ITT: games you're glad you pirated

ITT: games you're glad you pirated

Pic related. Literally press LMB/RMB: the game.
I have no idea how this was so well received.

All the praise is about the nemesis system. I don't get it though because you rarely die to bosses so I feel like it doesn't come into play.

>not letting yourself get killed to give that one cool orc commander a promotion
It's like you hate having fun

Yeah I admit that part was kinda interesting, but it's barely a reason to play a game.

Like, where are the combos? The combat looks flashy but it's so freaking boring.

bamham style combat was a mistake

>Wow a bunch of zeroes and ones just got promoted I'm having so much fun right now

>wow a bunch of meat stuck on bones powered by digestive processes and oxygen pushed some air out of its airsack and sounded a sentence "I love you user" wow my existence suddenly makes sense I am so happy
You're the sort of person who also hates art and music, aren't you?

>You're the sort of person who also hates art and music, aren't you?

I'm literally a musician and I love almost all forms of art. I just hate bad games.

>overbloated game with shit tier story and characters

Glad I pirated it too because I deleted it a week later

I accept that, what I have a problem with here is that your argument was shit, the fun in "promoting a bunch of zeroes and ones" is the history you are creating there, using your imagination. It's the same reason anyone plays Dwarf Fortress, just simplified a thousandfold.
Fuck you for stirring shit up and making me reply holy shit

What makes promoting an Orc fun?
It becomes slightly stronger, and then what?
It's not like he'll make for a tougher challenge since all you do in the game is press two buttons which don't even require timing.

I'm glad Sup Forums hates these games because normies lap this shit up and it triggers me. The first one was terrible and I have no interest in trying the second. A cool system isn't worth shit if your core gameplay is fucking garbage. Monolith used to make good games.

It becomes slightly stronger, with that possibly gets kickstarted, starts killing other orcs up the chain off-screen, then one day player finds him randomly, with a bunch of new armor and equipment, and it says something cheeky depending on its "personality" in recognition of the protagonist, which makes the player all giddy and shit, it's basically a really dumbed down "story" of progress, but what the heck, no other games allow this to happen on its own, so people freak over it.

>the only way to have fun in this game is to feed one of the NPCs and see the snowball effect take place

At that point I feel like you might as well become an NPC in an MMORPG and give actual players XP for killing you.

I never said it was the only way to have fun, go eat a cactus and fuck off with this shit, I'm out.

Christ I feel you OP. I pirated this shit in hopes they had improved the combat, but it's still so mind numbingly boring. I couldn't force myself to play it. Awful fucking game.

>I have no idea how this was so well received.
it is about innovative gameplay, nemsis system was new so i welcome it, mad max did the same thing with cars i found that even more innovative, literally blew the other game away because everything in there was new

the gameplay was absolutely clunky, worst than any ass creed, and the story utter shit, didnt pay attention at all

I pirated it then bought it and bought it again on ps4

not the user ur replying to but ur a gay lol

I pirated
> Cuphead
> Sonic Mania
> Nier: Automata
pretty happy, not because theyre shit, but because theyre all good.

Now, I did, like OP, try Shadow of Mordor, but I bought it for 4 bucks on steam then refunded it. It really is garbage. Literally press RMB to win.

What else then?
Definitely not the combat.
Stealth shit? Boring as well since all Orcs can't see you unless you're a below average dick size length away from their face.

Honestly I don't even need to name anything else, because if the core gameplay is boring then nothing else can redeem it.