15th Anniversary Return Home Campaign is happening.


Is anyone here playing?

Other urls found in this thread:



>Campaign Period: Sunday, November 12, at 7:00 a.m. (PST) to Sunday, December 31, at 6:59 a.m.

In the Adventurer Gratitude Campaign, we're showing our deepest gratitude to everyone enjoying the world of Vana'diel by giving away up to four special items to players just for logging in.

These rewards include items to support recent returnees and vouchers that people who have been playing for a while will surely appreciate.

Players will be able to receive all the goodies just by logging in for four of the seven weeks the campaign is running, so even the most casual of players has ample time to reap the rewards!

>First Login:
>Second Login:
>Third Login:
>Fourth Login:

Don't miss out on the Echad Ring tomorrow.

For anyone wanting to get back into the game and having problems with POL updates, use the patches from this site:


He's got a guide, too, if you're not sure of what to do with the files after you've downloaded them.


I never played this one before. Is it fun?

It's a nice game.

I think if you're used to newer MMOs, there are quite a few things in FFXI that will surprise you due to the game being made in a period where not a lot of MMO design was so set in stone.

Give it a spin, you might like it.

Lol no

Okay so you buy the game and pay a monthly fee right


It's really limiting, but it's there.


They've also got a sale going for the full game with all expansions.

So what is the main endgame content like now?
Should I just use my old character (I stopped pplaying during WotG then came back for abyssea and left untill now so I do have a few level 99 jobs) or is starting a new one worth it? what is the most populated server now? what is the main hub city nowa days?

You could go either way on the character. Depends on whether you want to replay older storylines or not.

Endgame these days is a lot more open, but is still quite challenging. Ambuscade is a popular choice right now, as it's a monthly event where each month a different set of boss NMs are placed inside a zone and you're teleported to defeat them in exchange for points.

There's also stuff like Alluvion Skirmish, Escha zones, and a lot of other stuff.

Mhaura seems to be the major hub on most servers right now, as that's where you can access Ambuscade. Adoulin is still very popular, though, as the local AFK hang out.


This should answer any more questions you'll have.

>It's impossible to make your own party since you don't have an ultimate weapon so you lack credibility
>It's impossible to join because every shout wants master level jobs with ultimate weapons.
>Impossible to build and Aeonic because everyone wants Nirvana Summoners to carry them
>No one in any linkshell I've joined wants to run content that's not Ambuscade or tier one escha Nms
>Every party breaks down if they wipe once despite success

I hate that the game is like this now. I'll stick to soloing


Sounds like the elitist FFXI most remember fondly.

That sucks, dude.

I'd play with you if I could, what server are you on?

Back then you could invest time into new players and they would stick around and actually run content with you. Now you help out someone and they fuck off the next day.

No, unless SE has long term plans to keep Vana'diel's Lore alive and going past ffxi, going back and seeing the current state of the game is just too painful for me to endure.

Would a remake of FFXI as a single player game work.
Does the game have enough story and characters to support it.

Easily, lots of great characters and plenty of great story arcs.

I've begun to think that the only people who show up and ask for single player FFXI are the ones who haven't played the game.

I get the appeal, but at the same time I don't think I'd enjoy it as much without the social interaction that came with it.

Is there a way to boost general damage and accuracy to trust lebels during early game?

You could summon a Trust with buffs, Ulmia and Joachim like to use Minuet/Madrigal most of the time.

But for the most part, I think you just want to release and resummon them after every level up you get. They always match up to your level when you first summon them.

So say you were level 10 when you summoned your party, if you reach 20 they'll still be using level 10 stats and abilities.

"/refa all" is the command to release all trusts.

I wish

>Hi John do you want to gettogther for a ff xi party?

Do you:
>A. Obey your mothers words and get some sleep
>B. Ignore your mother to play FFXi with NATSUMI


You mean like it is now?

That faggot John better not stay up all night with his "Japanese girlfriend" again

Shell's doing CoP missions tomorrow and he better be in top condition for tanking that shit or so help me god I'll kick his ass from here to Kuzotz.