Any 360 games you would like an enhanced version of Sup Forums?

Any 360 games you would like an enhanced version of Sup Forums?

Not sure how much labor is involved here.

project gotham racing 3
burnout revenge

Maybe red dead redemption since a PC port will probably never happen. Saints row and the fable games would be cool too


Is it up to the devs to supply "enhanced" versions of games, or can M$ and publishers do it?

>literally flicking resolution setting to higher amount in config file

>xbone has no games so they keep re-releasing old games

I would love to jam through the OG Saint's Row again, before everything got so crazy it made Crackdown look like picking daisies in comparison.

There is no labor involved when I go to the resolution option in any PC game and dial it to the max my monitor (or DSR) can support. There is no labor involved when I update my drivers and set anisotropic filtering to 16x in the global profile. There is no labor involved when I use triple buffered vsync to get higher fps than just being stuck at a 30 fps cap. This is all shit PC has been doing since the dawn of time. You'd be seeing these visuals on every game ever if they all had PC ports. Consoles are a fucking joke.

Why do pcbros have to sperg like this every thread? We get it consoles aren't PCs

Yes. The RROD.

>Bought 360 back in 08 and still works to this day
>Bought PS3 back in '13
>Died in less than 2 years

Tales of vesperia
Phantasy star universe or phantasy star online
Ninja gaiden 3 razor's edge
Spider-Man web of shadows
Project Gotham racing 2,3 or 4.

Does anyone still play ultra street fighter IV on 360?

I'd buy it on Xbox one if it's still popular.

Software exists that let you do that easily. Some settings are easy, yes, but other enhancements like AF, vsync, and others aren't always as easy as flipping a switch for developers, especially when the games used vastly different architecture than the XboneX.

>bought 360 back in 05
>RRoD'd 6 months out the gate.
>payed money to have it "repaired" they didn't so shit. in 2 weeks.
>Breaks down and RRoD's again 3 weeks later.
>Repeat about 3 times until I get Disc drive error.
>But brand new 360.
>Happens again.
>Chucked it into garbage can and bought a ps3.
>Never YLoD'd
>never got a single problem.
Still have it to this day.

The failure rate of 360's was substantial.

Same thing but opposite. Got an Elite later though, works like a charm

Funny thing is the elite "Doesn't have RRoD". But that doesn't mean it didn't suffer from it's effects. They just removed the LEDs.

Halo Reach
Red Dead Redemption

No it wasn't, all you had to do was not move the console while it was turned on, fucking autists here can't do anything right

Maybe because those of us who game on PC are more passionate about gaming than the dudebro console faggots who use Xboxs? Maybe because we are actually better educated (hence affording to drop multiple g's on gaming) and know just how much these games are being hampered by being exclusives tied to shitty cheap netbook boxes?

Lad I am begging you to have sex.

RRoD was a fucking Over heating issue.

Reach is my #1 but every halo
Dead Space
Red Dead

And many more i can't think of at the moment

Except for Red Dead Redemption

You can't add hrd to your games with just a flip of the switch. Xbome X has three games and more coming. Bud

Im a pc game too but you can admit the shit MS is doing is pretty rad.

Works for me :)

Ninja Gaiden 2
The 360 version has serious performance issues. Maybe having it on the Bone might improve performance.

HOLY SHIT, THE GRAPHICS ARE...a little better

>triple buffered vsync to get higher fps than just being stuck at a 30 fps cap
excuse me what the fuck are you talking about