>no saturday thread


Other urls found in this thread:

ghost recon wildlands and nioh
the secret teachings of all ages
beer and coke
on a month break

also smoking dat ganj blaze it faggots

mlb the show 17

finishing bojack horseman tonight

the band mono

malazan book of the fallen the reaper's gale

had taco bell

monster and coffee




CSGO for a while, I might go back to FFIX now
Just seen The New World, wee bit pretentious but it's a Terrence Malick film
Fuck all
Tea, tea and more tea
Emergence by ShindoL and random Tanabe Kyou doujins
Only a few weeks left of my accounting internship.
It'll be tough leaving but I've definitely enough money now to last me until uni's done

Some Splatoon 2 and Guilty Gear Xrd.
I don't really listen to music
besides posts on Sup Forums nothing
probably done eating for today
Dr. Shasta. Sometimes you get a good pack of Dr. Shasta and the soda tastes like cherries. I got a good pack.
nothing atm. recommend me something
Pretty good
Once I finish up cleaning up my house I'm getting on some PJs and playing some vidya. Nothing more comfy then some PJs.

FFX Remastered
Dropkick Murphy
100% beef pigs in a blanket
No, got an ingrown hair I tore out earlier today, hurts like hell right now
Fuck no, its colder than a trap witches balls here


what happened to shindol to make him draw the things he does

Killing Floor 2 and maybe some Endless Space 2 later if I don't feel like too much of a lazy fuck login to my other Steam account.
Space Dandy and Cowboy Bebop (fuck off Sup Forums)
Lounge, chillhop, vaporwave type stuff
This thread
Gonna order pizza later
Don't know yet
Not in the mood. Later, maybe?
Kind of tired. I stayed up too late all this week and it's starting to catching up to me.

Deadly Premonition. Everything leading up to the final boss was a clusterfuck but I kinda liked it.
Silent Hill 3 - Hometown
Christmas cookies
Stressed, I got a final coming up soon for a course I cant give a single fuck about.
got a long weekend so theres that

EOV, maybe some Rune Factory or Stardew Valley when I get done
Slayers Next
some /tg/ books and threads even though I've never played one I'm an autist who enjoys reading them and looking at the art
A cup of miso and a little bit of slow cooked pork loin when it's done
chamomile tea
maybe some cute traps later
pretty comfy
>new mulled cider candle lit
>sitting under a nice blanket
>playing 3ds
>have some anime on
>heater is going
>have some nice tea made
>dinner is cooking away
would be 10/10 comfy if my neighbor and his loud fuckboy crew would fuck off to literally anywhere else

BF1 or GTA 5
Pizza drenched in habanero tobasco
Miller lite though I am not sure if I have enough to enjoy my night
Public piss
Annoyed as fuck because my family is here but I am happy that they are moving out of their disgusting house in the barrio.
Arthritis pain/10

Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
Watched the documentary 'Jaco'
Emerson, Lake and Palmer - Pictures at an Exhibition
Sup Forums and some uni text books
Water and coffee
No-nut November
Decent, slightly above my average
Very comfy

>tfw actually hate my degree and every course for it
>finals and term papers dates coming up
kill me

>falling for the no fap meme

Silent Hill
Not much lately. I really need to get on that new Twin Peaks
The Shape of Jazz to Come
Algorithm Design
It's november dude
Cool, finally ordered Nier. Been meaning to play it for a long time
Eh, this chair sucks

>what happened to shindol to make him draw the things he does
this is what happens when you mix a new york jew with a jap

>implying i wont fap like a madman on December 1st

Computer Screen.
Programming guide.
Sexy older traps.

I work in a nursing home, Shasta is what we give the old people

You must pamper them. Shasta is the good shit.

not him but I honestly thought that shasta was just some meme from the friday night thread image that was just going over my head until they recently built a win-co near me that sells it, had never seen it before that

Faster than light
Everything Everything's new album
I had chicken quesadillas
Vanilla stuff

Your mostly gonna find Shasta at Winco. It's pretty rare to see Shasta at Target, Walmart, Albertsons, etc.

Is Black Mage a fun class?

I swear I can't find anyone at level 20-30 of Palace of the Dead.
Recommend me a movie/anime. I'll watch whatever.
Taylor Swift - Reputation
Polkadot Stingray - Capacity
Iglooghost - Neo Wax Bloom
Dan Simmons - Hyperion
Leftover Indian food
Apple juice
Not sure. I've decided I'm gonna cum.
Pretty chilled out, but lacking energy.
Not yet, but wish me luck.

Tekken 7
South Park
Nothing. I could use some recommendations, though.
Chicken wings
Smith & Forge
Not until later.
Bretty good for the most part.
I woke up in the afternoon since it's my day off, wrapped up in a few blankets. So, pretty comfy.

We didn't start getting wincos in the south until recently I think which explains it, I really like it, it's less crowded and the staff is nicer than walmart and it's much better than albertsons where they do that thing where they follow you out to make sure you don't steal their carts which just fucks with my anxiety

doom 4, evil within. fuck EW is hard coz your guns are useless
celeb interviews and maybe boruto ina while
pizzas, fries n weinerrs
took 1 beer to stay sane
not in the mood
tired, i could sleep for a year
its not that comfy when youre always busy and doing shit, i feel so tired and as if im stuck in constant hurry

If you're into war movies this shit is fantastic.

Dark Souls, again. Made a DEX build and I'm doing some hunt in the name of our good Lady Alvina.
Mahoutsukai no Yome. THIS ANIME IS FOR WOMEN, YOU BASTARDS! Why did you recommend me that? It's really good, but I'm afraid there will be netorare in the future, because women are sluts.
Men I trust - Lauren.
Some book of Raymond Buckland. The name is replybait, so I will stay quiet.
Some Dillion Harper movie.
Like shit. Fought for half hour on the karate dojo against a guy who was competing for the same girl I was few months back, now his girlfriend, who was watching our fight. So, it was not just long, we were both trying to prove ourselves.

My leg is purple.
Not really.

I like Winco too but the one that's near me had problem with keeping fruit fresh so I always just stop at Albersons on my way back home from Winco to pick up some fruit.

Breath of the Wild
Nothing at the moment. Waiting for the new Dragon Ball Super ep to hit Crunchyroll.
Bill Maher (queue the triggered trumpflakes)
This thread
Panda Express. Orange chicken and Beijing beef
Starbucks white chocolate mocha
Not bad, 7/10.
Pretty comfy, cant complain. The holiday times are the comfiest in the whole year.

retail wow
nothing lately, burnt out on hollywood garbage
TRS content, mostly the daily shoah
Sup Forums
bbq brisket
water, trying to dodge the 'beetus
normal straight porn, taking a break from traps
lethargic, securing the existence of my people and a future for white children is too much work.
playing wow from a recliner with based synthwave in the background

Sell it to me my man. I do love war films.

probably AoE2HD or fortnite when I can't stand working any longer
probably joel streams while working or The Thing if I'm feeling frisky
apparently this, at the mercy of my yt rec
Want to finish It, but technically reading piles and piles of linguistics and cognitive papers trying to find more sources fucking kill me
turkey sandwich later hell yeah
seltzer water and black tea, my lifesblood
I don't think I have it in me to fap yet again
tired and blurry, like the days until apps are due are just flying by and I'm crushed under the weight of it all. I swear to fuck the hours feel like minutes and a week feels like a day.
Not so comfy, feeling more like pic related

Gabriel Dropout
steak and some rice
Midna rule 34
neither happy nor sad, just existing really

It's been a while since I've seen it but it's about 2 brothers who get drafted to the Korean War. It's pretty interesting. A lot happens in the movie so your never really bored. The ending really got to me thought. Really sad.

user it doesn't matter what side your on, Maher will always be screaming autist I honestly have no idea how he's made it as far as he has, they have to have someone much more talented and eloquent they could put in his spot

Painkiller Black Edition
College football now. Maybe a movie later
Sup Forums
Ordered a pizza from Marco's
Rum and Coke
Shoujo Ramune
Pretty damn good
Gonna get snug while watching college football and playing games

I feel like maher triggers liberals more than he triggers conservatives, and does so without being what amounts to a lukewarm neocon like so many others.
Every video I see now is flooded with "justice democrats" and butthurt bernie supporters

I honestly can't name a better liberal political commentator on tv now though.

Yuru Yuri
This thread
Hot chocolate
Hell yeah, sitting in a big recliner covered in my quilt and pillows.

He's not that bad.. I like his vision of liberalism. He calls out the "triggered" and "safe space" SJWs for what they are, weak snowflakes. He's a liberal but not the Tumblr kind. Yeah he can say some pretty stupid stuff, but he's not too bad... I can see why conservatives dont like him though.


Either Demon's Souls or MGSV here shortly
I don't really watch things
Emancipator+Chillhop Essentials
This thread idk
Home made chicken alfredo
pictures of my girlfriend
11/10 when the vidya begins

I will never not laugh at the public shaming episode he had to do after calling himself a house nigga in order to make that Nebraska republican uncomfortable

Seth Meyers is up there too. Smart and not whiny like Stephen Colbert or John Oliver. His jokes are hit or miss but he's spot on with his "A Closer Look" segment.

>played through hardcore recently
>used my last save right before the red room
>that fucking needle

how far are you?

>I feel like maher triggers liberals more than he triggers conservatives, and does so without being what amounts to a lukewarm neocon like so many others.

Yes, that is exactly why I listen to him. He doesnt cave in to the PC shit that liberals today seem to love, but he's not a conservative either. He's a liberal without the bullshit parts.

>decide this is the day I'm getting out of bronze for good.
>I'm moving up to silver with Alex damnit.
>all I get are shotos.
>my only plus moves are an "anti air" and a big kick that ends up trading even though it's my crush counter move.
>get to ultra bronze.
>get shit on by people just moving backwards and chucking hadoken a at me no matter how much I slap them out of the way or nuetral jump.
>none of my moves count as a reversal even if I spend meter.
>these assholes can normal grab me out of my ex command grab.
>ex knee even trades for some fucking reason.

Why do I try? Alex is literally at te fucking bottom of the teir list in this game. Why do I even try and make it work? Can someone send me that pic of Alex with a gun up to his head?

I really feel like john oliver is better than seth, at least when it comes to raw content.
But in all honesty I have given seth that much of a chance, he just seems like such a wet blanket.

Hitman speedrun, strangely comfy, always found speedruns unappealing and autistic but this is good stuff.
Brugse zot

im getting diabeetus tonight
probably nothing
ice_piss if he goes live, or some twitch IRL sloots
either GTA vice city OST or nothing
this thread
pic related, reese minis, jalepino doritos
decided to try a normal green monster energy sip. beer
jungle asians
>tfw no filipina, or thicc cambodian GF
one day off this weekend

I must've missed that one.. I did hear about the house nigga controversy but not the aftermath. Gonna have to check it out. I listen to Maher casually.

ASMR and lofi
Sup Forums
Nothing atm
Maybe later
Not too bad, could be worse
Pilonidal sinus is not comfy

the actual part he said it was nothing, the crowd didn't really care and the nebraska guy just nervously laughed. but of course the social media backlash was so great that he invited black community leaders and ice cube(?) to just berate him for like half an hour on his show. it didn't make much sense but he probably just figured "okay I can bend over backwards like this or i can get fired"

class/spec and furthest progression, friend.

>I really feel like john oliver is better than seth, at least when it comes to raw content.

Fair enough. Cant dispute that.

>But in all honesty I have given seth that much of a chance, he just seems like such a wet blanket.

I just watch his A Closer Look segment and then watch something else. The rest of the show is pretty meh, and as I said his jokes are hit or miss, but the Closer Look segment is pretty good. He goes into detail about current events with a touch of comedy.
The John Oliver stuff about Net Neutrality, gerrymandering, etc are also well done though, no doubt.

Finally got into titanfall 2. Really wish I did sooner.
bad fanfics.
I have a problem.
Not yet

I should honestly, thanks.
It's amusing how so many Daily Show-esque shows (maher excluded) cropped up right as stewart left and trump took office. A whole handful of shows with the same content competing for the same audience.

Doki Doki Literature Club

Just finished Kyoukai no Kanata, was okay. Anyone got a new recommendation?


Chocolate peanuts



Pretty good actually. Gonna feel like piss again tomorrow but it's not tomorrow yet!

Got some warm socks and loafers, all good here.

Guilty Gear
Working on some Venom setups.
I'll figure out something.
Doom Metal
Looking for a good history of the bronze age
Vietnamese food
Alright, wish this headache would go away.
Headaches are not comfy in the least.

Who do you play?

Oh right, I do remember the Ice Cube stuff too.. pretty embarrassing stuff. It does take balls to do all that though, instead of simply apologizing and moving on like a cuck.

I also like how he upfront lets it known he doesnt like most muslims since they are the anti-thesis to liberals, yet liberals still stick up for muslims.. that is exactly how I feel. They'd hang liberals if it was up to them.

Exclusively Sol. I stopped playing Guilty Gear Xrd for a bit but I got back into it so I only have Sign. Do plan on getting Rev 2 sometime soon though.

MGSV and RS2 Vietnam
NHL and CFB games
The National
The Shining. I never read much of King outside of five books or so, I plan to work more of his shit into my "read a book a week" kind of thing I've been doing lately.
Chicken caesar wrap
Dr. Pepper
Not atm
Extremely comfy, dare I say 10/10. Wife brought me home a brand new pair of slippers so I'm lounging in my gaymen room, playing vidya, chatting with bros on Discord, and watching games. Truly the comfiest.

Path of Exile, Tekken 7
Lady Dynamite
Die Antwoord
Nothing atm, but thinking about ordering some 'za from Dominos
Gay stuff

No problem. They upload the Closer Look segments to YouTube so they're all there. Definitely recommend them.

>A whole handful of shows with the same content competing for the same audience.

Colbert's show was tanking on CBS until Trump got elected, now he has better ratings than ever.. shitting on Trump sells. Same for Seth Meyers on NBC. It wasnt doing that well now hes doing better than before.

It does make me wonder why there are no conservative late night shows though. Not even one. I mean I guess there's the Alex Jones show on Info Wars.

Makes sense that he's had sam harris on a few times then, who has exactly those principles

I think Fox has the market cornered on conservative television media, so it is a little weird that they wouldn't give tucker carlson some kind of late night show or something.
Maybe because tucker just isn't funny

>It does make me wonder why there are no conservative late night shows though.
The problem is most of the guests for any talk show are pretty left leaning. Not all, but if you had a conservative show akin to Meyer or Colbert or whomever, you'd probably alienate a lot of potential guests. Look at who the conservative party got to speak at rallies and the RNC and that should tell you why a conservative show + celebs is a bad idea.

im going out drinking with friends. Im just jerking off to /ss/ and reading manga before. Leave in an hour and a half.

Call of Duty WWII, Sonic Forces, and Guitar Hero: Live

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time


Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Just had some Taco Bell


Incest stuff on sad panda

Not bad

Just chilling at home playing video games while wrapped in a blanket

>Maybe because tucker just isn't funny

Exactly why.. hes the anti-thesis of a comedian. Tucker is insufferable., imo.

I honestly wouldnt mind a conservative late night show. I mean, the ammo to shit on SJWs and triggered snowflakes are there, but I guess conservatives just arent funny unless it's the online trolling kind of way. Fox News is just angry old people taking everything seriously all the time.

Yeah. Thats the type of liberals I like, but the Tumblr types makes everyone look bad, with good reason.

Good points.. if you got a show that shits on liberals, I guess it would be pretty safe to say that most celebs wouldnt go to them because they'd find the show offensive or something. Or they'd get hung by liberals for visiting the show. Never thought about that.

Although Bill Maher shits on modern liberals almost weekly and still gets plenty of guests, but I guess that is still different.

God fucking dammit I don't even hate comfy but stop using it like this, just include it as part of your FEELAN

Considering playing a shooter
Stardew Valley, started a riverlands farm and it's been pretty fun so far, the lack of farming ground has me planting in smaller more manageable clusters which require less of my time so I have the rest of the day for fishing
Venture Bros, Saturday anime updates
the TV
this thread
Mcnuggets and fries
Pepsi with food, bout to open my first Busch
Good, playing modded Stardew Valley with a controller is max comfy

They're mostly in the online sphere now.
You've got your rebel media, your lauren southern, tomi lahren, steven crowder, technically stefan i guess. As well as your """"liberals"""" like rubin and sargon.
And I don't know about anyone else, but I find gavin trying to desperately prove the existence of god while high to be among the funniest things i've ever seen.

>doom 4
there's like 1800 people online. how is this game so dead? no ones ever in team deathmatch its like you can only queue the other modes.

Super Mario Odysessy, then maybe WoW or OSRS
Critical Role because my faggot friend showed it to me and it's retarded but entertaining I want to marry Laura Bailey because of it
Critical Role because my faggot friend showed it to me and it's retarded but entertaining I want to marry Travis Willingham as well because of it
Might find something to read, unsure what though
Soft Pretzel Bites with Spicy Mustard
Tired and anxious. Work is going to be a fucking crucible this week

Yeah, and Maher can afford to be a little against the grain because he's on HBO, and they actually have a backbone and produce quality content.

Great music user