RIP Overwatch

Why are (((some people))) so obsessed with creating communist utopias in games to the point where they believe they can legislate being "nice" in online competitive multiplayer matches LMAO, history literally cannot stop repeating itself.

Blizzard might actually be in the process of killing their big cash cow game just to satisfy a bunch of cry babies on Reddit and Twitter.

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Are they seriously going to target people who don't pick the meta hero's? What the fuck is the point of this game if every match has to be the same comp the same strats the same everything all the time? Fuck this game and these Goddamn devs

>the responsibility of cooperating with the team falls on whoever we decide
>in order to avoid being banned you must play ways you don't want to

>Full retail game forces you to play characters you don't want to play, because some asshole screaming at you says so
Yeah, I can see this game lasting a decade...

>Putting this much effort into policing their game
Imagine if that effort went into actually making content.

Im so glad im done with this game before it got Tumblerized.

What's the context of that ban?

>still playing overwatch

To think I was somewhat interested in official classic wow servers. Fuck nu-Blizzard, they will probably ban you if you enter an instance with a wrong spec or gank someone more than once.

The OW team are the only people doing this shit.

>ever playing overwatch

Hey OW players, looks like now is the time to switch to Paladins!

What the fuck has communism to do with "being nice"? I swear it seems the cold war never ended for americans.

is my time to shine

99% of their playerbase doesn't read the forums and doesn't care about your tumblr drame. Fuck off shill/brainlet.

>want to play mercy
>theres already a mercy on my team
>play her anyway
>teammates call me a shitting faggot and report me for not playing nice giving into their demands
>instant banned
>Blizzard Mantra "Play nice; play fair" is displayed on my screen in 40 font Anime Ace and gets set as my desktop wallpaper
>cant counter report against them for saying mean things to me since the ban system doesnt allow me to file reports until the ban is lifted

God I hate OverWatch. The shallow game design makes it a shining example on how fucking AWFUL the gaming industry has become.

Complex maneuvers are dumbed down into a press of a button (Press SHIFT to rocket jump!), alongside every character running at the same speed makes every game feel incredibly boring.

The character design is mediocre at best. Character depth is dumped for sexy looks, different skin tones, or for mass appeal. (I'm a quirky British girl! I'm an edgy Japanese ninja! I'm a dirty Aussie!) They have none of the charm of the stereotypes they represent, let alone anything memorable.

The average person could probably quote the entire Meet the Team videos but people can probably at most remember "Cheers luv, the Cavalry's here!". At the very least they could have put some banter to accommodate for it, but all you'd hear is characters praising each other with the worst interaction being Widow calling a child, because god forbid anything possibly controversial.

The competitive scene feels forced and unnatural. Instead of letting the community develop the scene, Blizzard threw money at it since beta in an attempt to make it the next big eSport. This practice gotten so bad that it negatively affected other game features as QP got hero limits to make it more like comp. Hero balances are made to appeal to comp. Community toxicity runs rampant because of the focus on comp.

Play a match in Overwatch and 9 times out of 10 you'd see the match end with people pointing fingers and whining about how the DPS is shit or how the Tanks are retarded. But hey, Blizzard's trying their best to resolve it! Maybe don't play out of meta or spam voicelines and you'll be safe!

When I pay $40 for a game, I'd expect all of the content in getting it. Not the bare minimum in (mediocre) gameplay, with 98% of the cosmetics locked behind a weekly reward of a few free loot boxes with the option to spend MORE MONEY for a chance to unlock it. It's fucking retarded.

Just choosing to ban people over vague rules isn't gonna go over well. Incentivize it. Give players a buff if they play as a character that matches the other picked characters, or simply one they haven't played with in a while.

this. overwatch really was a flavour of the month. it's still popular but it's just kinda there with no real purpose anymore.

cute feetsies

A guy is good enough at playing Torbjorn that he's top 500 by only playing him. He then got banned because he picked Torb in competitive games.

>Quake Champions comes out next month
>This shitstorm happening

Is Overwatch going to crash and burn?

Reminder to abandon Overwatch and play games that treat you like an adult who paid money to have an experience of your choosing

You deserve so much worse than this if you still fund those kikes.

>theres already a mercy on my team
>play her anyway
This is how I know that you're lying, and why people who dislike Overwatch end up looking like fucking retards.


>people are paying 120 dollars to risk having to spend another 120 dollars because some inept GM wants to take out his anger on some random player

Blizzard fans will defend anything.


What a fucking embarrassment.

You should be able to report people who harass you to pick the character they want you to play.

>Play Overwatch every so often, sometimes take a month or two breaks.
>Low Diamond rating without even trying that hard.
>Always pick what the team needs.
>Sometimes engage in light banter.
>Never have any issues with anyone.
>Whenever I want to just mess around on something I don't normally play, I go Quick Play or custom games.
>Account in good standing.

Wow it's like playing a game normally is hard or something.

>Be top 500 player with a 56% win rate
>Play a character exclusively
>That character is shit tier by all measures
>Game has automated ban system where getting X amount of reports gets you penalized
>Players that are butthurt over this one trick pony report him
>Repeat until ban
>Blizzard employees (granted, at the bottom of the food chain) defend the ban because he didn't listen to his team and stop playing the character he wanted to play

Why does no one point out the basis of this issue?
The game has no dedicated private server system, meaning people can't create their own communities in game. Most other FPS games have never had this issue because the game cultivated multiple communities in which each one had their own ruleset about what was and wasn't okay, and their own moderator team that would enforce it. This would allow for anything ranging from the weeabootique to no swearing christian servers and both extremes and anything in between was fine because people were free to go where they wanted.
Overwatch not having that means there's no community and everyone just horribly "melds" together in game rooms where they play with a dozen other people they don't give a shit about and will never be able to build bonds with because the game offers next to no tools to facilitate it. This also leads to the devs themselves having to become the mods for a huge amount of people who all have different opinions with what's acceptable or not.

>not playing quickplay only
You lost the moment you posted boy

Congratulations on being the bread dipped in water of humanity. The Handicapper General is sure to leave you be.

Isn't most of the Overwatch fanbase just casual for fun players that main Genji/Hanzo/Widowmaker/Mercy?

>he paid 60 dollars to be yelled at by mouth breathers to play the game they want him to play!

>no u
>i repot u
>no i repottr u
The absolute state of Blizz games

Are there any new husbando characters?

How do you determine who should switch to what? Is the onus on the last player to pick a hero? If the game is going to enforce strict party compositions it should just lock out certain roles after other players have picked them.

This. How the hell do people tolerate playing in competitive?

You should be able to play whatever you want to play whenever you want without the risk of being banned. It's fucking ludicrous that this is even an issue.

If I hop on Battlefield one right now, I can pick Medic or Assault or whatever class I want without being harassed by nerds with too much free time on their hands trying to report me for not playing the way they want..

QP is as much as bad.

>If you don pway da gaem da way I wan you to you need to be banned

>I like this character, I wanna to play as this character, I'm good with this character, I don't want to or am not as good with anyone else. This is the character I pick.

"Team gaming" everyone

This goes deeper. The entire game is designed to blind the player and bind their hands. You can't see your performance stats beyond vague gold stickers, you can't socialize in a proper lobby, you can't do shit. Communication and agency are next to zero in this game in favor of random lobby shit with random people with a fucking ruthless match making algorithm that makes players feel as though they are never more than average at their best.

Blizz failing to force overwatch into an Esport is the most cringeworthy shit I've ever seen

I only play Overwatch when I'm shitfaced and want to play an FPS and still play fine. That's how casual it is.

>Hop into QP
>Neither team has a support
>Only tank is the enemy Roadhog
>Genji, Hanzo, and Widow on both teams

QP is equally awful.

I can see where they're coming from. There's nothing more annoying than having most of the team stick with certain roles and have one asshole who wants to play something that is utterly useless in the scenario that we need to combat. But I don't see why they would ban someone for doing this. Just warn them to play as a team when in ranked or ban them from ranked altogether. If you're playing ranked and don't want to work as a team, you're in the wrong mode.

I'm merely enjoying playing a video game every now and then, lads. What's so wrong about that?

Arcade is where it's at. Fuck QP. If I wanted to play objective based shit like in QP then I'd play mystery heroes. Other than that, I just play elimination or tdm.

How the fuck did TF2 manage to make a deeper team involved game without resorting to straight up shit match ups and Q to Win skills? Nobody would blink twice if you're an X Main in TF2 but you're going to get report raped if you "main" someone in Overwatch.

>tfw preorded OW at $60 plus tax

I think this is mainly for the ranked mode, which I can sort of understand why but banning them outright is retarded. Just give them a ranked cooldown/ban for the season or something.


Marketers got me good with that one.

That seems reasonable enough to me, don't know why this isn't in place already. There should be a disclaimer when you play ranked that says you should work with your team and try to balance your squad.

>Completely missing the point entirely

Dipshit got banned for griefing and throwing matches because he refused to switch characters when they were losing solely because of the useless torb.

Get a little fucking educated before you autist fucks start screeching.

You shouldn't be trying hard in quick play what the fuck lol. Quick play is for you to just relax or fuck around with characters you don't normally play.

I agree with you. People who aren't actually playing the game properly and just doing what they want are absolute cancer.

Banning them is also dumb though. They'll either just leave the game forever, or buy another copy and keep on playing once it's on sale (or on G2A).

A low priority queue like DOTA 2 has would be much better since it forces them to get their act together while suffering through the shit that they put other people through; or they can stay there for an even longer period of time.

>>That character is shit tier by all measures
>Be top 500 player with a 56% win rate
>Play a character exclusively

> exclusively

> 56% win rate
> shit tier

so in other words, the character is too well-balanced to be abused for a higher win rate in gameplay?

Because they weren't afraid to make characters individually powerful and impactful at every point of the game instead of restraining them to the five seconds their ultimate is active.

>be an ass hole
>get banned
this has been the norm forever, why are we pretending to be upset about this.

Damage control force, go!

You did well my brother! We must protect the sanctity of Overwatch online! Blizzard won't be able to work on the game if they are doing this themselves!

I'd refund it if I could

Maybe over watch should be balanced enough that picking a specific hero won't cause you to automatically become a detriment to your team regardless of your individual skill level.
Blizzard would rather sit around with their thumbs up their asses trying to force this retarded esports crap on the community than balance there game.
What a fucking shitshow.

This whole politically correct culture is ruining everything. I miss the days where you can call someone a faggot for being a faggot and move one with our lives without everyone fucking crying about it. I'm so tired of Soyboys ruining everything.

If people playing certain classes in certain situations needs to be policed by Blizzard they should not resort to banning to enforce their rules. They should prevent it from happening in the game in the first place. If they can't figure out a way to do that then they should not try to fix the problem by punishing people who are just doing what the game allows them to do.

>this has been the norm forever
not really

>read ops picture

It's like a fucking middleschool teacher at a parent teacher conference who is 100% delusional. It's actually embarrassing to read to be honest.

when I played the free beta it already was a red flag that you get punished for leaving a match

yeah me too
even though I didn't even buy it for myself

Yeah. I hate bringing Destiny 2 into it but when you do the Weekly Nightfall playlist thing, you have to agree to work as a team and listen to each other.

Something like that for ranked on Overwatch where it says if you don't work as a team, you will be served cooldowns that will lead to a ban for the season.

Blizzard is just causing more headaches to controversy that can be easily fixed with something as simple as that.

Damage control because it's the actual reason as to why?

It's almost like people get banned in league for feeding, not staying in their lane, and not adjusting their build causing their team to lose.

It's almost like the same exact thing happens in Cs:go when one player constantly buys the same weapon but can't get a kill and fucks the odds and team economy.

It's almost like how you autistic fucks scream for someone to get banned the minute they post a game you don't like.

Literally fucking kill yourself kid.

>They should prevent it from happening in the game in the first place.
This week in "Ideas guy demands something easier said than done"...

Prove it

>You shouldn't be trying hard in quick play

There's a difference between trying hard and trying at all

Considering they could literally just rip off that system league has exactly for this...

doesn't League of Legends do a similar retarded thing? Where even if you're really good at a hero, if its "off meta" you can get banned?

Thank god I don't play mobas and overwatch.

If it's difficult to do it's only because what they're actually trying to enforce is arbitrary and not quantifiable. They're enforcing rules as they make them up. Blizzard is playing Calvinball and everyone else has to try to keep up with what is and is not allowed.

>a year and a half later
>only 5 new heroes
>less than a dozen new maps
What the fuck are they doing?

>playing competitive driven team based games with random players, instead your friends
all of them


>say "nigger faggot"
>worst case scenario is you get kicked or temporarily banned from a single server
>say "any fat girls online?"
>muted globally for 48 hours for abusive chat

League of Legends is a piece of shit, but at least Riot doesn't pretend their game is freeform and acknowledges the meta exists officially and enforces it within the game's systems and only bans people when they blatantly abuse it.

Overwatch pretends to be openended but bans you for not following the meta to the letter.

Different player, but it nicely contrasts the other end of the issue.


last paragraph dipshit

Hopefully Jeff reels back on this community policing thing, but after that "talking with the fans is scary" post he made awhile back I don't think he will. Getting sick of all the social restrictions that are being made, may as well not even be a multiplayer game.

I haven't encountered anything like bans for not playing the meta or anything, but the idea that it happens doesn't put me at ease. Why the fuck do they not just buff Torbjorn? Or rework him, since he's in desperate need of one.

>Overwatch pretends to be openended but bans you for not following the meta to the letter.
I've never seen any proof for this. Sup Forums loves to outrage over fake shit.

>I've never seen any proof for this.

Literally what this thread is about.

Why do I have to change MY character of choice? Why doesn't my team just change their characters to suit MY playing choices?

nothing wrong with punishing leaving ranked games. you dont get punished for leaving unranked games.

I play QP on occasion, and arcade for loot boxes. Most of the rest of my play time is event shit. Dropping out of competitive increased my enjoyment of the game tenfold.

I don't get what you're trying to say.
If torb on offense is that big of a deal or whatever just prevent him from being picked on certain sides or against X amount of character.

I never follow the meta and have never been banned. Doomfist for days.

Because there are only 9 classes in tf2 and the balancing was spread out better than trying to balance out the double digit roster of shitty overwatch.

I'm glad Valve never did this w/ TF2 since I almost exclusively play as Pyro.

How are people still playing this? I enjoyed it for a while then the staleness really set in so I uninstalled and moved on. I have a friend who plays overwatch all day everyday, literally not seen him in months and it's all because of this game

It's apparently the player base fault they are wasting their resources on punishing people and can't use it to develop more content instead.

It's also one of the only instances. Meaning it's selective and not an epidemic.