Play Team Fortress 2

>play Team Fortress 2
>don't get banned for only playing only one character over and over
>don't get banned for picking a character that doesn't abide by "the meta" or our "team comp"
>don't get banned for calling someone a no skill nigger faggot peepee head or playing the Shrek theme on the mic
>don't have to pick between a roster of dykes, autistic people, robots and minorities who were watered down by some marketing committee
>don't have to play tug of war with overpowered ultimate abilities that end up dictating the game's outcome
>don't have to play with a HUD and FOV so tiny it makes everything feel congested and only semi on-screen
>don't witness an excess of visual clutter and particle effects that makes it impossible to see what's going on at a glance
>don't suffer through flavor of the month "balancing" or devs who are totally incompetent
>don't suffer through devs who admit outright they are afraid of their player base and dole out ridiculous punishments
>don't get esports shit screamed in my ear constantly, regardless of whether or not the game is viable as one
>don't get bored within a month and leave, as the initial development was so good it remains enjoyable for the 9 years of fine-tuning it took initially

Other urls found in this thread:

>play Team Fortress 2
>be a faggot

Best thread. TF2 is so much better than Shitwatch it's unreal.

Samefag OP

>what is poster count
Just pretending, right? ;) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

>play Team Fortress 2 because im a 3rd worlder with a laptop from 2011 and i cant afford to pay for games

there, fixed it for you

>play tf2
>get to mod the game and join servers that have personality

>play overwatch
>everything feels the fucking same because the playerbase aren't allowed to make anything
>it's an online only FPS that doesn't even have fucking dedicated servers


>play Overwatch
>can't make maps or plugins or mods
>even if I could Blizzard would legally own it and then try to forbid me from ever using it myself if they got popular

>giving a shit about overwatch
fuck off shitposter

>go on phone
>disable wifi
>2 posters, but still samefag
It's not that hard to figure out

>don't get banned for only playing only one character over and over
You do know that that torb main got suspended not because of picking torb but because when someone else picked torb he just sat at the character select screen, right?

>restrictive authoritarianism that appeals to lowest common denominator, total brainlets
>do whatever you want with a time-tested format, the only restriction is if you can handle it

Did I just describe OW and TF2, or Reddit and Sup Forums?

>extreme mental gymnastics
>going to such massive lengths

>Play Overwatch
>Paywall keeps furries BRs and faggots out
>Blizzard actually gives a shit about reports and silences/kicks squeakers and ragers
>Quickplay system that isn't doodoo garbage
>Competitive play that actually works and has people playing

I pity the retard who has to keep playing TF2


look mister if you're so mad start a class action lawsuit but whoever is doing this is probably invincible from that sort of thing because gamers are the cheapest fuck in the world.

>pick shotgun heavy
>proceed to have stupid fun because that's what video games are

That's Xul right? If so, then no, it's not wrong

>only just now realize OW characters dont even have sidearms

>play Team Fortress 2
>be only person that plays tf2
>dead game

>don't get banned for only playing only one character over and over
>don't get banned for picking a character that doesn't abide by "the meta" or our "team comp"
Seriously what the fuck?
How are normies okay with this? Fuck your "meta"


Remember when GMs chose their usernames and didn't just hit a randomizer button? Call Tseric a fag but at least he fucking picked his handle.

>Paywall keeps faggots out

Absolutely wrong. And there will always be faggots even if you ban a few of them.

>make same thread every 10 minutes

I've met more insufferable people in OW than TF2. The worst you will get in TF2 is an aimbot or an obnoxious child and both of those are really easy to votekick.

>don't lose your best friend to esports

Why is it so hard for you to believe that people hate Autismwatch?

>And there will always be faggots even if you ban a few of them.
yeah you just replied to one

>wow bro, it just would have been such a massive length to just take my phone out of my pocket, wouldn't it! I guess you sure are artistic then, nobody would ever take their phone out to make a post!!

>play Paladins
>don't get banned for only playing only one character over and over
>don't get banned for picking a character that doesn't abide by "the meta" or our "team comp"
>don't get banned for calling someone a no skill nigger faggot peepee head or playing the Shrek theme on the mic
>don't have to pick between a roster of dykes, autistic people, robots and minorities who were watered down by some marketing committee
>don't have to play tug of war with overpowered ultimate abilities that end up dictating the game's outcome
>don't have to play with a HUD and FOV so tiny it makes everything feel congested and only semi on-screen
>don't witness an excess of visual clutter and particle effects that makes it impossible to see what's going on at a glance
>don't suffer through flavor of the month "balancing" or devs who are totally incompetent
>don't suffer through devs who admit outright they are afraid of their player base and dole out ridiculous punishments
>don't get esports shit screamed in my ear constantly, regardless of whether or not the game is viable as one
>don't get bored within a month and leave, as the initial development was so good it remains enjoyable for the 9 years of fine-tuning it took initially

He lost it cause jerma got webbed by a succubus

>fan base want new content
>Insult them, and insult what you make content for, saying that you want to play more than a single game, when fanbase just wanted any new content
>Continue to play a single game later, regret on your choices and be bitter all the time

Star is a cunt.

I didn't know that game was out for 9 years!

If you make a pro tf2 thread fucking post a tf2 pic. You're advertising ow here.

I want to marry Tracer.

>don't have to play tug of war with overpowered ultimate abilities that end up dictating the game's outcome
What are ubercharge and sentries?
>don't witness an excess of visual clutter and particle effects that makes it impossible to see what's going on at a glance
Unusuals, especially unusual taunts.
>don't suffer through flavor of the month "balancing" or devs who are totally incompetent
The dead ringer nerf took two years from announcement to implementation.

>What are ubercharge and sentries?

A power up at best, nowhere near something like a Mercy res or Zarya ult.

I've been playing both a lot lately. I agree TF2 is better but Overwatch is still fun. I don't know why you guys have to be contrarians about it.

You even thought there was an argument? TF2 Will always be better.

Well you gotta feel superior to someone

When Overwatch first came out it pretty good, better than TF2 was at that point, but Blizzard kept making anti-fun changes and adding more annoying characters and abilties, they buffed defending\tanking\healing so much the game was fucking awful and now they've done the exact opposite, neither are fun.

Kritzwipes are a thing. Especially in 6s and HL.

>What are ubercharge and sentries?
Unlike Overwatches ultimate's, ubercharges and sentries both have means of being countered. (Ubercharges by Pyro's airblast, and sentries by the Loch N Load and Direct Hit) When throws out her ultimate, the only way to counter it is have winston bubble it. But if he's dead or no on your team is playing him, all you can do is retreat.
>Unusuals, especially unusual taunts
These are cosmetics, and you can literally get mods that remove them from the game. Overwatch is an outright clusterfuck of particles, and the tiny FOV doesn't do it many favors
>The dead ringer nerf took two years from announcement to implementation.
I would rather that it takes two years and works than have a half-assed buff/nerf every month


why are tf2 fags so insecure?

why are TF2 players so salty about OW?


>all you can do is retreat
You make it sound as if it involves more than hiding behind a nearby wall for 2 seconds. Also Rein and Orisa shields, Mei wall work as well. You couldn't have picked a worse example, D'va ult is one of the most useless ults in the game

>play Dirty Bomb
>characters have voice lines that ONLY activate if you're teabagging someone you killed

maybe the first and third post

I'm a different person


Then go play Tf2 and delete this shit thread while you're at it.

Because the team working on Overwatch have shown that they're incompetent and can't make or balance a proper FPS, get triggered and ban people who rightfully point out their stupidity, and are now banning people for not playing characters that are "meta" because pleddit told them to.

I'm third post and I didn't post the first one.

because despite being badly designed and badly maintained overwatch makes shit tons of money i dont even play tf2

both games are shit

Id be pissed if i designed 40 fharacters and an autist would only obsessively veer to one

I hate threads like this. it's always started by some fucking jackass.

if you wanna fuck around, Overwatch has a quickplay mode.

if you don't wanna co-operate with your team on comp, yeah get banned and fucked sideways.

They're all within a minute of the first you retard.

To pretend that tf2 in 2017 is any better is mind boggling. if it were 10 years ago fine, but who the fuck actually goes up to bat for tf2 now?

Because I wasted $40 on Overwatch for less replay value for what I got out of TF2 for $20.

what does that have to do with tf2?

Hey look, Jeff Kaplan is still desperately scouring Sup Forums to 'shut down' and 'pwn' everyone who calls blizzard out on their bullshit!

You'd think there would be better tf2-like games after a decade. But somehow, not a single one. THAT'S mind-boggling.

shouldnt have made Tracer the cutest cutie of all time then

Not an argument

>no half decent class based shooter game will come to put pressure on valve or even become the new tf2
fuck everything

neither is quoting a suspected white supremacist, yet here you are doing just that.

When did I quote anyone

10000+ people would disagree with you but nice argument nonetheless

>Not an argument
that is a direct quote from suspected white supremacist Stefan Molyneux

It's not

>n-no I didn't quote a suspected white supremacist!
>I-I'm not racist I swear
We all know what you are.

You don't

What makes TF2 so "great"? The game never really clicked with me

>Jeff Kaplan is still denying he's a racist
Just keep digging that grave, the proof is in this very thread

why overwatch players are so salty about tf2 players being salty about overwatch?

Thats the newest instance and was a 24 hour suspension, that is also being investigated by blizzard. I doubt it'll hold water since Blizzards own report function says not to report people for not switching characters. That GM is a shitter and bent the rules too much.

He got banned previously for toxicity of going afk when someone sniped Torb.

It isn't

I fucking hate it because I wanted so God damn badly to love it. I gave it every chance in the fucking book, I honestly looked for its high points. It had so much potential, all blizzard had to do was focus on good game play and not shit the bed. Lo and behold, blizzard shit the bed spectacularly, and are continuing to take shit after massive shit on its player base. Now I've given up on class based shooters, hung up my tf2 belt of 3.5 thousand hours, and I play rocket league instead, because rocket league is tailor made to play smoothly, be fun, and now because I don't get banned for not using octane/dominus/shitmobile.

Is it law that every poster MUST at all times disagree with op to enlighten their intelligence

>play TF2
>get banned for being good at the game on official valve servers
>get banned for literally any reason an admin sees fit on community servers

overwatch is not bad it only suffers from bad balancing and bad characters design that will get boring to play after a month.

>play videogames
>be a kissless virgin

>getting kicked by your own team for being good


Overwatch is superior solely because it isn't F2P. F2P killed TF2.

I'm salty about Overwatch because it's a fucking terrible game from the top down.

Whether you go to the highest level where it's an online only FPS game that allows for literally no user created content: no user made maps, mods. skins, playermodels, voicepacks, classes or even custom sprays. It also offers no private dedicated servers or console or how even the basic GUI is absolutely awful (why the fuck does arcade exist over just having all gamemodes in quickplay and allowing players to filter what gamemodes quickplay searches for?)
To the little details like how the training map is absolutely fucking terrible for training because you can't do basic things like disabling cooldowns, or even providing training bots that have various hitboxes / healthpools in a game all about having characters with various hitboxes / healthpools (or how you can't even change character on the fly, you need to go back to spawn for literally no reason) Nevermind it being a complete impossibility to actually set up a situation you'd want to practice because the game offers no console to set things up with.

and it's not just about it being worse than TF2, it's about it being worse in various regards to most online FPS games period, a ton of other games (including previous blizzard titles) or even just software in general (a.k.a why the fuck can the apple II have graphical windows but overwatch can't?)

>getting kicked from comunity server
Hell, i never experienced that. I even play on some US server here and there while being an SA, they dont even shill the ping argument. Can say the same regarding to RO2 and RS2 too, getting kicked by the admin is only a thing if you're some hacker or a troll.

>cant play competitive mode if you never bought something in the market
>also after the f2p patch the game is just filled with hacks
even in a 40 dollaridos game there are hacks

I play Overwatch and I’m the biggest shitter you can imagine. Nothing happens . I play arcade and ranked. I bitch i moan I sperg the chat commands everything . Nothing

The interesting thing is TF2 was sort of self policing anyway. I remember on the more serious Sup Forums servers, if people wanted to play seriously and you just memed about you would get told to fuck off and it generally worked eventually.

I guess part of the problem is there are no servers or server communities in overwatch, so who cares if you want to shit over everyone else's fun by playing torb on attack or whatever.

It was mainly because of the community inside and outside of the game. There were loads of community servers, mods, and inside joke gmod videos like this.

Sure you could argue the humor is outdated, but I miss those times for game communities. It also helped that movement in TF2 felt fast enough, in Overwatch it feels slow with all characters, and the matchmaking aspect is absolute cancer, just let me find a server and join it in seconds instead of waiting up to a minute or worse

I don't know if you are trying to compare overwatch and TF2, but I play both parallel to each other and they both has their own set of charm.
Both are fun.

>the only way to counter it is have winston bubble it.
Or standing behind reins or Orisa's shield or Mei's Ice Wall.


You don't need hacks when the game has autoaim and hitboxes twice as large as the actual model

>white supremacist

Oh you Ameritards. I hope Trump creates an actual police state if only to see your faces when you feel real oppression for the first time.

I regret giving Blizzard any money.

>keeping you safe from furries or retards.
lmaoing at how deluded you are friend.
OW communties is completely atrocious compared to TF2s.
t. bought OW on release and played TF2 since early 2010.