Games render at 4k regardless of whether you have a 4k TV or not

>games render at 4k regardless of whether you have a 4k TV or not
>no downsampling
Is this quite literally the most retarded console of all time?

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The PS4 Pro really doesn't downsample?

You do realize that's what downsampling means right? You play a game in 4K downsampled to your 1080p TV.

id rather get a normal PS4. Better deal because everything looks the fucking same on both consoles

Where's the turbo button?

name one game that does this

I got it for better fps in games like bloodborne

I'm thinking of trading mine in for a Switch. I already have a laptop and xbox. The xbox does everything the ps4 does but better and nobody offers what nintendo offers as far as games go.

Is it still worth to just get a ps4 at this point? Playing in 4K doesn't really interest me, but I worry that if I were to just get a regular ps4 it would have FPS issues.

The improvements are minor but in the end I'd rather have them than not.

Playstation released far better games than Nintendo this year. Nintendo has nothing else to go off of for next year whereas there's going to be several Playstation exclusives.

nice falseflagging

>get swayed by Sup Forums and decide on the slim over the pro
>remember the RAM dedicated solely to background applications is only on the Pro

Is it really worth the $100 difference?

Are they worth the $200 difference on Black Friday? I'd like the improvements too but it's really hard to justify shelling out two hundred bucks for them.

life is good

Yeah get the slim. What could go wrong

Good job showing everyone you don't know what downsampling is, OP.

Having gone from a launch PS4 to a pro and still playing on a 1080p TV, the only benefit I really ever notice is faster load times. In Overwatch, for example, I am always the first person in the game since I'm apparently the only person playing it on a Pro. It's nice to have 10 seconds or so to pick a character before everyone else loads in, but that's about it.

Is the difference that much? I don't really know. It's nice living a life without ever having experienced a slowdown in Bloodborne but it's hard to put a price on it.

What is the practical effect of this extra ram? I have a PS4 pro and I never knew about this.

Loads back to the dashboard faster when you hit the PS button. I think maybe you can also leave Netflix open in the background while playing some games so you can switch back to it quickly, but I'm not sure why you'd ever need to do that.

I see. The most recent app you used seems to be saved I've noticed. Pretty handy since it's almost always going to be Netflix for me.

>games render at 4k

Stop right there, it's dynamic 2k, there's another console around that does that.

>mfw I ran out of storage space on my Pro

>mfw I found out the rear usb port on the Pro kills external hard drives if you leave them plugged in

But that's wrong.

Jesus. How do you keep screwing up and getting away with it.

holy shit is this

Why would you buy it if you don't have a 4K TV anyway?

your tv does the downsampling you fucking retard

Time to throw your PS4 in the garbage kiddos. Get a switch and an Xbox like everyone else

So it's ok to leave it plugged in on the front ports?

Do you have proof this is an actual problem or did you have a power surge? I bet it wasn't solid state was it.

That and it's got roaches

Who uses external SSDs? On a system you're forced to install everything, no less.

I have a drive pretty much permanently connected to the back of my PS4 and it works fine, cutie.

Its true though. At this point with price cuts considered why would he get a PS4. Sony and Xbox both don't have system sellers exclusives and Xbox is the better hardware.

good source of protein

Nintendicksucker pls

>nobody offers what nintendo offers as far as games go

>Playstation released far better games than Nintendo this year

They're just upset. Do whatever makes you happy. Not what Sup Forums tells you.

>black friday soon
>no ps4 pro on sale at the leaks
what the fuck is wrong with sony? its been a fucking year already!

What did Sony release this year besides Gravity Rush 2 and Horizon?

>no downsampling
You got to learn how to lie better

>what the fuck is wrong with sony?
The Pro is an afterthought, just like Cerny said. Base PS$ is killing it wo they're gonna ride that train and treat the Pro as a device there for the niche 4k audience.

Xbox one X right?

Why didn't they just wait to release a better machine? I think it's because they wanted to jump into the VR market as soon as they could.

brandfags are the worst. just bought one and ill be buying a switch soon too.

The important thing is to beat someone to the punch. It doesn't matter that the Pro is weaker than then X, it just means that the PS5 will come out earlier than whatever MS calls their next system.

This, 4k really isn't that big of an upgrade at all.

Ps4 pro was made for two reasons.

Move 4k tvs
bait microsoft in releasing another device

Not sure what that has to do with my comment, but if you look at it like then, I disagree. How soon are we to expect Sony to announce a new console? They are in works with releasing a Slim Pro now, are they that eager to release even better hardware soon after? If you take VR into consideration, I believe Sony is confident in where they stand with that platform on their system. New games are being made for it and don't look half bad. I see them riding this generation out for another two years max to get the most out of PSVR. I could be wrong, but I find it hard to believe that Sony will just announce something as soon as they can to keep up with MS. This may be where their complacency may bite them since the Xbox is outperforming them with ever muliplatform game there is right now. Sony can just look at their sale numbers and be happy with what they have now with the addition of a Slim Pro.

>bait MS

Does everything Sony does have to revolve around MS? Sony made the Pro to push their own VR platform.

Should I go for a Slim or a Pro? I'm not seeing a lot of improvements and I'm only playing on a 1080 TV.

but why would they release a slim pro despite a huge xbox one update? IMO thats a pretty bold move

I don't think Sony actually gives a shit about the Xbox One X being more powerful. The Pro has more room for price cuts than the X ever will due to its cheaper hardware, and they're already ahead but an insurmountable amount in terms of install base. Most current-gen gamers will be on a regular PS4 or regular Xbox One for the remainder of the generation, during which time PS4 will continue to release way more exclusive software.

PS5's release date is will be completely unchanged by the Xbox One X.

i dunno about you, but iam considering upgrading to pro just for the MH world fps. fucking tried to compare MH4U and MHgen on my N3ds recently and above 30 fps but not 60 vs 30fps lock is kinda like night and midday. no wonder i hate generations

You obviously don't have a 4K TV.

baito desu

>MHworld FPS
I'm interested, how much is the boost?
>MH4U vs Gen
Yeah, 4U's FPS is the reason I got a 2DSXL and stayed the fuck away from Gen. Well, that and 3U doesn't have Yukumo Village.

>has enough power to run 1080p games at 60
>but instead we put the locked original PS4 non-4k version of the game and the locked 4k version of the game

seriously, anyone who didnt jump to PC when they relized neither this or the xbox upgraded versions would run 1080p better are idiots

also when you consider the price to purchase either of those consoles, let alone both you could get a 7700 and a 1060 or 1070 and play everything and just keep the stock xb1 or ps4 for exclusives

at least higher than the 30fps lock from og ps4 when you choose fps mode. basically like MH4U when you compare it to OG3ds and N3ds. thats what ive heard from gaijin hunter when he try to translate famitsu MH interview.

depends on the game, plenty do

>why would they release a Slim Pro
Why wouldn't they? I'm sure they're cheaper to make by now and it'll refresh the Pro name to consumers. Isn't that why these companies make smaller iterations of their consoles?
I'm sure Sony gives a shit about the new Xbox. That kind of power difference just doesn't go unnoticed by your competitor and makes you wonder what your next step should be. Sony is invested in VR right now, so I don't know how much R&D is going into making something new so quickly. I'm sure they already have their new console mapped out. They've probably had it planned for the past three years or more. I just think they went in another direction with VR where as MS didn't have to worry about something that may bastardize what they have planned for the future. I see PSVR like the Kinect for the Xbox One. MS had to cater to the Kinect which took away a lot of the focus to other areas a console can advance.

I don't think there has been any promise of an FPS boost on the PS4 Pro. Many games this gen on PS4 Pro and Xbox One X have failed to show a performance increase as they instead opt to push more pixels. Plus, the key design flaws of the PS4 and Xbox One, the Jaguar CPUs, are still present on the more expensive devices.

oh also the fact MS is putting everything on PC, it makes the xbon x completely irrelevent

>seriously, anyone who didnt jump to PC when they relized neither this or the xbox upgraded versions would run 1080p better are idiots
Yeah, I bought the PS4 and Xbox One really early in the generation but as soon as the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro were announced, I decided to start spending more money on my PC again. I skipped both devices and with the money I saved I got a Switch and a 1080Ti.
>I'm sure Sony gives a shit about the new Xbox. That kind of power difference just doesn't go unnoticed by your competitor and makes you wonder what your next step should be.
You're seriously overvaluing it. The original Xbox had 2x the RAM of the PS2 and it got its shit pushed in by Sony's much weaker console. Most gamers will continue to buy multiplatforms on the PS4 because they don't give a shit and it's cheap and will still outperform the equally cheap Xbox One S. This shit is only relevant in Digital Foundry comment sections and on Sup Forums, most "gamers" didn't notice the difference between PS4 and Xbox One visually and they won't notice or care now. What they will notice is that high-budget games like Days Gone and Spiderman are on PS4 but not Xbox One.

What about the "cinematic/FPS mode" that you can switch between like in Nioh?

Meant the second part for this
>That kind of power difference just doesn't go unnoticed by your competitor and makes you wonder what your next step should be.
and if you really want to know, all Sony and MS need to do are wait for AMD to continue developing their Ryzen APUs. Next machines will almost certainly use AMD APUs again and with GDDR6 shipping soon and TSMC has already done a die shrink since the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X were designed.

>What about the "cinematic/FPS mode" that you can switch between like in Nioh?
That's the exception, not the rule. Currently it only exists in a few games like Tomb Raider, Gears 4, Nioh, Knack, and Infamous on PS4. Most games basically force you to run the game at the higher resolution, preventing you from accessing the extra performance that might otherwise be available.

yeah and MH world is gonna have that option on ps4 pro according to famitsu

Also, not every game will be able to do this anyway. PS4 Pro and Xbox One X only offer like a 30% CPU performance increase over the launch PS4 and Xbox One. For complex games like GTA V, it's not nearly enough to get the game running at 60fps regardless of the rendering resolution. Look at the Witcher 3 test performed on Xbox One X with the game running at 900p. It runs at 60fps when you're in the middle of nowhere fighting a single enemy. The second you go into a city like Novigrad where the engine is actually being taxed, the framerate dips to 40fps.

Okay, Pro it is. What are the chances it goes on sale this Christmas?

thats bullshit they have 8 core processors which is more than enough to handle games

GTA5 doesnt utilize my 8 threads any more than any other game and that game is usually around 30% usage total, badly optimized games are closer to 60 like Quantum Break when run at actual 1080p, not the upscaled 720p bullshit

>implying anyone gives a shit about 4k on the Pro
anyone with a functioning brain gets this for Boost mode for the sole reason of having uncapped +30fps or at the very least LOCKED 30fps instead of all the unstable shit both base consoles deliver in most multiplats
anyone "nerdy" enough to give a damn about actual native 4k who's able to count the pixels and tell the difference would rather get a PC.
if you're an actual enthusiast who knows all this shit and has done your homework, you'd know you can get a PC (without monitor, but you'll be playing on your big TV the same way) for the price of an XXXBOXXX and get exactly the same performance with the added bonus of all the functions of a computer without giving up on the Xbox "exclusives".

it isnt even on sale this black friday. fucking sony

I bet PSVR will be. What else besides Skyrim is it getting? I don't ever see any ads for it.

Didn't they say at the console's announcement that they're never going to drop its price?
I might as well buy a bundle for it.

Sony themselves won't do it because they know the audicence is willing to pay a premium for extra performance, all thwe casuals don't give a fuck about specs so they'd rather focus on what's hot.
Go after big electronic retailers instead, specially on website-only sales. I'm sure there'll be deals for black friday / cyber monday.

>thats bullshit they have 8 core processors which is more than enough to handle games
It's an 8 core Jaguar processor dumbass, it's nowhere near as fast as your fucking i7. It's fucking smartphone tier.
>badly optimized games are closer to 60 like Quantum Break when run at actual 1080p, not the upscaled 720p bullshit
No it doesn't, Quantum Break on Xbox One X doesn't run anywhere close to 60fps at any time. You either get 1080p without the upscaling at 30fps or you get 1440p with the bullshit upscaling mode and a less stable framerate.

AFAIK the notable actual games on PSVR up to this point are
>Gran Turismo Sport
>Ace Combat 7
>Neptunia VIIR
>Eve Valkyrie
>Hatsune Miku Project Diva X
>RE 7
>Rez Infinite
>Zone of the Enders 2nd Runner
the rest are either shitty conceptual demos, minigames like that FFXV fishing game or indies.

no PC?

Thanks. Not too shabby of a list. Not sure about the quality of those games, but they're known titles at least. I would have liked to see Sony go in another direction. But they seen vulnerable to trends and gimmicks so it shouldn't be any surprise. I just wonder if they knew what MS was cooking up before they thought out the Pro.

Looks like no HDR for PS4 or the PC, but only the Xbox. I wonder if this trend will continue.

who cares, game was garbo

True, but it's not the point. Why no HDR on the Pro? I understand the PC, but the lack of HDR on the Pro is disconcerting. It's an older game, too. Should be no problem to get it running with HDR. That's one of the main draws to owning a 4K TV. If other devs choose with hold these features, it won't look good.

I wouldn't be surprised.
PS4 Pro's actual selling point is the added processing performance in regards to loading times, framerate and whatnot over the basic version. whoever buys it thinking it will set ablaze the shiny Samsung Ultra Quantum Grafix 4K in the living room deserves to get shafted.
PC still is literally the only device out there capable of delivering actual native 4k as it was meant to be displayed, just like those tech demos running at the stores. xbox only pulls that off with blu ray films, nothing else.

Probably because Xbox One's library isn't as crowded as the PS4's? Your game is more likely to get noticed and maybe purchased by someone desperate for more Xbox One X enhanced games. No one with a PS4 Pro is gonna pick up Mafia III over something like Horizon.

I wanted to build a pc with salea from black friday/cyber monday but now it seems that ram alone is gonna be the price of ps4 pro, is it worth it if i don't have 4k and only 1080p

I can't believe you forgot the Gungrave VR Remake.

>ram alone is gonna be the price of ps4 pro
You can get 16GB for under $150 on newegg, which is more than you'll need for any game the PS4 Pro or Xbox One X will ever run.

The problem with 4K on PC is the lack of HDR monitors right now. And 4K HDR TVs are the same price as those monitors with HDR anyway and a lot bigger
But they already updated the game when it was popular and there is no HDR. Is the Pro capable of it?

>Is the Pro capable of it?
Every model of the PS4 is HDR compatible.

Not if the prices keep rising, don't even want to look at the gpus

Pro is the go-to console if you want a 4k-era device but you're stuck with 1080p, it trades off the graphical upgrades for technical boosts instead.
then again, Xbox One X also does that but it's a hundred bucks more

You don't need to make excuses, if you want to be a pleb playing games at 30fps, buy a console. At least the PS4 offers some exclusives.

Yeah, the Pro can do HDR no problem (even the regular model can), which is why this is so weird.

I thought so. Chalk it up to laziness.

I didn't forget it, I wasn't even aware it existed.
now I'm hyped