Insect Glaive
>Hunter Arts
yeah knocking the monster over 5 times in a single hunt thanks to my super anime jumpy moves didn't casualize anything

>mfw I could almost read those sand runes

Wow you sound autistic options are always good retard

>arrows have no impact
>arrows not sticking out of monster's body
>no bleeding wounds
It's like they don't even want me to pay them.


I fuck around with every weapon besides SnS, HH, and Bow usually though. Might give Bow another shot now that there's gonna be M+KB controls.

just like some retard Sup Forums-poster-type probably thinks everything is bad and believes everyone is a shill and reacts to everything like it's casualization

tortanic ruined this place

nigger kana is the easiest shit ever, wait until you have to memorize thousands of kanji

I'm gonna dick around with both Axe weapons.

GS for PS4 playthrough and then GL for when the PC version comes out

Not him but abusing the glaive way Tue quick way to triple carting and arts still required a charge.

Funny you would mention those too seeing as they're even more anime and removed the charge in World.

Bro back in the day you would always get abused by these monsters but recently the games became easier

>rather than fix the shitty camera they give you a second health bar

Whatever, plebs.

there's full lock on now, so the camera's good

No there isn't.

I'm not talking about the jap in that image

MH has been super easy in early game up until endgame where it shoots up in difficulty for a while now. This is where it differs from the Souls games that are hard from the very beginning, despite better controls

Strange, Tri didn't have any casualization. Removed weapons sure but if anything the monsters were more ferocious than they were before. What's even stranger is that monsters like Barroth were needed hard in P3rd.

I haven't seen anywhere near the amount of tripping on LS so hopefully the REEEE LS get out! fags aren't as full of that shit as normal.
My man. Lance is my brother's main weapon and when it's good, it's fucking goooood.
As above. I feel the same going back to the Bowguns, fucking 3DS and PSP controls were hideous to aim with, unless you mangled your hand into the claw.
That new Switch Axe burst when you demi-mount the monster looks fucking great.
GS for life man. Fuck yes. Why wait for the PC ver for GL? Just for variety between platforms or for the controls?

Souls games are hard at the start and piss easy at the end.

LANCE and everyone who doesn't is gay

Wait, you can stack quests? I figured the open world-y aspect of the game would be more balanced around the fact that you can't just keep travelling between zones to force a monster into one spot, now you're just on a monster's shitlist for the whole fucking eggrun.

>exhaustion isn't casualization

loving every laugh


>Maining a weapon

The quests no one liked, that is, gathering and kill 10 velociprey quests are now sidequests you can take multiple of at a time and do while in the middle of a real quest or in free roam.

There's no difference for the target audience of World.

Not when you make the monsters harder.
That's what's called balancing.

>making the monsters harder

oh you're funny

Do the Japanese just assume that the West is so stupid that they have to casualize their game just for them? It started out with not releasing the real Super Mario Bros 2 because they thought the west couldnt handle it

The smaller quests like collecting honey or kill a bunch of small fucks and shit are just side quests that you can carry with you and you can complete as you play.
Quests you take from the guild and handler are purely monster kill/capture and exploration/investigation quests.

Yeah, stuff like "Kill a gorillion fucking tiny bugs" you can take 6 of at a time and complete them during any other quest. All the actual quests are large monster hunts now.

Nice. But I'm assuming there'll be some limitations, right? Like, I couldn't just summon a large monster into a mission to kill even if it was a side quest, right? Also, does that extend the timer or nah?

I want to try out those counter attacks they gave the LS.

*turns robotically 180 degrees*
FU was hard as fuck

>Like, I couldn't just summon a large monster into a mission to kill even if it was a side quest, right?
I don't understand.

>the one-star gathering mission where the flagship chases you down while you gather stuff won't be there anymore

a bit sad but being able to do everything at once is way better

and dudebros still didnt care then too
whats your point

So why didn't they play the series before? In the West MH has been on the 3DS and the Wii, so there should be no issue of install base right?

>there are still human beings who don't only main lance

Yes, yes it did.
Monsters suffered a heavy nerf with p3rd though.