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I deman a cat goddes card!.
It has buxom female characters.
>Asuka isn't wearing panties
B-but Asuka is supossed to be pure.
She fucks Homura on a regular basis.
When is the water one coming to PC? Do the devs hate money? I'm forced to buy other games instead.
They need to make a Battle Raper but with Senrans raping each other.
Mods? Mods? MODS? Where are the mods to delete those fucking threads. I wouldn't complain if it was one or two per week. BUT IT'S EVERY SINGLE TIME. You can't get into Sup Forums anymore without a shitty Senran thread anymore.
Go circlejerk on your /vg/ general please. It's there for it.
So what is the gameplay of this series? All I ever see in these threads is waifu shit.
Terrible games that only sell because of fanservice
Three schools of "ninjas" fighting each other and as they fight their clothes get damaged.
The games survive on fan service.
Yuyaki a besterino
>the series will never return to this level of quality
It's the most terrible thing imaginable. Spam one button mindlessly and after enough hits the girls clothes will fall off.
The thing is It's bad. Play after you fap, and you'll find no enjoyment on this trash. Watch hentai and buy a decent game and you're good to go.
Loved doing the 3ds versions while doing cardio. Could keep me going at a high speed for over an hour.
The titties and the fast combat are good for testosterone.
I couldn't fap to it desu.
It's censored and censorship kills my erection.
>It's censored
The only thing I remember being removed was character ages.
Discreet nopan is best nopan.
Gods, the Senran Kagura fanbase is consisted of the most autistic virgins imaginable. Actually, I can't even imagine, it's too hopeless for me to even try.
I want Re:Newal to be released so we can have more 7EVEN news.
Most are simple beat em ups, similar to Warriors games.
>autistic virgin
Huh. Guess that's my queue to hop into bed with my wife. kys.
>Let's discuss Shitran Shitgura
No, you guys will dump the same images as always, and say how you losers wants to be inside imaginary and shitty girls with fake tits. There isn't a single decent person on the entire fanbase, and you guys know it. Go back to /vg/
Musou games are better than SK could ever hope to be.
Why is everyone so hostile today?
Senran is a shitty musou that sells on fanservice. Of course normal musous are miles better than Sk games. Normal people aren't fooled by games that try to cover their mediocreness with fanservice. Actually, mediocre is being too gentle with a series as bad as this one.
It's just one user who writes the same shit on every senran thread he finds.
Because one retard began to spam Senran Threads again. No one complain when it's two or three Senran Threads per week. But this is the third one today.
Can you weebs stick to your trash /vg/ threads? No one actually plays this anime trash here. If I wanted to jerk off I would not be playing video games while doing it.
Try again, fag. If you think only one person dispised this garbage and it's community, you are delusional.
>Why isn't everyone shilling my waifushit reeeee
let's play spot the normalfag
let's spot the virgin who comes here to dump the same images every single day.
>virgin calls other virgin a virgin on an imageboard for virgin weebs
>for virgin weebs
Not anymore, it isn't
like this?
I still want Asuka to step on my crotch and dom me.
Go dump images on your general on /vg/.
Meowbi is truth
And how many are there
I wish the gameplay was just a little more ambitious than it is. The combo > finisher > aerial rave loop is fundamentally sound enough on paper to elaborate upon but the series is content being this budget character action thing that, with just a little tweaking, could at least be genuinely decent. I think Valkyrie Drive has the right idea with the Phantom system both allowing options for aerial raves and rewarding exploitation of the system with boosts to your attack strength. It's a nice step in building upon SK's mechanical base and I'd like to see the series do a little more like that. Yeah, it coasts on fanservice but it wouldn't be hard to make this series just a bit more solid than it already is.
>Yeah, it coasts on fanservice but it wouldn't be hard to make this series just a bit more solid than it already is.
But why bother improving when you CAN coast on fanservice with a tiny, niche fanbase?
Quien quiere sopa?
sopa de homura, que delicia!
>I wish the gameplay was just a little more ambitious than it is. The combo > finisher > aerial rave loop is fundamentally sound enough on paper to elaborate upon but the series is content being this budget character action thing that, with just a little tweaking, could at least be genuinely decent
They should use the SK2 system again where they had the Shinobi Chain system. At the end of a combo you press neutral A to do a Shinobi Chain which is just like an aerial rave from the other games or you can press A with a direction to do a dash instead of the chain. It's very simple but adds more depth and decision making to combat.
I'd also like more special moves. SK2 had special moves that are activated by pressing attack during sprint and EV hadl dashing attacks.
Well, when you've got a deal as good as SK I suppose there's a point to that. They were hoping that Skirting Shadows would sell even 30K. Fast forward a few years and the whole series is approaching 2 million copies sold. This series was a hell of a fluke so they'll probably milk it for as long as they can, as cheaply as they can.
>game literary unplayable because of Yumi alone
I have never played one of these games and I never will. And yet I love coming into these threads to bust a nut. Thanks, Sup Forums.
Yumi's fine to play as but I have a fetish for freezing enemies. Thankfully, best girl can also do that so I don't have to settle but I still don't dislike playing as Yumi. Most Senrans are fine to play as, save heavies like Yomi and Yozakura on EV.
>pc fats buying games
It took 6 years to reach 1.6M. At least another year until 2M.
Lol, SK has always been infantile trash that sold based purely on TnA. The actual gameplay is almost never talked about.
You should work on your reading comprehension.
I'd rather work on being dead.
You have so much to live for, if you die you won't be able to play Peach Beach Splash.
I don't know what you have against me acknowledging that SK has sold FAR more than anyone expected it to but okay.
Will she ever actually get a nice hard dicking or will she just be yearning forever?
Does she really care about the dicking? I mean, there's probably more painful things she'd rather endure.
Why does every girl pale in comparison to Haruka
Because you want a mommy gf.
>Latest game still uses same, outdated 3D models
I think this franchise is dying
I just want to be stepped on by a giant Haruka, is that so much to ask for
Femdom is wonderful and Haruka is one of the best suited for it
sopa de homura, uma delicia
I'm really hoping Re:Newal is a last hurrah for the engine and Seven is a turning point. SK2 is still the best looking game in the series, though.
naughty_face tag
Haruka is a miracle of the universe. I want to marry her.
She wants to be treated like a dog, I supposed she wanted to be fucked, hard?
It's all sexual for her anyway.
Where do you these cards come from? Seems like there's a new one every day.
The internet
Damn, Asuka is so cute.
It's no contest. The only thing wrong with her is her cornet hair.
I mean just look at her, she exudes lewdness with everything she does
Even something innocent like a picnic carries erotic undertones when it's with Haruka
Fuck you, the curls are amazing
Japanese equivalent of lootboxes
What fetish would you call this? It suddenly makes sense to me and I need more.