Are the PCbros enjoying it?

Are the PCbros enjoying it?

Sure, it's fun.

Anyone got any numbers on the community though?

liking it but the 265 softcap is as gay as fuck way to pad out game length,the game was genuinely enjoyable with a bunch of different ways to acquire loot but then you just get jammed into running events in the hopes of getting that one exotic that slightly buffs your power level

People actually still play this?

Yes. Crucible is pretty fun

>that one exotic
and weekly milestone, negro

level alts, or store everything and delete your character and relevel it

Yeah,it'll be a good game too in a couple years

Its fun, just a shame I cant get into the story as much as the Halo games. Still better than Division and BL2 in certain aspects.

Yes. The patch they released this week helped immensely with stuttering. I do hate the fact that you can roll a sidearm as a primary weapon

Comp or quickplay?

You mean Destiny 3?

I mean Destiny 2.5


Comp, QP modes are too hectic and in the end some fuck spawns behind you and you die

>implying comp is any better
my sides

My only gripe is the swords are too op.
Comp is only fun if your team tries.

no you fucking faggot
there is nothing to fucking do since the 4th day

>getting this upset
Who hurt you, anonpai?

why dont the developers make a bg or a map style like battlefield with 30v30 rush modes.

crucible isnt enough for the player expecting more of a pvp experience in a fucking fps game

Sure, for 3 hours each week

I don't know who the fuck thought 4v4 was a good idea.

I just do my milestones and that's it. There's nothing else to do.

I've been really enjoying the game, gotten a couple of friends into and its been fun, completed the raid and almost to the glorious 305, sitting at 302 rn

It is.