Anyone else hate it when Sup Forums shills shitty games on the board?

Anyone else hate it when Sup Forums shills shitty games on the board?

Tired of seeing the following

Dark Souls 2/3
And worst of all, Overwatch

Get better taste and stop playing these shitty games.

Maybe they should go to their generals?

Xenoblade 2 = GOTY


I agree with the rest though.

dumb Aqua poster

>every single thread about a game I don't like are shills
shit bait, shit thread

DOA faggots legit need to fuck off, pure general cancer that pertains nothing but the same exact image/webm dumps

aqua a shit you fucking faggot

>MMO combat
>Not shitty

>keep promoting shitty games day after day
>not shilling

post aqua booty

Use the filter

You didn't even mention Neptunia, they don't even talk about the game. The threads always have about 50IP's and just talk in memes.

Worst case of samefagging ever.

just stopping by to say Metal Arms is shit and is being nostalgiafagged over hard

reminder it literally one faggot who uses anime reaction images and its the same fag who shits up threads with those images.

True, i forgot.

It seems the common element is that weebs are the cause of shitty threads.

>implying the combat is the main draw and not the world exploration


Kill yourself


I'm tired of the Shilling Nintendo gets here

What's YOUR taste then, OP? What are games you want to see?

I'll take the FFXIV gameplay over FFXV any time of the day thanks

no thanks
Oblivion is just as shit for the same reason; nostalgia bias is real
Metal Arms is budget R&C and R&C isn't exactly great either

I'm playing Civ 4 atm and would prefer if there were more threads for that.

>I'll take shit over more shit

>Aqua poster is almost as dumb as his waifu

I guarantee i make more money than you. You think i even watch this piece of shit show when i could have merely saved the pic as a reaction image? Call me dumb again I'll fuck you up no joke, I ain't playin

Imagine being such a worthless fuck you care about others' taste in games instead of just playing video games you like

good taste friend

>don't talk about all these great games


What ever you say dumb aqua poster.

>Imagine being such a worthless fuck
>Says a guy posting on Sup Forums on a Saturday night

Blizzard shills are actually payed to be here. XIV shills are just faggots. Both of those games should be exclusively moved to /vg/

bad BAD taste

Do you have any solid proof to back up either of those claims?

Shut the FUCK UP, Aqua.

I don't care if aqua is dumb, she is cute. CUTE!

How is Overwatch shilled here? This board has had an irrational hatred of the game since it came out and shitposts the threads to oblivion whenever they pop up

why is anime so trash senpai?

and why is vidia gays so much better

>anyone hate it when people talk about video games on Sup Forums?

Stop making threads on it then and do everyone a favour

I suppose the idolm@ster threads are shilling to you too despite them not even being sold in this hemisphere?

Intelligent Aqua poster.
Keep it up.

>Intelligent Aqua poster.
now user

that's impossible

Yeah, real convincing there Aquaposter

I work at blizzard and square.

I've literally never made a thread for Overwatch. Sometimes I post in the threads, but that's mostly to bitch about it's horrendous balancing. Honestly, that's what most people do in the threads that aren't shitposting, so I don't know how that quantifies as shilling

Cry me a river bitch

Aqua is smart.