I am returning this game. I can’t take this anymore

I am returning this game. I can’t take this anymore...

The Umi bozo boss itself is not that hard because hes weak to fire, but seriously FUCK the small stage design where you die instantly by falling in water.

no one cares. just give up if you suck.

Have you tried not being shit?

>buff weapon with fire without using the bonfires
>watch little slimes pop like balloons as I focus on the real fight

Haha, if you think that's hard, wait until you get to later bosses, shitter. Only time I died to that guy was my first playthrough because the game doesn't make it clear that you should find all the braziers before going to the boss.
In fact, he's one of the only bosses in the game you can actually cheese to death. Use the Oni Masks and roast him in literally 2 seconds, haha what a fucking shitter.

>mfw I help to fight this guy
>mfw host gets hit by the LASER

>tfw out of all fire items to use or buff my weapons
This shit is insane...

>roll into the fight with just enough health and resistance to survive the laser
>taunt in front of Umi before he fires it
>watch my partner's reaction

NiOh is literally shit. Im not one of these "too hard" faggots like OP, but after getting to the 4th region, I became completely fed up with replaying the SAME FUCKING map 14 times and fighting the same 3 enemy types that hadnt changed from the 2nd stage of the game.

Nobody on Sup Forums unironically enjoys this game right? I get thats its fun to shit on frustrated children that cant get past the first boss, but if you've played the game for any length of time its clear that its a typical low effort Koei game full of rehashed content.

Only a soulless jap who thinks grinding is fun or a fucktarded weeb can praise this game.

In the actual difficulties you'd be wishing there were even less enemies to remember the movesets to and less maps you need to play. You little baby.

I remember people complaining how much easier this game was than the demo when it came out on ps4, what happened? Did the DLC make the game harder?

This desu, game isn't hard, it's just boring as fuck with rehashed levels, enemies etc.

Legitimately shittier than even DaS2.

>ui is just a straight copy of Dark Souls'
How did they get away with this?

have you tried fire?

Dark Souls doesn't have radar or stances.

Have you tried reading?


Thank god, radar makes the game casual as fuck.

>add two things

Two major things on the UI is pretty important. There are a lot of similarities that have nothing to do with UI and those are worth addressing far more than similarities between the UIs.

the "lose all your shit on death but can pick it up from your corpse" really shouldnt have been there. Especially since nioh levels are tiny as fuck. Just comes off shameless

IF im not mistaken, isnt there like a sweet spot where you can stand and easily walk out the way of all its attacks? I remember the 2nd phase being much more difficult than the first.

But I will tell you what I dont like about Umi-bozu

>introduced as some unstoppable entity that cant be stopped
>goes down like a bitch the same chapter its introduced.

Made that fucker so much less threatening.