Is this the thread where we get outraged over obvious clickbait? Or maybe the one where one guy posts the same exact image macros and Twitter screenshots over and over? I can't wait.
If your mental issues are so trivial that playing a video game can fix them then you were never in any real trouble to begin with.
he should have killed himself for his depression
>declares intention to commit suicide
>not investigated for mental instability
Someone send anonymous message to suicide prevention. let them figure it out
not necessarily.
You can't just be put in a mental hospital for thinking about suicide. Every does it.
This. Sounds more like attention whore clickbait
The small dopamine rush associated with gaming is not enough to eliminate your mental problems. It's just not sustainable.
manchildren everyone
this was true for me too, but i forgot that I pre-ordered both on Amazon and my inner Jew didn't want to an hero before I got my monies worth
After, I just didn't feel like killing myself, not because of the game though
if only the game were shit and we would have one less sissy on the planet. too bad.
yall fags could just say that you do not understand mental illness.
You know nothing wrong with admiting you do not know shit about shit.
Ya dumbass lil faglords you.
I love how the people who get the most mileage out of this are the people who have had their lives prolonged the longest because of games.
Someone got paid to write that. That's the actually infuriating part.
This actually made me angry enough to pop a vein in my brain
This thread made me literally dumber
If only the game got delayed a year
Remove yourself from the gene pool. Humanity will be stronger without you.
He looks like a faggot
>you do not understand mental illness
Pretty sure like 95% of the people on this site is diagnosed with something.
People with mental illness really can't be helped. Well they could, but medical conglomerates do everything they can to prevent actually stopping problems.
What they are saying is, that if someone can be swayed so easily, their depression is only acute.
This is an insult for people who actually have diagnosed depression and cases for actual attempted suicide
>Everyone thinks of suicide
No they don't
Only freaks contemplate suicide, freak
ur rite, let's make the treatment for mental illness a good 30 mins of zelda
Call these guys
what a faggot
If this doesn't make you guys want to boycott Nintendo I don't know what will.
>renewing the effectiveness of his coping mechanism(playing video games) somehow made him less depressed
>LOL worthy
You are a genuinely retarded faggot. Embarrassing.
If a 5/10 bland and soulless open world meme game made him rethink suicide then that life was not worth much anyway. Might as well just have done it.
>Born into this world as a ginger
>In America, not Ireland
>Zero support or sympathy from anyone
I can see his problem, but growing out his hair isn't going to help him any.
yallposter OUT
Comment Section
>Powerful read. Thanks for sharing your story
Wow so powerful
I am depressed too.. Should i buy a switch?
Is that Hitler? Hitler was vegetarian.
I'm all that shit and Zelda and bing bing wahoo didn't do shit for me.
fuck that's lame
If suicide is a constant thought, you clearly need a new hobby to distract you. The only people that I have ever seen that were suicidal had wives that hated them, so there is no escaping that.
*teleports behind you*
*unsheaths tofu*
pff.. nothin personnel....kid
if a mere video game saved you from depression and suicide you weren't really suicidal
you just like attention
the overbearing article just helps cement that theory
what would have happened if he played a good game?
I would beat her so much until she bleeds.
>embarrassment on an anonymous vietnamese soap making image board
please user
The drought of games outside of the holiday season will only cause depression. Buy something that you know for a fact will keep your entertained all year long.
For years I have been on numerous medications of different combinations and dosages, have had therapy, hypnosis, even tried "natural" cures and solutions. I used to have a healthy diet and worked out nearly everyday. Have tried meditation and other such things. All of this and I still struggle with overwhelming suicidal thoughts and a constant feeling of dread every single day of my life. It's crippling. I don't want to be this way. I try everything within my reach to keep myself from falling over the edge and doing something I would regret doing.
Playing a fucking video game is not going to help someone with serious mental health issues.
>tfw we only get once chance at life
nigga just gonna off himself after the 4 hours it takes to finish it
>sets free lab animals, destroying medicinal trials and delaying the application of lifesaving medicines by months
>put off suicide in order to play Automata
>play it, it's great
>during that time get SSRIs and no longer want to kill myself
>feel guilty for taking them even though they're the only things that help and want to stop but if I do the suicidal thoughts will return and there's no vidya to hold out for now
Only if man, only if. It apparently cured him though :^)
I don’t want to kill myself, i want a different life.
More like Derek Cuck lmao
It is.
>gene pool
*tips fedora*
There there user, it's definitely not ever gonna be okay
If the meds help than there's nothing to feel guilty about. You should feel lucky that you're one of the people that CAN be helped by meds. Not everyone is so lucky.
enjoy permanent neurological damage.
literally unplayable, i will never understand how anyone could have fun with such a beyond bugged game
Nintendo fucks it up again.
Current world record is 3 hours and 40 minutes. 4 hours is still pretty damn fast.
Basic Bitch: The Comicbook
More like
>delaying the application of lifesaving hair conditioner for months
>Delusions of Grandeur: The Comic
>setting free animals used for medical research
What could possibly go wrong?
Yeah... The game definitely loses a lot of luster when it becomes clear that flurry rush is the best way to overcome most every encounter
We only get one chance at life, so best squander it doing something pointless for mindless creatures that will just be destroyed if we get our way.
Truly, punk rock has all the answers.
>implying "not tested on animals" isn't just a modern label that lets you charge MORE for a product you've saved on by safety testing LESS
No you felt sympathy not empathy you stupid cartoon fuck. How could you feel what the bird was feeling? How would you know what it feels like to die?
nintendo games are THAT good
try that with a playstation game and you might as well just throw yourself in the subway or something
Society and family members seem to be putting pressure on me. I shouldn't have to rely on it and I'm told I should fix the "underlying problem." I know chemical imbalances are a meme. But I can't think of any cause of this or anything that would make me be happy.
also this, I don't want that or long term side effects, right now I can't even fap at all and it sucks but I really don't want to go back
Too bad that it's broken as the webm shows.
Though not as bad as the 30+ full heals you can have and use in a pause menu to avid every dying. You efectivelly have 400 hearts if unless you set up a "no healing in combat" self imposed challenge.
Imagine being this mentally ill, warped by your own sensitivity and self imposed justice over being a vegan that you self insert yourself as a shitty vigilante. A veganlante.
Your one in a billion bucko what may not help you at all could end up being a miraculous cure to someone else.
But think of it this way. It is not necessarily the act of playing the game but the subject matter and content within it that would more or less ,for lack of a better word, trigger something inside someone.
Some people are more damaged for whatever reason than others. To some something borderline stupid and shallow can do the trick. So quite the self centered thinking for a tad. Since maybe just maybe what you are lacking is a sort of empathy.
You talk about all that you have done for yourself to take yourself and whatnot. But ill be honest i went through something like you and still do mentally. And honestly what has helped me through it all is empathy. Or me being empathetic towards others. Since i aint also ever going to really be happy with myself and since i know that about myself i focus on at least just keeping my health in check with all the other time being spent thinking about and helping others.
So quit being such a fuddy duddy fag boy bringing nerds down. And be fucking objective about shit ya dumb ass nerds. Since you talk about doing and worring about whats inside when maybe what you need is something external that you can affect and bring you some sort of peace of mind like it has me.
But again just a though aint no graduate mental health nerd of any sort but think about it. Ya negative fucking nancy boy.
Is this Cosmo
BB (or any of the souls games for that matter) are better than anything Nintendo has done in 20 years with the exception for Galaxy 2.
>as a kid, all the video game writers were just cool dudes who just liked video games
>now, all video game writers are people with mental issues who did social studies and can't find any other job
What happened to the industry?
>release lab animals infected with christ knows what
>cause huge setbacks for potentially life saving medical research
(((They))) took over universities and poisoned the brain of GenX and millennials.
>>now, all video game writers
But they're not. Stop playing western games.
>it's okay to be a criminal as long as you feel what you're doing is right
brb, going on my nightly rape run
if humans didn't kill any animals they would just kill each other it's the circle of life you stupid bitch
>let me undo the work of professionals because my ideals are clearly superior
I get the sentiment of fighting for something, but why not try improving upon the general process instead of outright ruining what another person might consider to be their life's work
Wasn't the population sample that changed, it's the entire population. Contemporary "healthy" children score higher on tests for anxiety and depression than mental patients from 100 years ago.
Drug testing on animals is faulty anyway, better test it on humans, it's not wrong to be opposed to animal testing.
What are you even saying? Are you implying humans won't kill each other if given animals to kill?
>slaughterhouses exposed
>a guy killing a cow
What the fuck were they expecting to happen in a slaughterhouse?
>vegan high horsing topped off with "men love killing things and are evil"
This is the hardest attention whoring I've seen in a while.
a human life>>>>a rabbit's life
meat grows on trees