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>my vermin wins
>I didn't even submit it


quick post new vermin


>mainline tournament
>WC had secret post rushes and its all a meme

This shit

LoVV vs. Psy Guys


Induction vs. Couple of Plane Crazies

this thread right now

>the only waifu not in losers is a pregnancy fetish version of my vermin

A Fucking Rock vs A Fucking Rock

This isn't a skeleton.

this tourney is a gift




people have resorted to making shit up now

doesnt matter if theres a visible bone the skelefags will claim and shitpost over it

>skeletons and waifus have been shitting up tournament entry spots more than usual and winning with copypasted stats or busted abilities hosts overlook
>now an exclusive mainline tournament just to show how "ironic" they are

There is no god, only my vermin now.

3v3 except they're all nutfellows

The skellies are screaming..
The waifus are dying.
On veekends like these..
VFC should check his fucking email.

>Skeletons BTFO all waifus so far
>Can't BTFO a My Vermin variant
This truly is a meme tournament.

>my love wins through winner's bracket against 7 skellies

Name 1 way skelefags can recover from this

who are the most/least likeable skeletons and waifus

He literally posted half his postrush in the fucking booru. That's a major no-no if you're trying to detract from circlerjeking.

>took a lot of time and effort into making the beanboy for the army
>Shrunk it down so i could get a legit army
>Realize too late that it was a waste of time and i could have just made brown specs
Rate my beans

6 Spiders that Got Revenge vs. Super Wrath-in-the-box

Winning the tournament

just quit WC
you've lost the touch just like the other 2 """main""" hosts
this is shit and nobody cares but 2 skelefags
>this piece of shit tournament will end but the actual good kaiju tournament was trashed after 1 round
why can't we have nice things

no he didn't, both postrushes were in the thread

>nutfellow except taking it too far
how fun

She could become the ultimate bone destroyer.

What is this a reference to

All Skeletons are great, all waifus are shit.

Are you retarded?

you, uh
you know that a rematch for the kaiju tournament was posted a day or two ago right


that's not what happened at all he took two separate postrushes during wc9

Have you guys noticed that only the odd-numbered WC Tournaments are kino, while the even-numbered ones are decent at best?

what there was
i know there was the best monster shitpost fight but i thought the last rematch was a few weeks ago

>my vermin will be rigged to win to emulate cashwhale
>skelefags will realize far too late how rigged the tournament is
>they'll start bitching about it
And ill be laffin

Smugafuku is cute!


>wc3 was kino
>wc 4 and 8 were "decent"
good one

t. assmad waifufag
Just root for the girly skeleton gardener or something. Just because your favourite lost, doesn't mean that you should not root for the lesser of the evils.

>A waifu legitimately beats their way through losers and wins the tournament
>Skelefags will now cling to your post as law and whine about rigging

This really IS VFC10.

>implying we'll ever fall another rigged tourney
VFC please

yeah, pretty sure there was ANOTHER rematch for Schoolgirls vs. Abberation Spawn and the schoolgirls won

Counter argument, WC4 was kino

Flagon, MC Frankhurt, and Sabari versus Metal Reptiles

sob is my waifu tho

can someone get a link to this, i haven't sen it

>overwhelming advantage
>barely manages a 50/50 out of 1000 matches

Embarassing tbqh you should never post that image again

Drizzlecaller+Barkimedes+Thicc mats against 4 nutfellows

the most ironic part of of the Wargraav Vs Cashwhale rigging whiners is that it was actually rigged

literally rigged for Wargraav to win

and he lost anyways
fucking amazing

Why though?

best possible ending

>every odd-numbered wc tourney had a waifu win
>every even-numbered one had a non-waifu win
it's /ourtourney/ boys

>there are two pregnancy min in the tourney

WC Host you are under arrest for memeing too much
Case your activities at once and get in the car

so is the kaiju tourney going to be starting tonight? or will that be next week like the rpg tourney?

i saw a dinoswordus loli variant

the psy guys are my favorite waifus

That's with the fixed ability.
OP had a 6% winrate without which is why it took Host 4 hours to film her actually winning one.

>when JJA tries to make fun of you
>when he's a literal NEET crybaby who gets triggered by Rick and Morty

Next week. RPG will be later than next week.

>when you can't find the "kill everyone in this tournament and everyone who unironically supports them" button

>implying the kaiju tourney will ever actually start

VBH kaiju should be next week as far as we know

RPG3 is "probably thanksgiving"

Fight 9
Smugafuku vs Gugumox

>every odd-numbered wc tourney had a waifu win
>Implying that pic related is a waifu

I'm sorry mother and father

RPG is fucking incompetent.

>reading the imposter host as vfc host
You are the biggest kind of retard arent you. VFC hosts's trip is verminity. the shitposter was a salty skelefag,.

6 Inductions vs. 47 summon Emperoverllord

i looked at the archives yesterday
it was a little over 1 hour from when he said he was starting to record and from when he finally came back
Wargraav didn't fight that hard

We haven't seen her genitals. Anything could be down there.

So much for that one guy who liked her a lot.

>Not understanding what happened or knowing all the facts

Find some pills and swallow all of them.

It wasn't back then you filthy newfag.

>implying scorpion skeleton from shin megami tensei isn't the ultimate waifu
>has the willpower of Aegis Scorpion/the stats of Wargraav/the form of Shin Megami Tensei

WC if mushreed doesn't tattle my entry then I won't buy skyrim


>VFC rigging-theorists actually saying this combination of words in that order

It's her turn next!

It literally busts nuts, so...

rip smugplug

>devaluing someone's opinon solely because of their general lifestyle
>showing a modicem of positivity toward the pinnacle of reddit shit

In the fight between cuties, the gross cutie won

That was me. I'm very sad now.

VFC? More like Poopoo Pee!

>i looked at the archives yesterday
But I was there, we waited for 4 hours for our first skeleton champion.
VFC kept coming up with excuse after excuse, but than again you have it all documented.

>the real vfc host's trip is literally right there in the fucking picture
>back then