Make post or thread about Odyssey

>Make post or thread about Odyssey
>within about 25 posts a sunshinefag is sperging out
why are sunshinefags so insecure?

It became a meme to use the worst 3D Mario (Sunshine) just to shitpost against Odyssey because Sup Forums loves to shitpost about great and popular games.

Fuck off. Sunshine was a good game. The concept was new and refreshing, the setting was cozy and the artstyle was new and charming.

>within 25 posts

Looks like the 2nd post in made it this time. OP didn't say anything negative about Sunshine, just that someone spergs out about it every time. You win


the focus of the thread is about sunshine/its fanbase though. The second post even directly called it the worst 3D Mario. Yeah they are spergs but from this thread i see no evidence that they go into Oddesy threads looking for trouble.

>why are sunshinefags so insecure?
Says the guy making a thread crying about sunshinefags not liking the newest bing wahoo

hey sunshinefag

galaxyfags are far more cancerous

Any good



kids who's first console was the gamecube are old enough to post now

My first console was the fucking Atari 2600 you god damn faggot.
>people honestly think if gen 5 was their first they aren't underage faggots

Worst 3D Mario =/= Bad game
Why are Sunshinefags so autistic about that, what's hard to understand?

>make a valid criticism of Odyssey
>retards screech at you and call you a sunshinefag

I see more Odysseyfags bitching about sunshine fags than the opposite.

>not 3D Mario land being the worst
Drink bleach you failed abortion

Sunshine was the best 3d Mario.


I meant "is."