Switch port also being made by Panic Button

>Switch port also being made by Panic Button
Should I be worried about performance issues like Doom has? I know that game is way more demanding, but was that the best performance the Switch hardware can do or is the studio not that great?

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I think considering the hardware they did a good job.
That being said they shouldn't have bothered, no one wants to play a blurry 30fps shooter. I have a feeling Rocket League will be 30fps too.

It's supposedly aiming for 720p, 60fps for both handheld and docked with 2 player splitscreen portable, 4 player docked.

Do people not care about this game anymore on here? I never see threads for it here. Or is there a well populated thread on /vg/?

Panic did a tremendous job porting Doom over.
Rocket League will be fine.

I hope Nintendo releases a Switch S which is 100% compatible with the first Switch and doesn't get exclusives early '19.

They're targeting 720p/60fps in both modes for some reason.

They DO know that docked gives 40% more processing power right?

Nah they'll put out a SCD at somepoint in the next two years. Switch revision won't happen.

The fuck is a SCD

Do you mean a supplemental computing device like Nintendo patented way back when?
I really wonder if they use the alternate mode of USB-C to really pull some kind of eGPU. Which would also be fine by me.



>720p, 60fps

christ, why bother

It's fine, Rocket League is running at 60fps perfectly fine on Switch (I think it's 720p though, can't remember).

it's a weighty idea but it's not a bad one. then two years after that you make a switch pro. it's right in line with nintendo's style but it's kind of a vulgar display of power. I would probably buy any upgrade performance that would eventually come out.

4k fags want 200 gb games to play duty.

>Make cool cars only for select version

Pretty fucking gray psionix. Like always. Fucking up your game beyond belief.

It really should be able to do better than 720 docked. Pretty inexcusable

could care less for rocket league

Considering that the Switch came out with the dated Tegra1 as a custom design I'd really prefer they just release an iteration every 2-3 years.Just make it so that the neighboring iterations ( 1 and 2, 2 and 3 ) are 100% compatible. Especially in the ULV maket things develop quickly.
The step from the weird low nm Keplar Tegra to Volta at this size would probably be tremendous. And together with all the temporal resolution changing technology the games won't even need to be changed much since you just throw more computing power at the problem.
Zelda BotW, Mario Odyssey, Doom, Skyrim and RL would just have more table FPS and a higher average resolution.

could care less for rocket league. why isn't anyone discussing a 1tb system with 160 gb games in 4k?


very doable, diabolically planned.

The switch is a bit weaker than the 360 and PS3 which is why it had trouble running D44M. Rocket League is not nearly as intensive so the game will probably run well. Just expect it to look like the lowest settings on the PC version.

>literally over a decade since 720p stopped being the standard resolution

holy fuck what a fag; ready?
the implication of caring less is a negative and it's faulty grammar to do such a thing. plus this is Sup Forums. you obvious,obvious redditfag.

If you "could care less" that means you care somewhat about the thing. In fact, that means your level of caring is anywhere from "not unimportant but near the bottom of my 'things I care about list' to 'the most important thing that I care about most, even more than my life'." If you "couldn't care less" then that means you do not care at all about the thing in question.

There now you have English skills on the level of a third grader.

Rocket League's visuals are extremely simple though. A competent studio should be able to make a well-performing switch version.


*in docked mode which games aren't designed around

It's a fantastic game but there isn't much to talk about. Getting better basically comes down to muscle memory. And literally every human gets a cool play every once in a while so webms are pretty unimpressive to anyone who plays even semi-frequently.

Even outside of docked mode its better, Tegra in general is just better than the 360, hell the Tegra and mobile form can run Doom 3 at 1080p 60 while the PS3 cant even handle 720p 30fps.

I stand corrected. Still, it's weaker than the already-weak PS4 and Xbone and those could barely run D44M. Rocket League still isn't that intensive especially on low settings.

>Believing Sonyshill lies about Doom on the Switch
I'm at Mission 6 and I think I've had one part where the frames noticeably dropped.

The PS4 version has ran like shit for the last few updates so another team porting the game is probably a good thing.

Or a very bad thing.

It's not "believing" anything. I've seen the footage and the DF analysis. I would like for Rocket League to have a consistent framerate, and I don't know if Panic Button can provide that. And the 720p docked seems like pure laziness

>the switch is so shit it can't handle a basic game like rocket league

Why do you fucking idiots continue to buy overpriced fisher price toys?


Getting 4-player docked to run at 60fps would be kinda impressive. Undocked for two players sounds like a waste of time, much like Nintendo touting it in Arms as if two people want to share that tiny-ass screen.

No one wants to play ps4 anymore either.

Eh, it can be neat for roadtrips. Can't imagine ever using it for Arms though

is 1080p too much to ask for in CURRENT YEAR