Diabolo 3

Who wants to buy me the Necromancer and play Season 12 with me?


no one you poorfag loser

Just hand over your bank details and address and we'll be good to go.

sent ;)

EU Server btw

I could give you my Battletag

sent it bro check your mail

go 4 it

Even checked spam folder.

give btag

Depends, are you a boy or a girl (male)?

>get my free set for my WD
>head into torment 6
>squishy as FUCK
>getting one shot constantly

I guess I need those Soul Harvest bracers before I can do this shit.


mid 20s male

like all of you

sent :)

literally nothing

have a momji

sent :)

all of the time you've spent begging here you should have sold something used on kijiji for $15, jesus christ

nothing again

Is Necro even any good? I haven't kept up with Diablo since 2

>Worst souls-like
>RNG-simulator: lovecraft edition
>Loot grinding dopamine addiction roulette

I hope this pic is ironic.

pm'd u the fix


check ur inbox dude

did already

I don't get the connection between these games other than having a dark atmosphere.

sent :)

are you fooling me?

you might have to email jeff about the dlc i just sent because i know te guy and hes my go-between with the DLC. you just gotta emial support and ask for it, and i ordered it under your name, in the reply field after the request, type in RUMMINUBBIN. he'll understand what you mean. ask for jayquan thelonius chaigone for the support

Necromancer any good?

will do thanks

Is the best char meta wise right now. If you played all other chars already, he might be worth a look.
He doesn't play much like D2 Necro though

Me! I will pay for the priviledge of your delightful company and I will also give you some extra money because I need new friends and friends are best bought with money.


Post more

Fuck that game, play the superior Diablo 3.5 instead

is it good?

its free, download it and see for yourself ;)

Is this a diablo style game or an MMO though? I just want more diablo shit, don't care about playing with others.

yes or no nigger

you can do dungeons in 5 man parties, but everything is soloable. stuff scales according to the amount of people in an instance

>mu online
Holy shit nostalgia
I had all walks of life in that game
last i played they had a summoner class in the old game

Honestly though if it's any like Mu online was then it's worth the play

>can't even register because it tells me I already have an account with the email address and immediately redirects me to the main page

you've probably played one of Webzen's shitty games like Flyff before and just don't remember your account

I tried to register with a completely different email and it told me it wasn't unique or valid. I gave up. Must be a problem on their end with such a glaring registration issue.

>no mystic quest with simultaneous light rays, god hand and foaming at mouth
shit list

>>Worst souls-like
Is this bait?

Post lewd Tengu and/or Miji and I'll consider buying it for you, but I won't play with you

sorry i don't play with poorfags.