Best weapon type?
Really enjoy Odachi from dlc but people say it's shit, Spears - better.
Also, Nioh thread.
Best weapon type?
Spear and 1kat can easily carry you through the whole game.
im trying to gitgud with chain-sickle
Kertanner long knife a few inches from the ground every run and I regret nothing.
Probably the most fun one.
I'm playing it for the first time. What's the recommanded setup? Best stats?
Also is there no anti aliasing settings? Damn it Tecmo..
Great port otherwise, I guess Sup Forums is once again wrong.
1 kat is the least fun when you're bad and the most fun when you're gud.
do u even kusarigama?
Stats depend on what weapon you use, and you can use a reincarnation book to redistribute your points if you're unhappy at a later time.
You'll need good body, stamina, strength, etc later in the game for better armor.
I use a lot of spirit and magic so I keep those high as well.
Just make sure to level up as much as you can.
Low stance katana is lightning fast and versatile when you spec and gear right. You can dodge and punish between every attack in the game; all you need to know is the timing and sweet spot positions. Even if something can kill me with one mistake I still find myself toying with them.
It also does fuck all damage past WotS.
Thanks. So armor is good in this game?
I always played Souls with minimum armor and I prefer being light for the full Ninja Gaiden experience
Speaking of which, Ninjutsu or Onmyou?
The answer is to bring TWO 1KATS with different elements and discord the fuck out of everything.
1kat is for big numbers not element chip. Besides 2kat, Kusa and Tonfa are much better at that.
I'm gonna try this shit with Raikiri and the Nami Oyogi Kanemitsu.
You can really only take advantage of it on the later difficulties when enemies sponge it up. But as soon as something is broken they just lie there and ahegao as you pound into them until they die.
I like the game but gonna have to disagree on it being a good port. Had to do a bunch of silly shit to get the game to actually run, then some more shit to get it to stop crashing every time I kill an enemy. It runs fine now for the most part, but it still crashes sometimes when I finish a mission (thank fuck for it auto saving).
I feel like it's going to be unpopular forever on PC because the average pleb doesn't want to spend 2 hours troubleshooting why their game doesn't work.
>but people say it's shit
Don't listen to the tards, user. Idaho is gamebreakingly good.
>mfw didn't even realise Odachi/tonfa were DLC
There's absolutely no hint of that being the case in the Complete edition, they all drop in the first level.
I dunno user, it just werks.
I'm even playing it using Steam in-home streaming 60 kilometers away on my toaster and it's working flawlessly.
reminder to use reshade SMAA + HDR to make the game look better with a minimal performance hit
Seems to work fine for some, and not fucking work at all for others. That's pretty much the definition of being a sloppy port.
Hopefully they'll release a patch eventually.
Turning off AO and dropping shadows to medium fixed all performance issues for me.
The actual biggest issue is that multiplayer is currently region locked via Steam download server.
Seems to me everybody keeps leaving out what operating system they're using when they're experiencing problems.
I strongly suspect Windows 10 is fucking people, because I'm running 7 and the game runs great.
I tried pretty much everything but 2kat and axe, but nothing comes even close to how good it feels to use a spear. Pokes from a mile away? Here they are! Lightning fast short range combos? Got'em! Vertical strong attacks that drain all the ki in the world? Yep. Sweeping attacks useful for crowd control? We have got them all!
How the fuck? I literally pirated it and it runs fantastic out of the box for me. It only use 30% of my gpu at max settings, never dropped a frame
Is this like end game Odachi?
Same, just wanted my giant fucking katana.
What do you use 2nd with spear (or just spear only)?
Actually I'm also using 7 and I'm Had to install a specific windows update to get it to run. Then it kept crashing and after googling around for an hour, I saw someone post in the /vg/ thread about changing some settings in the Nvidia control panel and now it runs great, but will sometimes crash at the end of missions.
>reshade HDR
Does this even does something beside crushing the blacks
Also fuck if using reshade is the only way to have AA.
I usually supersample games to 1440p but you can't even do that on the PC settings.
That's my only issue with the port.
>What do you use 2nd with spear (or just spear only)?
I reserve the spot for pretty much anything decently leveled that I can try out and raise my familiarity with for free skill points. Ideally, you want something like a 1kat or a kusarigama for ultra claustrophobic encounters because that's where spears aren't too amazing
Dude, the odachi and kusa have the two best dmg potential in the game, don't let anyone shit on them.
I like Tonfas although I get much better results with my dual katanas.
>Does this even does something beside crushing the blacks
you don't get any of that as long as you tweak it correctly. using FXAA, SMAA, and your choice of sharpening (adaptive seems to be the best) works well as substitute AA. also you can downsample, just set DSR factors like usual and change the resolution in the launcher.
Do people really say the Odachi is shit? They're pretty fast for their damage. They're so fast in fact, I just roll Odachi and Battle Axe.
High stance super sword is pretty brutal damage but no more than the spear or axe.
But isn't spear a skill weapon? I just use my Odachi for smaller enemies and Axe for bigger enemies since they're slower.
Also, do the DLCs include more enemy variety?
axe >>>> all
Whoever says odachi is shit hasnt seen the late game odachi that has innate CTA Strength AA
The DSR trick doesn't work in this game, that's the point. The screen resolution settings is NOT tied to the rendering resolution which is it's own setting, with Medium being 1080p and High being 4K
But I don't really want to supersample to 4k it's overkill and I doubt I could maintain 60fps
That sucks, but I guess there's still reshade.
I wouldn't know. I didn't buy the DLC for PS4 and I'm not past NG on PC.
no, you're misunderstanding the settings. rendering resolution is percentage based, meaning high = 100% of the currently set resolution.
i use very minor downsampling, hence this screenshot being at 2048x1152 (i downsampled the last image i posted).
>chose dual memeblades
>there is an edgy multi-hit move you can unlock
>need to complete a certain mission for it to unlock
fucking shit nigger
At least I chose right when I picked axe.
You guys are confusing me. Is there any benefit to setting the resolution above 1080 if i am playing on a 1080 monitor?
Who came up with this shit? High is native, and anyone with functioning eyes can check. I keep seeing this FUD posted.
Huh, thanks.
Who allowed such confusing settings
I mained Axe/2kat at ps4 launch
I forget what it's called, but the 2kat whirlwind move cheesed through pretty much everything
using a higher res and downsampling to 1080p reduces jaggies. be careful with it though, the performance toll can be hardcore if you really crank it up.
so medium is 50%? 75%
no one knows exactly but it's irrelevant imo. it's best to just keep rendering at high all the time and then change the display res to what works.
Best guess I've seen is that medium is 900p and low is 720p. It's irrelevant because there's no reason not to shove it to high for most people.