>Diablo universe looks really cool
>Most recent game is boring as hell
why this
Diablo universe looks really cool
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because instead of going with the heavy metal dark ages british isles look they went with, wait for it, world of fucking warcraft
legends say anons butthurt is still wandering somewhere out there, slowly but surely growing stronger
WoW ruined Blizzard
Because Blizz wants Diablo to die, it probably brings in the least dosh for them.
Not to say it didn't take a long fucking time for Diablo II's environments to get really cool, but Diablo III is probably the least rewarding game I've ever played.
I actually like the wow aesthetic but it has nothing to do with diablo
like it's not even good in diablo because the diablo universe has nothing that makes world of warcraft good, you don't have wacky cow people okay that was an extraordinarily poor example but you get my point and civilizations clashing and all that other high fantasy worldbuilding shit, diablo is about either MEN or HELL, nothing besides. The universe is smaller, more cruel, and more realistic. Seeing cities filled with mutilated corpses in the wow style does both a disfavor to the style and to the corpses.
Just play PoE.
This. It locked them into an artstyle everything is to samey.
Artstyle, business model, etc. Everything went downhill afterward.
Because it went for more and more high fantasy fast paced action orientated game play and style. Before you were a lone mortal traversing the cathedral risking life and limb to get to the bottom of it. Most of the time in exploring the dungeon you found hostility with rare occasions of a cowardly goat man, an indifferent sorcerer, or a man trapped in the depths of hell struggling to retain the last of his humanity.
blizzard made 2 games
diablo and diablo 2
even vanilla wow is shit
it's really funny to see niggers dissing wow classic now in favor of retail because that's exactly what we did 10 years ago
daoc and swg were the real good mmos, wow was the pleb garbo and to see it as the "classic game returns" now is a fucking comed, a tragic comedy
it's crazy how multiplayer games are getting dumber
Blizzard didn't make Diablo in the first place, they just bought the company that was and renamed them.
Because two were made by Blizzard North and the last one was made by a completely different team at Blizzard...
Either way, they used to make great games until WoW.
Blizzard went Disney to cater to the drooling retards and carebears who call themselves gamers these days.
Therefore the dark worlds of, especially, Diablo and Starcraft had to be sanitized too. Like WC.
I actually believe it wasn't an intentional decision, just that they're too incompetent/arrogant to fix it. Look at overbotch, you think tigole and his team intends to completely fuck the balance, design and community? No, they're just shit at doing their jobs. Blizzard artists have not strayed from their wc3 style since 2002, or 98' if the blizzard north artists don't count, they're pretty fucking set in their ways. The D3 story has the same problem the art has, you think they wanted to just trick the normalfags when the next expansion they added a story-less gameplay mode as a significant attraction since everyone hated the story so much?
Diablo 3 is really good now though
It has by far the best gamefeel of itself, PoE and Grim Dawn (which both feel like clunky shit if we're being honest)
>not blizzard north which has nothing to do with actual '''blizzard''''
>it has far the best gamefeel of these 3 games, 2 of which are indie shit
I thought d2 had better feel than d3 too
3 was made by ex wow devs.
It's why the game was basically diablo + wow.
I think they just got too large. It's harder to make anything that is not generic trash when there are so many people involved compared to back when Metzen and his buddies had full oversight and control over the whole thing.
StarCraft 2's storytelling is a not even worthy of being called parody to to the original and they were made with the same people at the top.
Diablo has the most stupidest setting and lore and story. Playingnit for anything besides the liquid crack-ish gameplay is the dumbest thing of all time
WoW, growing a family, and political correctness
How do you go from this...
but that's wrong
>Sick! It looks like Diablo 2 with slightly better graphics ie. exactly what I'm hoping for! Can't wait to see the final release!
Is there any "dark" diablo 3 level?
not saturated enough.
now you're bullshitting like a man!
doesn't look as good as d2 desu
although it's just due to being in progress I'm sure
well yea the UI especially is awful but these are just development screenshots. The polys in that second screenshot is something D2 didn't have though, D2 was all flat.
what went wrong?
>Diablo (1996)
>Diablo III (2012)
Take a guess.
>tfw no diablo 4 with spooky low medieval british environments and third person melee/ranged combat
But that trailer looks exactly like what the game turned out to be.
Could be cool but it would be the Dawn of War sequels of Diablo. I.E. Not Diablo.
I'm not married to the game mechanics so I don't give a shit about maintaining the diablo identity if it results in a game that appeals to the same sentiment as diablo did but better. What's the benefit of clicking? I never get a straight answer.
>starcraft, warcraft2, warcraft3 don't exist
Starcraft and Warcraft 3 were pretty good
Hey fellas, if I were to play diablo 2 for the first time what do you recommend? Is a bow amazon viable enough or is it easier with something else?
>Dragon's Dogma combat with Diablo universe
oh baby
> dude, Satan lmao
Diablo was never cool. 1 and 2 were carried only by gameplay.
God forbid a game gets praised for having good gameplay.
Only cinematic experiences allowed.
>dude look how many dicks I can fit into my ass lmao
this post was never cool
>this video game was carried only by gameplay
truly makes me think
No. Haven't played D1 in 16 years and I still remember the music and voices of all the people in Tristram.
Summon necro is one of the easiest characters to play. He doesn't need any good gear unlike melee characters. Bow amazon is also gear dependent.
Just max raise skeleton, put a couple points into summon resist and also clay golem. Put one point into decrepify and corpse explosion.
>bow amazon
>gear dependent
Just be a freezerzon and abuse the overpowered valkyrie. You can solo the entire game using just the valkyrie.
Diablo 1 has some very thick atmosphere. It has been touched by anything else in the genre.
That's Blizzard for you.
>StarCraft 1 universe looks really cool
>SCII is boring as hell and ruins lore
>Overwatch universe looks really cool
>gameplay is boring as hell