>The best first person shooter of this console generation now in stunning 60fps 4k.
The best first person shooter of this console generation now in stunning 60fps 4k
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DOOM supported 4K at launch.
Oh cool, so now I can watch a shitty game in 4k.
Hell yeah! I can't wait for Halo 6.
halo 5 sucked. the only reason why it isn't the worst halo game ever is because halo 4 exists.
That's not Halo Reach.
bad campaign, good multiplayer
>Halo 5's multiplayer is good
just threw this game on like 30 ins ago, couldn't believe how bad the graphics were! fucking pixles everywhere.
could only handle one match.
>halo 343
Where are those player counts 343?
Even reach had one at one point.
Halo 5 MP is unironically the best of the series. Shame about single player and lack of split screen though.
gotta do something about that retard mode gamepad aiming man. the game is more about positioning and map control than aim.
>Dynamic 4K
>Graphics look like late 360
>Dead community
Damn indeed
>The best first person shooter of this console generation
>absolutely AIDS story
>took over a year for the full game to come out
>microtransactions up the ass
Yeah that's gonna be a no for me, dawg. Have a free (You), lord knows you're getting tons of them anyway.
You mean dynamic 4k. Not true 4k.
I was playing halo 5 just now and I just had to drop it and google what happend at the end of the story :( halo I'd like to thank u for such wonderful 4 games may u Rest In Peace prince
Halo 5 is true 4K on Xbox
>Babies first fps
>Game tells you where all the power weapons spawn
>good map control
the only good thing about further halo releases is hd elite models for sfm
Fuck you buddy, Reach was great
Using memes to judge a game
But Reach was kino
>reach is bad
it had the best features for halo, apart from missing dual wielding, moving forward. the bad part was implementation of these features. bungie fucked up multiplayer, and mlg tried to fix it but failed too
What about Reach? Reach wasn't Bungies best Halo game but it sure beat the shit ouf 4 and 5, it also managed to feel like an actual Halo game.
Oh, my god, will you Reach babies shut the fuck up, you're about as annoying as Halo 3 babies. Do us a favor, stop pretending to like Halo, go back to your shitty Roachstation with the rest of your loli loving dick loving sjw faggots, and go suck Bungie's dick with their new shitty franchise. I faggots have up in arms all week since Nintendo and Microsoft been killing your asses. You're an embarrassment to the gaming community and need to be locked inside your own shitty Sony containment threads where you're banned from coming here on Sup Forums and are banned from talking about anything Xbox or Nintendo related.
*You faggots
>No playable Sangheili
You didn't edit your copypasta all the way my dude.
This is the first time I ever posted this, Reach baby.
I'm hearing talks that playable Elites may be returning in Halo 6 since it was an interesting topic for Tom French.
Hi Sup Forums
I've been bitching to a few 343i admins. Accidentally made myself a meme with my shitposting.
Ok Sup Forums, shills, and contrarians alike, tell me why I should pay $500 for a jump from 1080 to 4k.
Tell me why it's worth it on a dead console.
There's just such a small, insignificant difference in graphics, that I cannot understand how anyone can justify buying a system again when the previous one works unnoticeably the same.
I never post there, maybe you should crawl your happy little ass back to you shitty Sony threads and stop acting like a Halo fan.
We have a cockroach infestation in this thread.
>maybe you should crawl your happy little ass back to you shitty Sony threads and stop acting like a Halo fan
Sup Forums baby mad