So now that the dust has settled, can we agree that it was okay by Sonic standards?

So now that the dust has settled, can we agree that it was okay by Sonic standards?

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So average at best? Sure

This just leave Sonic Team to rethink things over and see where they can go from here.

It's retarded to compare it to 06 but it's below I would call it Advetnure tier but I disliked the adventure games personality

What standards?

even their pr makes fun of it

But still, shouldn't they stick to 2D formula? You can do great things in it, so why push the 3D in which Sonic is just average or plain bad?

where is the crack?

In my ass

>okay by Sonic standards
That's the problem, their standards are complete garbage.

Its actually really bad, at least for me Boss battles are really important, Metal Sonic, Infinite and the final Death Egg were literally the same fight, thats really really bad.

No, not at all, the physics don't even fucking work.

Because their main competitor did it succesfully.

>Sonic fans have standards

Wow that's a new one.

It's bad to mediocre. It's not an abomination like 06 or Boom Wii U but it's definitely subpar.

Is this how you shill a really awful game?

I still can't believe Sonic's best game since Itsuka took over was made by Non-Japs


Only by Sonic 06's standar; literally the same retard is involved.

Probably the worst 3D sonic game after 06

>game is called forces
>physics don't work

what did sega mean by this

I think that even kids stop touching the fire when they get hurt a few times. Are they that dense?


>Probably the worst 3D sonic game after 06
06 had a great soundtrack
06 had a great Shadow storyline
06 had unique world design
06 didn't have a dumbass character creator

Agreed. And I used to think ST had nowhere to go but up after Lost World.

The game was still ass.

CHRIS CHAN is on suicide watch

2006 and boom are not the standard

Sonic's stages in Adventure were a great transition of Classic Sonic into 3D. A polished game with less automated sections using it's formula would be the perfect transition of 2D to 3D.

>The game was still ass
Then that makes Forces worse then ass, I guess

>You can do great things in it,
not really, mania pushed this formula as far as it will go

I don't think that's true

For example, a chaotix styled game with actually decent stage design based around the ring mechanic could be a really good co op game.

It's definitely okay by 3D Sonic standards. I'd put it on the same level as Sonic Heroes and Shadow. I'm just floored that Sonic Team somehow made the boost even more braindead than before.

Just stop. 06 was 3D Sonic at its absolute worst and arguing otherwise on secondary merits like plot and music is fucking ridiculous.

Honest to god, if the jank and cutscenes in Adventure were ironed out, it could be one of my favorite Sonic games of all time. Level design is solid.

Didn't play it, is it really the peak of Sonic 2D games?

Reminder that Super Sonic IS FUNCTIONAL and you can hack him in.

I really enjoyed Tail's stages as well, which were a cool gimmick on Sonic's ones where Sonic was too fast for you to beat normally so you instead had to use your flying to come up with shortcuts to beat him

They were much better than the robot stages in 2

Besides the rehashed zones, yes

how about we agree that's sonic games aren't good in general and that the sonic team should stick with making literally anything but sonic

It's roughly in that sort of area but most people will say 3&K is still better

It remains a must play through if you like classic Sonic, it's better than anything we've had in a long time

So, Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Rush Adventure, Sonic and the Secret Rings, Free Riders Lost World, and Boom are all better than Forces?

I see.

Well, I'm far from being a fan, but I like to launch the classics and run around from time to time.

Not him, but I keep forgetting Boom too. So, it goes something like 06 > Boom > Forces > Lost World > Colors.

Anyone have a crack of the game?

Why do you bother posting shit like this on v when you know you are just going to get your shit pushed in by facts.

The gameplay between both games is equally trash though. Both games have shit physics and tons of bugs but at least one doesn't rehash levels and fuck them up in multiple ways. And like I said, at least you can jam out while you're playing 06

>okay by Sonic standards
No and saying bullshit like that is why Sega will continue to shovel shit down your throat that you'll happily swallow without question

Boom and free riders are on par with Forces. Everything else is far better

!!!!! thank you. someone else that enjoyed Tails' gameplay.

How'd you feel about Amy's gameplay, voiceacting aside?

No. It doesn't even have proper bosses, and it doesn't even have a Super Sonic final boss.

Eh, pretty mediocre.

I cant wait to play Forces when it goes on sale for $5 in less than 5 months.

not the same guy but forces isn't nearly as buggy and rushed as 06 was, and it doesn't have any dumbass characters like elise

06 definitely has a better soundtrack, but forces is at least playable, which is probably the most important part of a game

yknow, the gameplay

Why can't they just make more fucking Advance or Rush games?

Idk go ask Dimps

>wanting Dimps shit when we have Mania
Get your priorities sorted out, dumbass.

Can we have an HD Mania?

all the levels were really boring and uninspired

>can we agree that it was okay by Sonic standards?

yes but b "games that aren't shit" standards its not

2D Sonic > 2D Mario
3D Sonic

Unleashed is far better than Forces.

Post your sonic oc’s Sup Forums

>Sonic Unleashed
Yes, Werehog included
>Sonic Rush Adventure
>Sonic and the Secret Rings
Honestly good point
>Sonic Free Riders
Another good point
>Sonic Lost World
But Forces is a literal bad romhack of Lost Shit. Point though is taken.
>Sonic Boom
Imo there are at least some things about Boom that's more interesting than Forces.


Whoever decided to listen to the Adventurefags clamoring for another dark storyline was fucking retarded. The lighthearted tone that started with Colors was perfect for Sonic

My main problem with the game is that it's too short, but other than that it was passable

Honestly part of me wishes the story tried to be edgier, other than the first few cutscenes it just kinda numbs you out of it. If it went full on edge at least it could have been hilariously bad.

Forces is nothing like Adventure. They just took a standard Sonic game and slapped words like "war", "torture", "sitrep", etc. in every other sentence to make it seem more mature than it is.

The tone wasn't the problem it was the attempts at the "hyuk isn't Sonic stupid" meta humor.

>Why can't they just make more fucking Advance or Rush games?
Because after 06, SEGA spent all their resources on console releases of Sonic in fear of his timely death. (Remember how they were about Sonic's image when asked for his inclusion in Smash Bros) So all effort went to taking Rush's engine and make it into a 3D title. Hence Boost gameplay. Why aren't people even realizing Boost is just Rush gameplay? That's why they don't make Rush games anymore, because the main series is using it. And with Forces it's showing its ugly head how shallow the formula is because it was a handheld game turned system seller, and nearly all handheld games are meant to last like an hour or 2 of gameplay. Lo and behold, Forces last 2 hours if you don't suck at a game already holding your hand.

Imo they need to drop Boostshit and go back to Adventure without all the useless shit that tied that gameplay style down, like what SomeCallMeJohnny brought up, something I felt the same for too. Then put the Boost gameplay back on handhelds and make more Rush games again to please the boostfags.

Unleashed had the perfect tone actually. Colors went troo frarr in the light hearted direction and became annoying very quickly.

If SEGA hires these guys, yes:

No, it's fucking bad by Sonic standards. I know everyone likes to meme and say every Sonic game is shit so lmao hurr xD shit is average, but Forces is worse in every possible regard to every 3D Sonic besides 06, but at least 06 was trying to be good and failed. Forces is just shit and wasn't making an attempt to do anything.

Nope, it's easily the worst of the boost games and perhaps the worst of the 3D Sonic games that aren't completely broken like 06.

I agree. Except I think Colours is an acceptable lesser alternative to Unleashed since it's aimed at kids anyway and was cheesy enough to make me smile

>The lighthearted tone that started with Colors was perfect for Sonic
>Le BaldMcNoseHair XDD
Kill yourself. Classic Sonic was never like this shit, outside of AoSTH. Sonic is a cool dude with an attitude, Adventures really just ham'd it up with that and only added serious elements thanks to shitty executions with the humans. The japs are just shit writers, get the comic guy to handle the story writing so it can be taken seriously without le McNoseHair nor DARKEST OF BLADES.

I agree, to the point it is my favorite Sonic game. Generations was previously on top.

I love the story. I love the music. I love the gameplay. I love OC's gameplay. I like that Classic is closer to S3&K in terms of physics and level design than Generations. It's just a game tailored perfectly to my taste and the only issue I have with it is length of each stage.

This is Tyrone. He was Sonic's best friend before he was falsely imprisoned because when he helped an old lady cross the street her purse got stuck on his arm when he ran away (he has social anxiety so though he likes to help people he sometimes feels like he needs to escape from social situations) and he was also Rouge's boyfriend. Now he uses a fake name and hides behind a mask so he can help people without being judged. He sometimes steals things, but only from bad people to help people in need (usually that's him lol). His favorite artist is Jay Z and he loves fried chicken and hates it when people assume he likes watermelon.

>I like that Classic is closer to S3&K in terms of physics and level design than Generations
>It's just a game tailored perfectly to my taste
Your tastes is shit, mate.

Yeah it was ok. It felt weird because it isn't really that good, but it still managed to be fun. Still, I don't think they are going to ever top Sonic Unleashed as the best Sonic game but games like that happen once in a lifetime I guess.

This is bob. Copy and paste him to 10 of your friends or your mom will die in her sleep tonight.

I can't disagree more. I'd rather pick a short game, rather than filled with 90% filler like medals, werehog, hubs which limit your mobility and story which is just a manual instead of actual story. Forces is also WAY less linear than Unleashed.


I said "closer to S3&K than Generations", not that it was perfect recreation like Mania.

>Forces is also WAY less linear than Unleashed.
>literally the most linear boost game fucking ever
>no alternate paths at all, all of the different ways you can go just converge into the main path literally 5 seconds later
Literally what the fuck are you talking about? Did you even play Unleashed?

but Forces controls worse than Generations

I get where you are coming from, but to this day I still replay SU daytime levels. Less than one week after finishing the game I can't fandom replaying any Sonic Forces level, especially outside level 26 (which you can finish in under a fucking minute).

As for more linear, I don't know, but the linear path in SU's levels is far far more interesting than anything in SF and controls better.

He's right you know.

It's not shit, nor great; it's "meh"/

They already have Pagoda West.

Because Sonic Rush is regarded as one of the best Sonic games.

But everyone hates Boost for some reason.

Sega is getting mixed messages considering none of them are consistent.

It's disappointedly meh.

It's Lost World all over again.

I am criticizing Unleashed here, not praising Forces. And yes, I played Unleashed. I remember those long stretches of running without any alternate paths.
For fast Modern - I agree. I disagree for slow Modern (he can turn around now without falling into a pit) and Classic.
I miss drifting, but it's not enough to outweight pros Forces has over Generations like more 3D, story which exists, Wispons, slightly less nostalgia pandering and final boss which isn't complete shit.

I saw a video somewhere that shows Forces Classic can do exactly that pic in game. Wish I saved it.

>You'll never escape from Null Space!

10 seconds later

>Hey Buddy, lets get out of here!

well yeah but maybe we should stop being happy with those standarts

>I am criticizing Unleashed here, not praising Forces
With blatant falsehoods. Unleashed doesn't go as path crazy as the classic games or even Generations, but it has far more path variation than fucking Forces does which literally does not have any, they're not even shortcuts in Forces, they literally pull you to the side and then bring you back in immediately, and anything even resembling an alternate path in Forces only shows up in like 3 stages out of fucking 30. Forces is by far the most linear boost game.

Those lyrics are fuckimg stupid too. If you're next to me then of course I'm also next to you, dumbfuck.

5/10 at best