Why isn't Vert as poplar as the other Neps?
Why isn't Vert as poplar as the other Neps?
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>disgusting cowtits
Japanese have shit taste, can't be too blonde and amazing now can we?
Nono, I wan the tsundere who never compliments me, not the nice, soft and adorable blonde who games all day and eats doritoes.
Is 4go supposed to be Vert's game. the other's got their own spinoff.
She also sounds too yonug in the Japanese version, English Vert is best Vert.
Nope, they even shoot that one down in 4go. Vert's game never.
Can a man not get jiggle blonde goodness in a Nep game.
Noooooo, says the naysayers who don't want 'Senran Shit' in their game about sexy CPU's fighting demons in beautiful latex compound suits.
Fucking japs. Stop bullying Bill Gates-chan.
Old hag
Because she likes men. I mean, seriously, she's the only Nep that is straight and it triggers yurifags.
Wait, from what I remember doesn't she flick her bean to Yuri in series?
she's fat.
Those are called breasts, you're flatness in that frozen tundra knows nothing about fertility or beauty.
vert is a disgusting fujoshi.
She is immaculate, I would actually like for them to show a slob vert, that would be cute.
Because Japs have terrible taste.
See any Japanese character poll ever.
She regularly locks herself in her room to grind MMOs and flicks the bean to incest BL eroge while camping.
Vert is a stinky fujo who posts on @chan about boys kissing.
She needs to go back to being lesbian for Iffy like in the first game.
All that tells me is she is a stinky NEET, and therefore would accept other stinky NEETs, like me.
VertxNepgear 5ever.
Unless you're tongue kissing your brother or giving her loot, Vert doesn't want anything to do with you, peasant.
Sorry pal, Nep needs to constantly harass TsundereHeart, never embracing pillow heaven with Vert.
>Low testosterone
>Is 4go supposed to be Vert's game.
Do not say such horrid things, if Vert wasn't straight she wouldn't look like Yuri in the first place, meaning I have a chance.
Uni must be alone. It's a family tradition.
The Nep dub is surprisingly alright.
Fags with low testosterone can't appreciate Vert.
Post more of her to scare them away before someone starts posting FlatHeart or Cfw trick Porn.
Sure. Loweecons can fuck off.
Uni pads her breasts, so she can become Vert's new sister.
She's poplar in the west.
Should have been there at Animu Expo this year to see Tsunako and Mizuno tilt their heads when Vert was shown.
Is there a video of this?
Unfortunately, you couldn't do any recordings during the QA. My bro tried recording and security told him to put it down or get out.
He also tried audio recording but ended up sounding like shit. So you'll just have to take my word for it.
japs are all pedophiles, so they can't appreciate grown women like Vert
ironic weeb bait just like your """games"""
>mfw low testosterone and still like mega melons but don't like Vert
She's just a bad character. Purple Heart superior oppai.
tits too big
>Leanbox One X runs full 4K, 60NPS (neps/second)
>fully compatible with Leandows 10
>state-of-the-art DirectVert 12
dumb frogposter
She's my favorite Nep. I wish she were my older sister.
I like her, but she's not Iris Heart
You just want to cuddle those breasts don't you user...
I can't blame you
I want to lay in her lap while we play video games all day and night.
I'm a lolicon at heart.
Just saw you on a loli thread. You an individual with wide variety of taste
see but I can appreciate a good pair when they're on a good character.
Sonichu x neptunia when I'd buy a nep totem
Sup Forums is full of fags, not surprising
I think Vert is about as cute as a dudebro.
What is the point of this video game franchise?
>post R34 2hu while asking what the point of Nep is
>Having two boobyful posts next to each other
Like poetry it is.
>N*ptunia series
Fucking kill yourself, pedophiles.
Hi. How are you? I am fine.
I have never played a nep game before. I like action games and good music. Will I like 4 goddesses online?
Thank you.
>Unironically censoring Neptunia
Do you like boobies, do you like beautiful women killing things?
Do you like video game references?
If yes, you will like the game.
What's the best Nep game if I just want to masturbate?
You most likely won't be disappointed with the music. Combat may feel clunky if you are used to western games combat, but if you already played God Eater, MonHun, Sword Art Online Hollow Realization, you'll probably like 4GO.
And if you want an ironic reply, see this user:
The one that puts you in a prison cell, pedophilic fuck.
its weeb garbage don't bother
Confirmed for never playing Neptunia.
Autist spotted. Have your (You)
Please don't delet thread.
Post more Vert, not disgusting inflation rape fetish.
>expecting any less but brain damage from touhoufags
Last I check, dudebros aren't gorgeous blonde with huge knockers.
Friends with benefits bro.
Vert a shit
How can Vert even compete?
By being polite and not being and ADHD riddled pudding gremlin.
Come on user, you are memeing harder than Neptune
>"Muh imouto"
How is Vert not polite?
Vert is quite ADHD when it comes to the imouto issue.
is big neps game worth it?
Why are Neps popular? Their games are awful
Me as well, I have the steam release and am a sucker for stable console ports, is this version good, as I haven't played v2 yet, need to finish rebirth 3.
They're teh best turn based console RPGs released this console generation
Because the games aren't awful, you mind has just been made by trolls who never played the games and don't know whatthey are saying.
It's worth if you never played VII, else wait for a sale.
When your competition is FFXV...
It's just VII with a VR waifu sim added.
So yes.
Can I enjoy VR waifu with VR or do you need the attachment for it?
Vert invites her friends over for a party, then hides in a secret room playing MMOs and kissing BL posters while they do all the work.
XV wasn't turn based.
headset is optional but it's not worth it, you don't interact with them, it's just a fucking cutscene you can move around in
Don't need VR equipment.
I wouldn't say the best when Persona 5 exists, but Neptunia VII is certainly one of the best turn-based RPGs of this generation.
>Persona 5
>Tales of
>YS Bugs
>Cold Steel
>more random shit
HAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHhaha. ha ha ha...
Okay user... you win this round.
>Because the games aren't awful
If the games aren't awful then why does no one ever discuss them? Why is every single thread a porn dump?
well by that definition Nier Automata and Persona 5 are absolute garbage