Why won't the game let me go out?

Why won't the game let me go out?


1-1, 3-3-3, 7-8-9, 5-6-7, and now I pick up another 5-6-7, that's it. That's a full fucking hand. Why isn't this piece of shit game not recognizing this?

Is it not enough that I need to do all sorts of fucking bullshit in this retarded game, like getting drawing the exact tile I need within one turn? Who the fuck came up with this? Is this game actually FUN for Japs? It's so fucking retarded, the scoring system makes NO FUCKING SENSE, it's like a lazy form of poker with no skill involved, and THIS shit game gets fucking SIX COMPLETION REQUIREMENTS?

I'm done with this game. Fuck this entire series. Fuck everything about it, this shit crosses the line. Every minigame is RNG time wasting GARBAGE, but this fucking takes the cake. I want to rape every single dev who thought this would be a good idea, a game where you can't even READ THE FUCKING NUMBERS BECAUSE THE LOCALIZATION FAGGOTS ARE TOO LAZY TO COPY/PASTE NUMBERS ON TOP OF THE MOONRUNES. Fuck everyone involved in making this, I am never giving any money to this dev or publisher ever again.

Defend this shit, I dare you. Explain to me why this hand isn't acceptable. Guess what, you fucking CAN'T. Because everyone who shills Yakuza on Sup Forums is a fucking RETARD who doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about, you're all just stupid pathetic weebs who want to choke on nippon cock. Fuck you all, I hope you move to japan and kill yourself.

Jesus fucking Christ.

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So can you explain it? Or are you just another worthless fucking faggot who enjoys guzzling jap sperm?


You opened your hand and thus don't have a yaku by just getting tsumo.

More detailed answer:

git gud faggot and learn the rules. You opened hand and cant draw tsumo

Everything you just said and linked to is complete fucking GIBBERISH.

you don't have a yaku you brainlet. At least learn the rules before you start crying on the internet.

>he can't mahjong

What the fuck is tsumo?

gee it would be fucking great if the game actually included the rules to this shitheap of a game wouldn't it

I think that's a valid hand op, I imagine the game is just poorly coded

Yaku is a winning condition. A closed hand would have been a winning condition, but you lost it by opening your hand. Now it's just a shit hand with no winning condition.

I don't know, user, there are plenty of people playing mahjong. Are you sure they're to blame? :^)

nigga are you stupid
mahjong is just looking dramatic and yelling RON while everyone gasps in amazement
git gud faggot

You know poker right?
You need a hand, like full house, straight, pair etc to win.
Currently you have no hand because of the 3 tiles you put in the right corner.

To win a hand you need the 3-3-3-3-2 form (or seven pairs or the 13 orphan yakuman, ignore those) and a yaku from the list. The yaku you could have gone for was Menzen Tsumo, completing a hand on the draw when you haven't made any calls. But because you called you don't have that. You could have gone for tanyao, all simples 2-8 in suits but you have a 7-8-9p.

>that cat fighting minigame
>the shitty boring racing minigame
>the million billion other minigames

I'll never platinum a Yakuza game.

oh and you also had the 1-1m pair, you were nowhere near tanyao. If you're a shitter the best advice is to never fucking call anything. That way even with your trash hand you can call riichi and always have a yaku even if you don't know what's going on.


this hand is complete

but it's worth 0 point, you can't go out with 0 point

if you didn't pick up a tile from someone else discard, it would be worth at least 1 point for being a closed hand, that was your mistake

It's been literally years since I last played so I forget the yaku conditions, but my probably incorrect scrub advice is: If you're going to take tiles from other players' discards, focus on filling your hand with only a single tile suit (man, pin or sou). It's one of the easier open yaku to go for and most computer controlled opponents in games aren't smart enough to not deal into it.

I love this series to death, but I have given up any hope of platinuming a single one.

chicken hand

>download tenhou
>works fine, can play
>now you need to pay to play with the client, fuckboy :^)

What's the benefit of the client?

Are there any games that actually teach you Mahjong or do they all just assume you know how to play. I swear, it's like trying to get into Bridge, it's just fucking impenetrable.

Okay, I'll put it in terms you can understand
A yaku in mahjong is like a hand in poker except you can combine yaku to get higher points
You need at least ONE yaku to win a hand.
There are a fuckton a yaku but you can research that on your own.
Having a "closed" hand means you didn't call pon, kan, or cup
Winning with a closed hand is an automatic yaku "tsumo"
Although you have a complete hand (three sets and pair) you have no yaku
Pretty much you blew your load early and called pon, now you have no yaku to win with
Shouldn't have dropped the 5 and 6 sou dumbass


>Bridge is fucking impenetrable
>every Bridge club in the world offers free lesson and has signs and news paper ads practically begging people to come
Just read the rules and play Tenhou L0 NoName until it all sticks like everyone else.

I learned to play Mahjong as it is in Yakuza in about 2 hours. It was nothing compared to other minigames, such as the no-crosshair baseball course in 3.

watch and learn OP

Fuck you. Pocket circuit is intense.

this hand picked a tile from the discard but

- that tile was a dragon, which is automaticaly worth 1 point (i have 2 so it's worth 2 point)
- it went for all triplets which is worth 2 point when picking a tile from discard and worth a truckload of point when not picking any tile from the discard


Saikyo No Mahjongg 3D is also nice.

Here is the /jp/ pastebin

There's no point playing against bots when you can anonymously play in L0.

Oh riichi is declaring TENPAI that totally fucking clears up everything thanks

haha no it fucking doesn't, kill yourselves weeb faggots

>playing Yakuza
>thinks he isn't a fucking weeb

She's the prime example of

if you’re really shit just go for half straights and full straights.

They’re easy to recognise and fullstraight easily gives you haneman cp

Sup Math Ph.D

anyone else miss the days of janryumon before it became p2w?

>not knowing what chink words mean makes you bad at math


>can google the word to know what it means
>refuses to do so

I've never gotten a yakuman

it's not fair bros

>none in ~500 ranked tenhou hanchan
>2 in 3 games after
Fickle Mistress

>I am going to write a guide for people to learn mahjong
>Instead of explaining what a term means I will define it by referring to other terms in a foreign language
>hurr just google what words mean
>gee I'm awesome

yakuza could solve all these mahjong problems by just having a button that instantly opens a giant list of possible hands.

>MJ rules are baby tier

>assblasted OP still cant win

nu/v/ just gets worst and worst

Exactly. That's how it's like for people who's learning how to code if they can't unto lingua anglais

Because there's no succinct way to describe everything tenpai means in english. It also actually tells you what it fully means if you scroll down the page.


if only the game would explain what the rules are hmm?

>keikaku means plan

just kill yourself

or put any sort of work into the localization

or just not include retarded minigames in the first place

Then just don't play that minigame
>cheevo faggotry
I really want this kind of people to burn.

Except you can pause/look up shit.

Of course you can make rooms with others trying to learn

But it does explain it?

Weaning yourself off the supporting material is the fastest way to memorize anything.

>haha I read all of Washizu Mahjong I'm good
>literally too stupid to memorize hands

i'm a failure

Just don't be a whore and keep your tile virginity.

If you have no chance to look up/process what you did, there isn't much learning effect.

Playing with bots or people you know is better.
Otherwise you're that annoying fucker who takes forever to finish his turn.

This is why you don't play Japanese rules. Japanese rules are teh stupidest most inane shit I have ever heard of.

If you can't explain the rules to a game concisely, it's a shitty game.

Chess is played all over the world because it's simple at it's core. There are only two special rules, and both are easy to understand, everything else is just knowing how pieces move. From a simple premise, there is a large amount of complexity. Same with poker, or blackjack, or most games popular in the West. They are popular because they are easy to learn but hard to master. Low skill floor, high skill ceiling.

This shit and shogi are the opposite. They have more rules, but are less deep. Japs must be literally retarded if these games are popular. High skill floor, low skill ceiling. If you defend this shit you're a weeb who thinks Jap farts smell like roses.

>t.mad coz owning money to the Yakuza

>all that text for this hand

Imagine being so dumb that you spend half an hour typing all this out when you could've spent that time just reading basic mahjong rules.

Did this in a couple of hours by reading the ingame instructions and enjoying playing the game, i can't understand how people are finding it difficult.

How much assblasted can you get?

What rule did I not follow?

Nobody has managed to answer this basic question, which confirms what I suspected: Yakuza fans are faggot weebs who don't even understand the thing they like.

>can't form actual reasons as to why the thing is good

Thanks for admitting I'm right. Now go outside, meet a girl. Or follow in the footsteps of the retarded chinks you love so much and kill yourself.

>doesn't understand the rules
>feels like he's qualified to say there's a low skill ceiling

So did I. It's not hard to win a game, faggot. Assuming the game actually follows it's own rules and doesn't bug out like what happened to me.

I'm not here to help you, just to laugh at you. Now look at my laughing anime girl.

From what I've seen nobody here understands the rules.

>What rule did I not follow?

You do not have a yaku. Anyone experienced in the game can see that from a mile away. You should read the rules to see what determines a yaku.

There are plenty of people who do, they're all just laughing at you.


If you are OP, learn to read, you sacrificed having a concealed hand and now you just have a no point hand which is basically useless, the game didn't bug out, you did.

I didn't ask for your help, I asked you to prove that you're not a drooling retard fapping over a broken game. So far you've failed.

I have all three of a kinds, runs, and pairs. That's a finished hand, according to the rules, which anyone can see coming from a mile away.

So far I've seen nothing but degenerate shitposters like

>hey player hit this button to get the tile you need
>oh but doing so makes the game bug out and become impossible to win

How good is playstation about refunds?

Degenerate shitposters make up most of the english riichi community.

Ok now you have to be pretending to be retarded.

>oh but doing so makes the game bug out and become impossible to win
>impossible to win

>prove that you're not a drooling retard fapping over a broken game
What would satisfy you user?

I have a winning hand, but can't play it because I used a basic feature of the game. How else would you explain it?

you're not posting animeshit so that's a good start

It's not a winning hand. A winning hand has multiple components, form and yaku. You have one but not the other. Before you called you had a yaku but not the right form. After the call you had the right form but gave up the yaku.

Think of a Yaku like a specific poker hand. Like a Full House, a Three Pair, or even a Straight Flush. Mahjong has these hands as well, and they're called Yaku.

In Japanes Mahjong, you cannot go out unless your hand has a minimum of 1 Yaku formed in it. Your hand has 0.

Did you even read my fucking post

Gee OP, i wonder what the instructions meant by this, and the other page giving newbie safe hands, and the other pages giving everything that can grant you points.

Don't bother, he's braindead.

>tfw 2 dumb fr Mahjong
is it as fun as it looks in anime?

Oh and what is this, this is all ping pong ching chong to me

Oh gee if only there was some way the game could explain what the fuck a yaku is

or if the game could somehow communicate how many yaku the player has

Neither of you explain what yaku are. You say that having an open hand is bad, no shit, any retard can figure that out. How am I expected to assume that opening your hand means it's impossible to win even if you achieve victory conditions?

Point to where it says the word yaku. Point to where it says that opening your hand means you auto-lose unless other arbitrary conditions are met. Point to me where it explains what those conditions are.

All you faggots are doing is proving me right.

lol what version of taipei is this
just match the 3 dots with each other

sometimes, lady luck is on your side

>Oh gee if only there was some way the game could explain what the fuck a yaku is
Do you honestly believe that a game has to explain what black jack and poker is, or is it such a common game that they just put it in?

Same thing with Mahjong and the Japanese. Even people who have never played Mahjong in Japan have a general gist of how the rules work in theory. If they were to get a western game that had say Chess in it, they would be fully expected to look that shit up on their own, especially for being westaboos.

>or if the game could somehow communicate how many yaku the player has
There are many yaku that overlap, and at any given time you have multiple potential yaku. It's not like poker there'd be too many options and a cluttered interface.

You didn't achieve victory conditions. You're assumed to know what yaku you are barred from getting when you open your hand. Yaku are just features of a hand with a winning form that provide you with multiplying points when you win.

Come on, man. You're like a guy trying to order a cheeseburger at a sushi place. Spend a few hours reading the rules, Barnicle makes amazing guides. Then listen to podcasts, music etc while you grind out the mahjong requirements.

answer me you weebshits. how long did it take to learn how to play?

Could be worse

Could be


But, yeah. As others said. You opened your hand. The tiles you moved to the side of the board? That's opening your hand, you can't clear out easily that way and is something you only do when your hand is incredibly bad and are looking to go out without playing into other people's discards. You don't see higher level AI do this, for instance. They'll always go for riichi or just straight ron.

About an hour or so? I got the general gist of what the hands are by watching and reading a bunch of Fukumoto anime and manga before playing though. From there I just paid attention to what kind of hands the AI was winning on and emulated that.

Except there are a shitton of guides out there that either break down the word for you or outright use the Jew words for Mahjong terms. So you literally didn't look and just want an excuse to pout.