Is the hate justified?

Is the hate justified?

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They should have just made Sonic mania 2

Yes, because after Sonic Mania, there is no reason an average Sonic game like Sonic Forces should exist.
No, because there are much worse Sonic games out there like 2006 and Sonic Boom.

Why is it so hard for them to make a good game? What is their problem? Sonic is still quite a strong IP, do they really not have enough resources or knowledge to figure out what they are doing wrong, and how to correct it? Sonic Mania was made by a group of fans, so apparently it is incompetence.

Japan can't make good video games unless it's Nintendo, Sqaure Enix, Platinum or Atlus.

Why the fuck is it so hard to make a good Sonic game? Like 75% of them have been shit.

Sonic Adventure Battle: 3 > Sonic Mania 2. See how fast Sonic Mania hype died? Sonic Adventure 3 would be hype forever. SA3 or riot

Fuck with your homebrew genesis game. It's shit and you know it.

Name me 5 Sonic games better than Mania

Kinda hard to make a game where the whole point is running super fast. When you got a character moving at speeds like sonic it really limits what you can do to make things interesting mechanics wise and makes level designing that much harder. Imagine having to make huge ass levels just for the player to blow passed them in under 3 minutes and then you have to make a bunch more stages and not have them feel the same.

Most of the originals. Not anywhere perfect games, but did what mania but almost 30 years before.

Its to the point where something drastic has to be done with regards to Sonic Team. They haven't made a good game in ages. Generations seems like it was a fluke, and even then it was only slightly above average. I dunno man, they just need to fire everyone, and start over. The fact that they let Mania release just before Forces only shines a big spotlight on how bad they are, I'm really surprised they opted to do that. They must have known this would happen.

They're still using the shitty boost formula.


Yes. This has confirmed the trend. Every so often someone will make a good Sonic game, but it doesn't matter because the one after it will be shit.

And nobody cares, not Sega or Sonic Team or anyone who actually makes these things anymore. They have officially run out of excuses, like how 06 was rushed out and if they just had some more time it would have been great, or how Unleashed would have been great if it wasn't for the Werehog levels, or whatever the fuck their excuse is now for Sonic Boom.

When some random furry faggot with no money can make a better Sonic game than the professionals, those professionals should be shamed.

The hate is justified not because this is a shitty game, but because it proves once and for all that Sonic will ALWAYS be shit, and nobody who matters cares enough to change that. Every so often when they see sales dip too far down Sega will get up off their asses to finance another good game, then toss all the progress they made right in the trash and make more shit.

Sonic could have been saved several times now, but nobody cares enough to save it. That's the cold hard truth.

I mean it's a fine game. Not bad but definitely not great. I watch some commentary and some people are retards while playing and blame the game-
>player sees cliff
Every fucking time. The final OC stage is complete garbage though.

I don't think anyone "hates" Forces, but plenty of people were let down by it and let's be real here, there's plenty to be disappointed by.

Confirmed: Sonic Mania is the first good Sonic game to be made within the last 20 years.

Poor doggo :(

Can anybody tell me why this wasn't the main theme.

IT'S the new tortanic XDD



I don't know what you're talking about OP, I'm seeing a lot of apologists saying Forces is actually good.

>6 years since Sonic Generations
>Game is on more powerful hardware
>Mania was made and serves as a perfect example on how to do Classic's physics right

There was no fucking excuse for this game to be as mediocre and unfulfilling as it is. The massive disappointment and bad word of mouth is completely justified.


>6 years since Sonic Generations
You mean 4 since Lost World?

Yes it's a massive step back from generations in both level design and control

Why can't I drift
Why can't I do tricks
Why can't you control classic in airtime after a ramp
Why are both sonics so fucking heavy
Why do I have this shit double jump that barely gives height
Why are the levels so narrow
Why is infinite 3 a reskin of metal sonic

They didn't put a lot money for Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood even if it was made by Bioward because it was just a shovelware for fucking retard kids!
Same thing for Sonic Forces except they wanted to create a buzz with the Original Character Donut Steel!


That's true in terms of development but I actually meant 6 years since the last 3D Sonic game most people enjoyed. People didn't wait 6 years for something WORSE than Generations.

Most are just decent. I don't know why people shit on sonic adventure games. Those are pretty good overall. There's not that many sonic games that actually are shit. But mania is literally a nostalgia cash crab. Goes to the same category as all those 8-bit or 16-bit retro inspired indie games

Very much so. The level design is terrible, the story is a joke and Classic Sonic's physics are worse than Sonic 4's. ST should be fucking purged

3D sonic was never good...

Is there ever a reason to change weapons from the default Flamethrower you have at the beginning?

I mean, not really? But there are plenty of routes and red rings you'll never see because of it. Big fan of the Asteroid and Void wispons myself.

That is the main theme.

>But mania is literally a nostalgia cash crab

Catering to nostalgia doesn't mean its a bad game. Forces also nostalgia baits but its so low quality that it doesn't matter.

It's a mediocre game. But it comes right after a stellar entry that proved that Sega was getting something wrong this whole time.

So having "just another sonic game" like the other ones - even though it's technically far more up to par - isn't good enough.

It's viewed a bit too harshly, but it's still not a good game.

For the fucking life of me, I couldn't understand the logic of the Phantom Ruby.

The Phantom Ruby is able to power up shit, and yet, the ruby itself needs to be powered by something? Eggman built the Death Egg purely for the purpose of powering the Phantom Ruby but didn't think to use Chaos Emeralds?

>even damage control is half assed
They know.
You also forget that the last time they did boost shit people were thinking they were gettting better at it, so when they threw a lost world designer+ 2 newbies they fucked up alongside automation increased.

There was clearly a failure in communication from Sonic Team to Mania Team about it's power

Mania team thought it was a time and space fuckery gem that could power up users like the HBH. When paired with the emeralds allows dimension travel

In Forces it's just a fancy projector that is anchoring classic to that dimension

No it doesn't, but I just didn't see what's so great about sonic mania. Probably just missing the nostalgia thing. Played some of the 2d sonics as a kid, but mania felt like "I already played this game years ago".

Don't knock SEGA, man. Don't forget they bring us Yakuza and that shit's TIIIIIIIIIIGHT.

>he still hasn't unpinned the tweet
god bless that memeloving fuck

Well to be fair
>guys who did it made good ports/fixes to the classic games
>wasn't a shit attempt at making classic games like Sonic 4 initially did to that probably made people praise it more
>it's fun

Why would he? Mania is SoA's pet project, no matter what Iizuka says.


Oh, that's gonna bite him in the ass once Sega does lootboxes.

>Aaron trying to forewarn us about Sonic Forces Speed Battle getting lootbox shit for the unavoidable Avatar addition

Forces sucks, mate. Just admit it. Mania was the better game in every respect.

t. Sega of Japan

This poor bastard. Him and Sega of America always having to clean up Sega of Japan's (and probably Europe's) shit stains.

Then you do what Colors did and reuse the hell out of the assets. I don't understand why this is such a hard concept to grasp. You take something like Metropolis zone, you design about 7-8 unique buildings, you paste that shit all over the place and then you guide the floating highway around, over, and through them in fun and interesting ways. You can take one level and stretch it into 2-3 acts, and nobody would give a shit BECAUSE you blow through everything at lightning speed.

There are so many obvious solutions to the simple problems that Sonic Team has been facing for decades. The whole team needs to be scrapped. They've had over ten fucking years to get their act together since 06, and they still just release a gentle trickle of shit.

Can a sonic fan fill me on what happened?

>Everyone loves generations
>Make a new game similar to generations
>Everyone hates it

>defending nostalgia baiting
Oh my fucking god if only the mid-2000s Sonic fanbase could see us now with Mario running circles around us. What have we become.

I remember hearing a few years back(I think on Sonic Retro?), that a member of the Sonic community somehow got access to a Sonic game that was being developed on the Xbone, and he mentioned that the gameplay was completely different to that of the boost games. Does anyone else remember this?

>sonic fans hating on forces

The game is a chili dog with a turd, sprinkled in other kinds of shit and they will still tell you that it's alright, that guy from Digital Foundry said it was a highlight of the 3d Sonic titles, Some Call Me Johnny said it was all right, it really just shows how much Sonic fans enjoy eating shit.

It's not as good as Generations

I haven't played it yet myself but a common complaint I see is that the gameplay in Forces is very automated, even for a boost-series game. People are also saying that Classic Sonic's physics somehow have gotten worse than how it was in Generations.

>Everyone loves adventure
>Make a new game similar to adventure
>Everyone hates it

Generations had levels that lasted longer than 90 seconds.

its like a chinese hack of generations

iok them 4 years
3 of those years were spent on the OC donut steel

I mean, it's a small $20 anniversary title that's meant to celebrate 2D Sonic in general, I don't really know what you were expecting.

I honestly have more respect for 2006 than this trash

I'm defending a good game.

>mid-2000s Sonic fanbase
I see you're no champion of quality yourself.

Forces is very on-rails, even for a boost Sonic game. The levels are extremely short, the classic Sonic levels are slower than they should be, and the OC levels aren't what anyone would want from a Sonic game.

Only good thing that came with forces

For me it was more “oh my god its like that game i already played” It made me happy

Generations had this thing called "level design" that while were somewhat short, were long enough that replaying them and exploring them was genuinely fun and interesting.