Needs more GOAT games dammit

Z:BoW and Odessey look and play pretty well.

Want to buy a Switch, but it needs at least 7 to 5 GOAT games to play. 2 isn't nearly enough.

Already played Skyrim, which is coming up. Will Xenoblade Chronicles 2 be GOAT after how shit X was?

How long will I need to wait before Switch gets enough GOAT games?

X was amazingly good.

i hope ign giv good scrore so i allowd buy game


>At least 7 to 5 greatest of all time games to play
Which consoles have you bought?
And I'd give it around 2 more years to get to the mark you're looking for, assuming Metroid Prime 4 and the mainline Fire Emblem live up to the hype

Already have a PS4 Pro, but fuck getting an Xbox One X. I can get almost the same games at the same quality on my Windows PC.

X1X is technically better even if it does have like no exclusives

There won't be 5-7 "GOAT" games aon any any console until year 3 or 4, even then that's exteremely optimistic. I can't think of a single console with more than 3 tbqh

>Want to buy a Switch, but it needs at least 7 to 5 GOAT games to play. 2 isn't nearly enough.

That's fair. Less than a year old and it already has two, so I think it's fairly well on track.

PS2, PS1, SNES, Gamecube, and depending on how much you like Rare, the N64,

splatoon 2 is GOAT shooter
ARMS is GOAT fighter

I got bored of ARMS after just one day. I regret buying it.

I regret buying Pokken Tournament.

>two entirely different games pitted against each other
This is why games media is bad

Nah, the media is bad because "this game is the dark souls of..."

game media is bad because the people doing reviews are often not even longtime fans of the series they're reviewing. The only know dark souls, CoD, Zelda, and Mario and just compare every game to one or the other.

>people doing reviews are often not even longtime fans of the series they're reviewing
thats not always a bad thing, could even be an advantage for a fair review honestly. Not that im defend journalists in any way

An 82 on Metacritic doesn't qualify it for GOAT

BOTW is the 2nd worst zelda though. Does that imply that every other Zelda is above GOTY tier?

It is a bad thing. Bias is one thing, context is another. Especially when things like continuity and self references are made. ESPECIALLY if there are throwbacks. If you're a fan of a series that typically does none of these things the one thing you want to read from a review is if there is any acknowledgement at all of earlier games in the series.

Yes. Especially, if we're talking about games like OoT, MM, and LttP. Any game above GOTY tier has a chance to claim GOAT tier.