Dokkan battle

Dokkan Battle thread

>Shit Art Design: The Game.

Nah. I'll continue playing League of War.

I'm gettting really sick of the fucking world tournament but i really want those tickets, fuck me and fuck you.

I'll fuck you with a knife.

>generic ass mobile shit
why do people do this?

is this a good multisummon

Just lost 4 stamina because w10 decided my pc needed to restart right before the bar filled up and then when it restarted nothing worked so I had to manually restart it again

its a meme banner to pull on desu

Neat, got exactly the same except I got only one Karoly.
Anyway, you might want to save up for Gogeta INT, which is a vastly better card, and also a better banner. The fusions crossover is fun, but the cards are getting outdated fast.

Yes, but only if you have a team for them. You should save your stones for the INT Gogeta banner.

Not if you have SS4 Gogeta or LRs. While only one on the banner is optimal on fusion team it's better to have filler in case you don't pull PHY SS3 Gotenks and/or INT Gogeta.

Why didn't Turles transform?

Pandel,Whirus and Cellza are top tier units, and the rest is decent with the expection of Janembu and Chaozu/Saibaman fusion.

If you have a ssj4 gogeta its a great multy if not then save your stones for int gogeta

>Generic ass gook cartoons.

Why do homosexuals exist?

Thanks for the advice
I rolled the fusion banner because i just started playing and people were saying the 30 stone multisummon was bad

Did I say you could reply to me?


Eat a chode faggot I will drop your dick in the dirt in front of your mother.

How many more tournaments until the DB Saga summon update? I have like 50 summons ready for that shit.

>Only adults appreciate the glory of Japanese cartoons. You must be a literal child.

Wow. Cringe.

Don't reply to me ever again.

did you reach 30 million yet :^)